12 secrets of harmony from a psychologist studying eating behavior
Twenty three million three hundred thirty two thousand four hundred seventy eight
Let's face it — often we eat not because of hunger. Bad mood — you need something sweet, something spicy or sogrevaya-nourishing, hot — cold and always delicious. And what we can do supermarket — we generally will not discuss.
How whole life to fit in her prom dress will tell a Website of tips Brian Wansink, a psychologist, marketer and researcher of food cravings.
Down with snacks
Find in the apartment the far and dark place, dig in the freezer for the farthest and coldest corner and hide there all sorts of Goodies. It would seem easier not to buy these sources of temptation, but no. According to the author, "crazy food" will overtake us all. If we deny yourself the amenities of the house, we will eat in the cafeteria, with friends, at work and no one knows in what quantities. Better homes and right.
32 times every tooth
Studies show that thorough chewing of food is better saturate our receptors, which significantly reduces the appetite and gives a faster feeling of fullness.
Do not save calories in the morning
If you believe the statistics Wansink, Breakfast is 96 % slimness, as the first meal declined only 4 of the 100 respondents skinny women. In contrast, people with excess weight, often skip the first meal for the sake of reducing calories.
Leave a trail
People who ate more chicken wings in a hurry to get rid of the "evidence" of their intemperate appetite. While the more slender the participants did not notice the pile of bones and focused on the sensations of satiety.
The phenomenon of bottomless plates
It turned out that people eat "until the end". Not to end hunger, and to the bottom plate. The only way out of small dishes and mindful eating. Keep watch over your feelings, not the amount of the remaining portions, so you will eat faster.
Do not be afraid of failures
Sometimes, dieting, chew yourself a cabbage a week, and then Eclipse, and all as in a fog... woke up in the night at the fridge in the arms of a pot of soup and some chocolate in his mouth. In such a situation it is important not to start eating the mountain of failed diets. Exhale. No sudden movements removed the soup. Took the dough. Bite. And smile.
Go down the list
When purchasing products on the coming week, act as an experienced chef make a complete table of mandatory procurement of products. Before going to the supermarket make a reconciliation for all items: meat, cereals, vegetables and so on. Store buy products only for the missing items.
Use batch submission
According to the observations of Wansink, slender people typically sit back to the display cases with sweets or the open kitchen. So less temptation to buy dessert, for example. This rule is not hard to follow and the house: serve all meals a La carte. Get rid of bowls, soup-bowls, pans on the dining table. See less — eat less.
The rule of two
Try to keep your plate had 2 types of food: meat and side dish, side dish and salad, fish and vegetables. This simple rule will accustom you to a disciplined diet.
The company
Alone we eat 30% less than dinner for two. And in the cheerful company of 3-4 friends 2 times more solo portions. So try the bulk food to consume alone, and limit yourself to snacks and drinks.
The long road for more
Change dining location. Go from the kitchen to the living room, study, balcony, terrace, garden, armed with just a plate and flatware. Even if you want a Supplement, there's a chance that on the way to the kitchen the hunger subsides completely.
Calm and consistency are Not in a hurry to try all the items at once. Implement one rule a week. Gradually, in small steps you will come to a new way of life and acquire a new body.
Photos on the preview depositphotos
According to the materials Brian Wansink, "Mindless Eating"
via www.amazon.co.uk/Mindless-Eating-Brian-Wansink-PhD/dp/1848502524
Let's face it — often we eat not because of hunger. Bad mood — you need something sweet, something spicy or sogrevaya-nourishing, hot — cold and always delicious. And what we can do supermarket — we generally will not discuss.
How whole life to fit in her prom dress will tell a Website of tips Brian Wansink, a psychologist, marketer and researcher of food cravings.
Down with snacks
Find in the apartment the far and dark place, dig in the freezer for the farthest and coldest corner and hide there all sorts of Goodies. It would seem easier not to buy these sources of temptation, but no. According to the author, "crazy food" will overtake us all. If we deny yourself the amenities of the house, we will eat in the cafeteria, with friends, at work and no one knows in what quantities. Better homes and right.
32 times every tooth
Studies show that thorough chewing of food is better saturate our receptors, which significantly reduces the appetite and gives a faster feeling of fullness.
Do not save calories in the morning
If you believe the statistics Wansink, Breakfast is 96 % slimness, as the first meal declined only 4 of the 100 respondents skinny women. In contrast, people with excess weight, often skip the first meal for the sake of reducing calories.
Leave a trail
People who ate more chicken wings in a hurry to get rid of the "evidence" of their intemperate appetite. While the more slender the participants did not notice the pile of bones and focused on the sensations of satiety.
The phenomenon of bottomless plates
It turned out that people eat "until the end". Not to end hunger, and to the bottom plate. The only way out of small dishes and mindful eating. Keep watch over your feelings, not the amount of the remaining portions, so you will eat faster.
Do not be afraid of failures
Sometimes, dieting, chew yourself a cabbage a week, and then Eclipse, and all as in a fog... woke up in the night at the fridge in the arms of a pot of soup and some chocolate in his mouth. In such a situation it is important not to start eating the mountain of failed diets. Exhale. No sudden movements removed the soup. Took the dough. Bite. And smile.
Go down the list
When purchasing products on the coming week, act as an experienced chef make a complete table of mandatory procurement of products. Before going to the supermarket make a reconciliation for all items: meat, cereals, vegetables and so on. Store buy products only for the missing items.
Use batch submission
According to the observations of Wansink, slender people typically sit back to the display cases with sweets or the open kitchen. So less temptation to buy dessert, for example. This rule is not hard to follow and the house: serve all meals a La carte. Get rid of bowls, soup-bowls, pans on the dining table. See less — eat less.
The rule of two
Try to keep your plate had 2 types of food: meat and side dish, side dish and salad, fish and vegetables. This simple rule will accustom you to a disciplined diet.
The company
Alone we eat 30% less than dinner for two. And in the cheerful company of 3-4 friends 2 times more solo portions. So try the bulk food to consume alone, and limit yourself to snacks and drinks.
The long road for more
Change dining location. Go from the kitchen to the living room, study, balcony, terrace, garden, armed with just a plate and flatware. Even if you want a Supplement, there's a chance that on the way to the kitchen the hunger subsides completely.
Calm and consistency are Not in a hurry to try all the items at once. Implement one rule a week. Gradually, in small steps you will come to a new way of life and acquire a new body.
Photos on the preview depositphotos
According to the materials Brian Wansink, "Mindless Eating"
via www.amazon.co.uk/Mindless-Eating-Brian-Wansink-PhD/dp/1848502524
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