"The earth will turn into a huge brain". As Nikola Tesla predicted our world
In 1926, Collier's magazine published an interview with the inventor Nikola Tesla. The content of the conversation at the time was shocking — and now very curious.
The life of bees will be the rule for the human race, says the famous scientist Nikola Tesla. Nity will fly in the sky, managed without the participation of the people on the radio. Huge superyachts new sexual order in which women will play a leading role. We will communicate instantly using simple handheld devices. Itself energy be transmitted over long distances without wires. Earthquakes will occur more often. And some of these startling events was soon, says Tesla.
Nikola Tesla 68. He sits quietly in his office, studying the peace, who changed his own hands, and predicting the changes that will inevitably occur due to the progress of mankind. Tesla — tall, thin, ascetic man who wears dark and looking at the world a calm, deep-set eyes. He can afford luxury, but lives modestly and with remarkable thoroughness selects its diet. HE doesn't drink anything except water and milk, and smoked tobacco since his youth.
He is an engineer, inventor, and besides all this, and also a philosopher. And despite his obsession with the practical application of what a gifted mind can learn from books, he never forgot about the dramas of human life. Fifty years later, he says, the world will be different from what we see now, much more than our present world — from what we saw a century ago.
Tesla came to America when he was young, and his technical genius was quickly recognized. Thanks to its revolutionary electrical devices, he earned money and built a few factories — first in new York, then in Colorado and on long island — where he began his countless experiments that led to various important (and not) the achievements of electrical science.
"Since the advent of wireless systems," he says, " I realized that this new skill will bring to mankind more than any other scientific discovery, because it actually destroys the distance. Most of the disasters that afflict mankind are caused by the enormous size of the globe and the inability of Nations and people to come into close contact".
Wireless transmission will help to achieve these close contacts with transport intelligence, our bodies, materials and energy."The whole world will turn into a huge brain. We will be able to communicate with each other almost instantly, despite the distance. Moreover, through television and telephone we will be able to see and hear each other as well as if we were sitting face to face, despite the distance of thousands of miles; and devices that will allow us to do this will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone. People will be able to wear such a device in my pocket. We will be able to see and hear events — the inauguration of the President, a sports championship, earthquakes or battles like we're there."
"When the wireless transmission of energy is commercialized, there will be a revolution. We send movies wirelessly over short distances. But then — only a few years — the distance is not limited. Image now passed through the wires, using the Telegraph. But when the wireless transmission of energy will be massive, all of these methods will seem as primitive as a steam locomotive compared with the electric train".
The borders will be destroyed, All Railways are electrified, and steam locomotives will be in museums. The flying machines that do not carry onboard fuel and shall be free from all the limitations of the present airplanes and dirigibles. We will be able to get from new York to Europe in a few hours. International borders are for the most part destroyed, will begin the unification and harmonization of the various races inhabiting the earth. Wireless technologies harmonize the interests of different countries, creates understanding instead of differences. The modern system of government will become obsolete.
Tesla anticipates huge changes in everyday life. We will be able to print a daily newspaper at home wirelessly every morning. Control for house — heating, lighting, mechanics — will be performed automatically.
"I foresee the emergence of the flying machines the size of a car, and I believe that Mr. Ford will make a great contribution to this cause. The problem of car Parking and construction of roads will be resolved. In our cities appear towers-Parking areas and roads will either be expanded as necessary, or even redundant, when civilization will replace the wheels on wings". And reserves of heat of our planet — which they say frequent volcanic eruptions — will be used for industrial purposes.
One of the main changes of the future Tesla considers a change in the status of women. "Even a person with no sociological education it is clear that the world has come a new attitude toward sex discrimination. The struggle of women for equality will lead to the creation of a new sexual order in which the woman takes the dominant role."
"Women will achieve equality and then supremacy is not due to primitive physical imitation of men, but through the awakening of intelligence. From the very beginning of the history of the subordination of women led to partial atrophy of the mental qualities that we now know the female sex is endowed with no less than the male".
The Queen is the center of life"the Female mind has demonstrated its ability to all intellectual achievements, which is capable of men, and this capability will be expanded. The average woman will be no less, and then better educated than the average man. Women will ignore the past and will impress civilization with their progress."
"The gradual development of women leadership and new areas of activity will dull the female sensitivity, to suppress the maternal instinct. Marriage and motherhood may begin to disgust, and human civilization will increasingly get closer to the perfect civilization of the bee".
The principle which prevails in the economy of bees — the most organized and intelligently coordinated by the irrational form of animal life is instinct of immortality, which replaces the divine motherhood. The Queen bee center of life. She dominates the hive, and not by right of heritage, but because she is the womb of this insect race.
Sterilization raceBee hive based on a huge, deprived of the sex armies of workers whose sole aim and happiness in life is hard work. This is the ideal of socialized, cooperative life. Further, in the hive are females, which retain in case disappointing the Queen hive. And there are drones, which are little and which suffer just because they are required for fertilization of the uterus. Only the strongest of them reaches this point and then dies. And the uterus returns to the hive, carrying tens of thousands of eggs, the future of the bee city, and begins a new cycle of reproduction.
The imagination refuses to acknowledge that such a future is possible for humanity. But if you think about how the instinct of mankind to bessmertiyu their race dominates over our lives, why not admit that thanks to the intellectual breakthrough women this instinct can finally Express themselves on the model of bees? Of course, it will take many centuries to change the habits and customs of the people, blocking the way of this simple scientific and organized civilization.
But we can already see how it starts in the United States. In Wisconsin the law requires the sterilization of criminals and the premarital examination for men. We can only wait and wonder what will be possible when scientists will finally have their say. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ideanomics.ru/?p=5006
The life of bees will be the rule for the human race, says the famous scientist Nikola Tesla. Nity will fly in the sky, managed without the participation of the people on the radio. Huge superyachts new sexual order in which women will play a leading role. We will communicate instantly using simple handheld devices. Itself energy be transmitted over long distances without wires. Earthquakes will occur more often. And some of these startling events was soon, says Tesla.

Nikola Tesla 68. He sits quietly in his office, studying the peace, who changed his own hands, and predicting the changes that will inevitably occur due to the progress of mankind. Tesla — tall, thin, ascetic man who wears dark and looking at the world a calm, deep-set eyes. He can afford luxury, but lives modestly and with remarkable thoroughness selects its diet. HE doesn't drink anything except water and milk, and smoked tobacco since his youth.
He is an engineer, inventor, and besides all this, and also a philosopher. And despite his obsession with the practical application of what a gifted mind can learn from books, he never forgot about the dramas of human life. Fifty years later, he says, the world will be different from what we see now, much more than our present world — from what we saw a century ago.
Tesla came to America when he was young, and his technical genius was quickly recognized. Thanks to its revolutionary electrical devices, he earned money and built a few factories — first in new York, then in Colorado and on long island — where he began his countless experiments that led to various important (and not) the achievements of electrical science.
"Since the advent of wireless systems," he says, " I realized that this new skill will bring to mankind more than any other scientific discovery, because it actually destroys the distance. Most of the disasters that afflict mankind are caused by the enormous size of the globe and the inability of Nations and people to come into close contact".
Wireless transmission will help to achieve these close contacts with transport intelligence, our bodies, materials and energy."The whole world will turn into a huge brain. We will be able to communicate with each other almost instantly, despite the distance. Moreover, through television and telephone we will be able to see and hear each other as well as if we were sitting face to face, despite the distance of thousands of miles; and devices that will allow us to do this will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone. People will be able to wear such a device in my pocket. We will be able to see and hear events — the inauguration of the President, a sports championship, earthquakes or battles like we're there."
"When the wireless transmission of energy is commercialized, there will be a revolution. We send movies wirelessly over short distances. But then — only a few years — the distance is not limited. Image now passed through the wires, using the Telegraph. But when the wireless transmission of energy will be massive, all of these methods will seem as primitive as a steam locomotive compared with the electric train".
The borders will be destroyed, All Railways are electrified, and steam locomotives will be in museums. The flying machines that do not carry onboard fuel and shall be free from all the limitations of the present airplanes and dirigibles. We will be able to get from new York to Europe in a few hours. International borders are for the most part destroyed, will begin the unification and harmonization of the various races inhabiting the earth. Wireless technologies harmonize the interests of different countries, creates understanding instead of differences. The modern system of government will become obsolete.
Tesla anticipates huge changes in everyday life. We will be able to print a daily newspaper at home wirelessly every morning. Control for house — heating, lighting, mechanics — will be performed automatically.
"I foresee the emergence of the flying machines the size of a car, and I believe that Mr. Ford will make a great contribution to this cause. The problem of car Parking and construction of roads will be resolved. In our cities appear towers-Parking areas and roads will either be expanded as necessary, or even redundant, when civilization will replace the wheels on wings". And reserves of heat of our planet — which they say frequent volcanic eruptions — will be used for industrial purposes.
One of the main changes of the future Tesla considers a change in the status of women. "Even a person with no sociological education it is clear that the world has come a new attitude toward sex discrimination. The struggle of women for equality will lead to the creation of a new sexual order in which the woman takes the dominant role."
"Women will achieve equality and then supremacy is not due to primitive physical imitation of men, but through the awakening of intelligence. From the very beginning of the history of the subordination of women led to partial atrophy of the mental qualities that we now know the female sex is endowed with no less than the male".
The Queen is the center of life"the Female mind has demonstrated its ability to all intellectual achievements, which is capable of men, and this capability will be expanded. The average woman will be no less, and then better educated than the average man. Women will ignore the past and will impress civilization with their progress."
"The gradual development of women leadership and new areas of activity will dull the female sensitivity, to suppress the maternal instinct. Marriage and motherhood may begin to disgust, and human civilization will increasingly get closer to the perfect civilization of the bee".
The principle which prevails in the economy of bees — the most organized and intelligently coordinated by the irrational form of animal life is instinct of immortality, which replaces the divine motherhood. The Queen bee center of life. She dominates the hive, and not by right of heritage, but because she is the womb of this insect race.
Sterilization raceBee hive based on a huge, deprived of the sex armies of workers whose sole aim and happiness in life is hard work. This is the ideal of socialized, cooperative life. Further, in the hive are females, which retain in case disappointing the Queen hive. And there are drones, which are little and which suffer just because they are required for fertilization of the uterus. Only the strongest of them reaches this point and then dies. And the uterus returns to the hive, carrying tens of thousands of eggs, the future of the bee city, and begins a new cycle of reproduction.
The imagination refuses to acknowledge that such a future is possible for humanity. But if you think about how the instinct of mankind to bessmertiyu their race dominates over our lives, why not admit that thanks to the intellectual breakthrough women this instinct can finally Express themselves on the model of bees? Of course, it will take many centuries to change the habits and customs of the people, blocking the way of this simple scientific and organized civilization.
But we can already see how it starts in the United States. In Wisconsin the law requires the sterilization of criminals and the premarital examination for men. We can only wait and wonder what will be possible when scientists will finally have their say. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ideanomics.ru/?p=5006