25 cool photos of fathers and their kids, from the glance which melts the heart
Eighty five million four hundred fifty nine thousand three
In the family the role of a gentle and caring parent is almost always given to mom and dads goes the power and rigor. But not so simple.
We in the Website have collected evidence that the Pope, too, can be gentle and incredibly touching, even if in everyday life they are abrupt and harsh.
When the baby needs warmth, dad always come to the aid of
His arms also can be gentle
He will support in any game
no matter how strange it may be
For dads of daughters there is no "too girly" pursuits
Dad is ready to show her child the whole world
and then to wash off the "dust roads"
It's not scary to conquer the waves
Dad is always willing to share
To expertly learn how to do a manicure
and even a pedicure!
Dad may look harsh,
but he will always support you in all your endeavors
Best of all dad reads bedtime stories
and not against the "chelovechek" even for the hundredth time in a day
He is the power and support of their child
Dad knows the names of all the disney princesses
and one of them even ready to become a tower
Daddy is so big and strong,
what I can't believe he is an ordinary man
Dad is not afraid of any trials and challenges
Dad will tell you how to protect the world,
and learn to defend yourself
Dad easily finds common interests with the kid of any age
And raises a smile in any mood
For the sake of the baby even the harsh dad will be the mouse
Or turn into a mighty Maui!
Photos on the preview Elsa Pataky, Jensen Ackles
via www.instagram.com/p/BHnztXVhTlK/
In the family the role of a gentle and caring parent is almost always given to mom and dads goes the power and rigor. But not so simple.
We in the Website have collected evidence that the Pope, too, can be gentle and incredibly touching, even if in everyday life they are abrupt and harsh.
When the baby needs warmth, dad always come to the aid of
His arms also can be gentle
He will support in any game
no matter how strange it may be
For dads of daughters there is no "too girly" pursuits
Dad is ready to show her child the whole world
and then to wash off the "dust roads"
It's not scary to conquer the waves
Dad is always willing to share
To expertly learn how to do a manicure
and even a pedicure!
Dad may look harsh,
but he will always support you in all your endeavors
Best of all dad reads bedtime stories
and not against the "chelovechek" even for the hundredth time in a day
He is the power and support of their child
Dad knows the names of all the disney princesses
and one of them even ready to become a tower
Daddy is so big and strong,
what I can't believe he is an ordinary man
Dad is not afraid of any trials and challenges
Dad will tell you how to protect the world,
and learn to defend yourself
Dad easily finds common interests with the kid of any age
And raises a smile in any mood
For the sake of the baby even the harsh dad will be the mouse
Or turn into a mighty Maui!
Photos on the preview Elsa Pataky, Jensen Ackles
via www.instagram.com/p/BHnztXVhTlK/
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