Why do men feel sad and anxious when they become fathers?
When a man becomes a father, his behavior changes. From now on, he is responsible for a living person, for his fate, well-being and health together with his wife. Everyone knows about postpartum depression in women. The birth of a child is not just a happy event, but also physiological changes in a woman that have a huge impact on the psyche. A woman needs to get used to the idea that she became a mother, that her body has changed because she carried a little man in the womb for nine months. How does a man feel?
From the moment of conception, the couple lives a difficult period. The changing mood of the wife and her poor health is transmitted to the partner. A loving husband tries to support his wife, and some even decide on stupid experiments like fastening a watermelon with tape on his stomach to somehow cheer his wife up.
They are thinking about how their lives will change after the birth of a child. Will he be able to fulfill his duty to his blood? Will it be possible to give the child the necessary knowledge and what it is like to care for a tiny creature? As a rule, no one counts with the father, because the man is considered only the culprit of the birth of the child. It was not he who was carrying a baby, he could not sleep at night on his stomach, and he did not have a backache from heavy burdens.
Did you know that many countries celebrate Father’s Day on June 16? Anthropologists from Emory University interviewed 120 fathers and found out how fatherhood changed them. It is known that young fathers experience stress after the birth of a child. Fathers often have a mood disorder due to lack of sleep at night and a new lifestyle.
After the birth of a child, the couple experiences the relationship for strength. Unfortunately, many people do not pass this test. Since the duty of the mother in the first years of the child is focused on the upbringing and care of the infant, the relationship with the husband comes to the background. Men often begin to cheat on their spouse, because they no longer feel needed and loved.
When a baby is born, men become more attentive. It happens by itself. Interestingly, young fathers of girls are more likely to sing them lullabies, and fathers of boys play with them and behave more detached in order to properly raise a decent man.
According to a survey of young fathers in Sweden, 22% of men were in postpartum depression. To assuage anxiety and distance themselves from frightening responsibilities, some stayed late at work. Someone tried to take on more responsibilities to come home as late as possible. Some started to drink, some did not stick with video games, and some decided to start a new relationship. A common behavior among new fathers is aggression. They become irritable and nervous and do not hide uncontrollable anger. The behavior of fathers is influenced by whether the baby was planned or whether the pregnancy came as a surprise to both partners.
When the wife remains on maternity leave with the child, the husband falls on the responsibility for the maintenance of the whole family. Whether he wants it or not, ready for it or not, he has to support his wife and child and take care when he comes home from work. Being honest with themselves, not everyone is ready to withstand such tension and be responsible for the well-being of the whole family. The man had just been free to act, and at one point everything was upside down.
Some men admit that they are not sure they will be able to care for a good future for their children. They do not know how to raise children, they are afraid that they will not cope with their duties and will not justify the title of a good father. Men admit that they leave the family because they are not confident. To be a good dad, you just have to be there. What qualities in a father do you think are most important for raising a child?

From the moment of conception, the couple lives a difficult period. The changing mood of the wife and her poor health is transmitted to the partner. A loving husband tries to support his wife, and some even decide on stupid experiments like fastening a watermelon with tape on his stomach to somehow cheer his wife up.

They are thinking about how their lives will change after the birth of a child. Will he be able to fulfill his duty to his blood? Will it be possible to give the child the necessary knowledge and what it is like to care for a tiny creature? As a rule, no one counts with the father, because the man is considered only the culprit of the birth of the child. It was not he who was carrying a baby, he could not sleep at night on his stomach, and he did not have a backache from heavy burdens.

Did you know that many countries celebrate Father’s Day on June 16? Anthropologists from Emory University interviewed 120 fathers and found out how fatherhood changed them. It is known that young fathers experience stress after the birth of a child. Fathers often have a mood disorder due to lack of sleep at night and a new lifestyle.

After the birth of a child, the couple experiences the relationship for strength. Unfortunately, many people do not pass this test. Since the duty of the mother in the first years of the child is focused on the upbringing and care of the infant, the relationship with the husband comes to the background. Men often begin to cheat on their spouse, because they no longer feel needed and loved.

When a baby is born, men become more attentive. It happens by itself. Interestingly, young fathers of girls are more likely to sing them lullabies, and fathers of boys play with them and behave more detached in order to properly raise a decent man.

According to a survey of young fathers in Sweden, 22% of men were in postpartum depression. To assuage anxiety and distance themselves from frightening responsibilities, some stayed late at work. Someone tried to take on more responsibilities to come home as late as possible. Some started to drink, some did not stick with video games, and some decided to start a new relationship. A common behavior among new fathers is aggression. They become irritable and nervous and do not hide uncontrollable anger. The behavior of fathers is influenced by whether the baby was planned or whether the pregnancy came as a surprise to both partners.

When the wife remains on maternity leave with the child, the husband falls on the responsibility for the maintenance of the whole family. Whether he wants it or not, ready for it or not, he has to support his wife and child and take care when he comes home from work. Being honest with themselves, not everyone is ready to withstand such tension and be responsible for the well-being of the whole family. The man had just been free to act, and at one point everything was upside down.

Some men admit that they are not sure they will be able to care for a good future for their children. They do not know how to raise children, they are afraid that they will not cope with their duties and will not justify the title of a good father. Men admit that they leave the family because they are not confident. To be a good dad, you just have to be there. What qualities in a father do you think are most important for raising a child?
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