My friend doshutilis to black…
Sixty seven million nine hundred eighty eight thousand five hundred seventy eight
I have one friend uncle, who never refuses to drink, and under this business very much likes to joke. Recently met him and didn't recognize under eye sported a juicy black eye. He told me how it was.
He lives with his wife, children adults, all your family. One evening, a few drinks with colleagues after work, came home, and the wife is asleep. Settled her under the covers, hugged firmly and plaintively whispered in your ear:
— This can't continue. I decided to confess. Dear, our youngest is not you!
The wife jumped sharply, with all the dope put him straight in the eye and ran to the kitchen to cry. A few minutes later the crying ceased, and the wife came back with a frozen chicken in his hand: "Put! Comedian, damn it…»
The website is now at Classmates! Press:
via factroom.ru
I have one friend uncle, who never refuses to drink, and under this business very much likes to joke. Recently met him and didn't recognize under eye sported a juicy black eye. He told me how it was.
He lives with his wife, children adults, all your family. One evening, a few drinks with colleagues after work, came home, and the wife is asleep. Settled her under the covers, hugged firmly and plaintively whispered in your ear:
— This can't continue. I decided to confess. Dear, our youngest is not you!
The wife jumped sharply, with all the dope put him straight in the eye and ran to the kitchen to cry. A few minutes later the crying ceased, and the wife came back with a frozen chicken in his hand: "Put! Comedian, damn it…»
The website is now at Classmates! Press:
via factroom.ru
As a hunter applied the logic, proving that he is not a poacher
How I saved my neighbor from a nervous breakdown