We wanted to steal the hive from the apiary, but something went wrong
Eighty seven million six hundred fifty one thousand four hundred forty one
Once went with a girl and another couple to relax in nature with tents and barbeque. Took home of fortified wine. By evening, the girls were exhausted and went to sleep, and my friend and I stayed and polished off the tincture. And then he said to me:
— There's a field there is an apiary. Let's steal it they have any small hive. Honey even to eat.
Got to the place, took a little beehive and went back through the field. Go slowly so the bees do not disturb. And for us running the dog, like not to attack, but to get rid not going. Halfway tired and decided to stare at the hive in the morning to pick up.
The next day was sober went for his "prey." They came to the place and was surprised: instead of the hive in the middle of the field there is a dog house, on a leash that the dog sits and stares fearfully at us...
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
Once went with a girl and another couple to relax in nature with tents and barbeque. Took home of fortified wine. By evening, the girls were exhausted and went to sleep, and my friend and I stayed and polished off the tincture. And then he said to me:
— There's a field there is an apiary. Let's steal it they have any small hive. Honey even to eat.
Got to the place, took a little beehive and went back through the field. Go slowly so the bees do not disturb. And for us running the dog, like not to attack, but to get rid not going. Halfway tired and decided to stare at the hive in the morning to pick up.
The next day was sober went for his "prey." They came to the place and was surprised: instead of the hive in the middle of the field there is a dog house, on a leash that the dog sits and stares fearfully at us...
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
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