The fire, which "was not" ...
He writes igorpodgorny.
Photo: © Igor Podgorny
In fact, this past weekend I was going to shoot kite festival in Kolomenskoye, but on Friday night proved to be a very different place ...
We went in Kovrov Vladimir region.
There, where, according to satellite data and to local residents for several days burning thousands of hectares of forest, and in the opinion of the official structures (Forestry Agency, Ministry of Emergency Situations, the local administration) do not burn, and certainly there was no danger for the people and villages.
We have taken fire-fighting equipment, cameras and camera and went to investigate.
Arriving in town, we immediately realized that the fire was not a joke. Burnt trees (in their mind, it became clear that the site of the fire was a horse), burnt grass and embers in the former buildings on the outskirts of the village without proving that official information about the fire was, to put it mildly, not very reliable.
That is what happened just hide. Apparently hoping that the fire extinguished itself, "something like this».
The events of recent days, we have asked the witnesses - residents of the village of Krasny Mayak. They told how the fire developed, and what measures to extinguish it took the local authorities. According to them, until the last moment, when the fire came close to the houses, there are no effective measures to extinguish has been taken. Moreover, calls the MOE they were told that no one will not come to them, advised to deal with fire in the home. To learn how to cope with the crown fire, which overcame 15 km in 3 hours, the MOE did not specify.
"We packed our things, no one told us what to do, no one will put out the fire" - told the residents of the village extreme home. "Another half an hour and the whole village would be burned».
Only when the danger became not a comic come to the village fire trucks (over a dozen), and bosses of all kinds. Before that, as the residents could "cope on their own" using shovels and buckets (so they, by the way, defended several houses). Took to the streets all from children to the elderly. "We ourselves are not believers, but even the priest called" - told us the people (after the prayer, the way went a little rain). In general, many were convinced that the village burned to the ground (as it was once in 1948). But authorities, including regional, kept saying "anything to help themselves." The television said that in the area there is a small fire, but no danger they pose no.
Solids: forest began to burn more May 9th. All calls residents MOE did not respond. No precautions had been taken (protective opashku made directly during the fire and after it). Information on fire to conceal the latter, the villagers forbidden to talk to the press. In the village burned several buildings (fortunately no one was hurt). But the question people what to do, came the official advised to go to the pond and if the fire will approach close, jump into the water!
P.S. For a very rough estimate, only in the vicinity of Red Lighthouse burned no less than 10 thousand hectares of forest is ripe, and the young. A large part of the forest destroyed by crown fire. And this despite the fact that the Federal Forestry Agency argues that the area covered by forest fires in the Vladimir region since early 2010 to 13 May inclusive, is only 848 hectares!
One of the small existing homes, met us on the road.
Fire Of course, we put out, at the same time making more "space" in a series of photos "take pictures your aura." Approximately looks aura voluntary forest fire in night wood))
In the morning we priezali in Red Lighthouse. Red-black trees on the outskirts of the village - here three days ago I raging fire. The flame is easily sorted out even after the highway.
Naturally, the band plowed predstvlyayu not to fire a serious obstacle.
By the way, plowing conducted themselves residents. They drove their own tractor, trailer and plow webs settlement as too failed. In many places, it is clear that they acted hastily and haphazardly. But you can not blame the residents. They are not professional firefighters, they are simply trying to save their property.
Excellent seen - ditch the fire is not a hindrance. Some bands were plowed after the fire has ended.
Not all managed to defend. In the photo - the former bath.
Pay attention - in the lower right corner of the image again, the band opashki. Which, of course, did not help to save the building.
Even traces of destruction.
We questioned people about what happened. Everyone said that if you do not already bid farewell to life, then at least with their belongings accurately. It was a complete mess. People were ready to assist in putting out, but no one was organized. Therefore, we are acting on their own. Yes, the water in the village began to regularly apply only after the fire. Prior to that, according to local residents, the water taps appeared in the late afternoon. During the fire passed out and electricity - the pillars of the pillars-is simply burned.
From Red Lighthouse, we went into the woods. Frankly, it was scary. Everywhere the same - black color prevails. Blown young forest, planting burned, burned high adult pine and birch.
Most of the forest is dead. Burns tissue will not pass without a trace. In the coming years, most of the trees will fall.
In the forest cemetery was discovered that the fire is also not spared.
Burned pine planting.
Traces of crown fires.
Who died in the fire anguis.
Ants are trying to rebuild their home.
Here's poles, which are not burned in the fire, which was not. Apparently, the new bearings were installed on a pre-thought-out plan.
On Sunday, we discovered another very dangerous object - the burning peat. As a result, another herbal herbal fell on a rather large area, partly forested, became a light peat. We found more than a dozen seats of combustion. On the edge of the peat field wall are dry reeds. If peat flare (and this will happen if no immediate action is taken to extinguish), happen pretty big grass fires, which can catch fire even peat. I must say that the local authorities are aware of the problem since the road passes vddol plowed strip intercept dangerous section of the village. But no action to extinguish the peat has not yet been taken. The area on which inflames peat - about 40 hectares. To date, some pockets of burned half a meter. According to our rough estimate on what to potoshit only those lesions which we found it would take several days. Of course, if there is enough people and equipment.
These seemingly harmless whitish spots fraught answered by a serious danger. ON THEM absolutely can not come! This is a typical view of the peat ash. The temperature inside of Alopecia can reach 600 degrees.
In some places, even the smoke is visible
In each such a steaming mound sometimes have to pour tons of water to extinguish it!
Basically burning peat "bumps" on flat surfaces between the centers of less.
P.S. Information on fire in Rheine Red Lighthouse Forest Forum
There's also - about the huge forest fire in Yuzhsky District of the Ivanovo region.
All photos: © Igor Podgorny
Photo: © Igor Podgorny
In fact, this past weekend I was going to shoot kite festival in Kolomenskoye, but on Friday night proved to be a very different place ...
We went in Kovrov Vladimir region.
There, where, according to satellite data and to local residents for several days burning thousands of hectares of forest, and in the opinion of the official structures (Forestry Agency, Ministry of Emergency Situations, the local administration) do not burn, and certainly there was no danger for the people and villages.
We have taken fire-fighting equipment, cameras and camera and went to investigate.

Arriving in town, we immediately realized that the fire was not a joke. Burnt trees (in their mind, it became clear that the site of the fire was a horse), burnt grass and embers in the former buildings on the outskirts of the village without proving that official information about the fire was, to put it mildly, not very reliable.
That is what happened just hide. Apparently hoping that the fire extinguished itself, "something like this».
The events of recent days, we have asked the witnesses - residents of the village of Krasny Mayak. They told how the fire developed, and what measures to extinguish it took the local authorities. According to them, until the last moment, when the fire came close to the houses, there are no effective measures to extinguish has been taken. Moreover, calls the MOE they were told that no one will not come to them, advised to deal with fire in the home. To learn how to cope with the crown fire, which overcame 15 km in 3 hours, the MOE did not specify.
"We packed our things, no one told us what to do, no one will put out the fire" - told the residents of the village extreme home. "Another half an hour and the whole village would be burned».
Only when the danger became not a comic come to the village fire trucks (over a dozen), and bosses of all kinds. Before that, as the residents could "cope on their own" using shovels and buckets (so they, by the way, defended several houses). Took to the streets all from children to the elderly. "We ourselves are not believers, but even the priest called" - told us the people (after the prayer, the way went a little rain). In general, many were convinced that the village burned to the ground (as it was once in 1948). But authorities, including regional, kept saying "anything to help themselves." The television said that in the area there is a small fire, but no danger they pose no.
Solids: forest began to burn more May 9th. All calls residents MOE did not respond. No precautions had been taken (protective opashku made directly during the fire and after it). Information on fire to conceal the latter, the villagers forbidden to talk to the press. In the village burned several buildings (fortunately no one was hurt). But the question people what to do, came the official advised to go to the pond and if the fire will approach close, jump into the water!
P.S. For a very rough estimate, only in the vicinity of Red Lighthouse burned no less than 10 thousand hectares of forest is ripe, and the young. A large part of the forest destroyed by crown fire. And this despite the fact that the Federal Forestry Agency argues that the area covered by forest fires in the Vladimir region since early 2010 to 13 May inclusive, is only 848 hectares!
One of the small existing homes, met us on the road.



Fire Of course, we put out, at the same time making more "space" in a series of photos "take pictures your aura." Approximately looks aura voluntary forest fire in night wood))

In the morning we priezali in Red Lighthouse. Red-black trees on the outskirts of the village - here three days ago I raging fire. The flame is easily sorted out even after the highway.

Naturally, the band plowed predstvlyayu not to fire a serious obstacle.
By the way, plowing conducted themselves residents. They drove their own tractor, trailer and plow webs settlement as too failed. In many places, it is clear that they acted hastily and haphazardly. But you can not blame the residents. They are not professional firefighters, they are simply trying to save their property.



Excellent seen - ditch the fire is not a hindrance. Some bands were plowed after the fire has ended.

Not all managed to defend. In the photo - the former bath.

Pay attention - in the lower right corner of the image again, the band opashki. Which, of course, did not help to save the building.





Even traces of destruction.

We questioned people about what happened. Everyone said that if you do not already bid farewell to life, then at least with their belongings accurately. It was a complete mess. People were ready to assist in putting out, but no one was organized. Therefore, we are acting on their own. Yes, the water in the village began to regularly apply only after the fire. Prior to that, according to local residents, the water taps appeared in the late afternoon. During the fire passed out and electricity - the pillars of the pillars-is simply burned.

From Red Lighthouse, we went into the woods. Frankly, it was scary. Everywhere the same - black color prevails. Blown young forest, planting burned, burned high adult pine and birch.









Most of the forest is dead. Burns tissue will not pass without a trace. In the coming years, most of the trees will fall.








In the forest cemetery was discovered that the fire is also not spared.

Burned pine planting.

Traces of crown fires.





Who died in the fire anguis.

Ants are trying to rebuild their home.

Here's poles, which are not burned in the fire, which was not. Apparently, the new bearings were installed on a pre-thought-out plan.

On Sunday, we discovered another very dangerous object - the burning peat. As a result, another herbal herbal fell on a rather large area, partly forested, became a light peat. We found more than a dozen seats of combustion. On the edge of the peat field wall are dry reeds. If peat flare (and this will happen if no immediate action is taken to extinguish), happen pretty big grass fires, which can catch fire even peat. I must say that the local authorities are aware of the problem since the road passes vddol plowed strip intercept dangerous section of the village. But no action to extinguish the peat has not yet been taken. The area on which inflames peat - about 40 hectares. To date, some pockets of burned half a meter. According to our rough estimate on what to potoshit only those lesions which we found it would take several days. Of course, if there is enough people and equipment.

These seemingly harmless whitish spots fraught answered by a serious danger. ON THEM absolutely can not come! This is a typical view of the peat ash. The temperature inside of Alopecia can reach 600 degrees.

In some places, even the smoke is visible


In each such a steaming mound sometimes have to pour tons of water to extinguish it!



Basically burning peat "bumps" on flat surfaces between the centers of less.
P.S. Information on fire in Rheine Red Lighthouse Forest Forum
There's also - about the huge forest fire in Yuzhsky District of the Ivanovo region.
All photos: © Igor Podgorny
