20 above, how to save money during the journey twice
Thirty two million three hundred thirty five thousand five hundred fifty five
To distinguish this traveler from the tourist is very simple: he spends to travel as much as the house or less.
The website found advice to backpackers on how to save money on a trip when money is scarce and the world to see Oh, how I want.
via www.filthybrokefinances.com/blog/saving-money-to-travel
To distinguish this traveler from the tourist is very simple: he spends to travel as much as the house or less.
The website found advice to backpackers on how to save money on a trip when money is scarce and the world to see Oh, how I want.

- Let's start with the most famous and pop the hack, which, be warned, doesn't always work, but still: some machines in Europe accept dvuhrublevuyu coin for € 1, as they are the same size.
- Few people know, but cheap and unusual Souvenirs should not be sought in gift shops and antique shops. The price there is 20 times lower, and things — refined, preserving the true spirit of the time and culture.
- The Council of the category of "a La Ostap Bender": if you are in a hotel as a journalist of National Geographic, Lonely Planet, etc. — you will immediately receive privileges in the form of treats, fun, best rooms, etc.
- Who needs cheap Internet in Europe, type in the search "vodafone internet smart passport". Only € 3 per day — and you are always connected.

- If you go to India, bring some old reference (in Russian) with a photo. Saying it was your student you are, you can become the owner of a free or discount ticket for the entrance to the palaces, museums, FORTS and so on.
- Want free entertainment, service, excursions in a foreign city? Google: "Barcelona for 0 euro", "Paris pour 0 euro"and you'll find all the information about the free events in the city.
- gransjoy — on this site users can leave a request asking to buy them or pass on their behalf anything abroad. You can render service and earn.
- In many public toilets you need to throw a coin at the entrance. Life hack: if you need to have caught you at a bad time, and the little things or even money on hand there, just wait until someone will come from outside toilet (and they usually are not empty) and go to the open door after him.
Well, if you see a free toilet, remember important for a traveler rule: if there is the opportunity to go to the toilet, but do not want, you still need to force myself to go.

- Life hack for polyglots: go to any little café a bit further from the tourist areas. Ask for menus in English or Russian language and check for literacy. Usually abroad, in every second such cafe mistakes in the style of "the chicken of tobacco" at a premium. Make a good offer to adjust the menu. As thanks free and a rich feast is provided for you.
- On wonderful website neweuropetours you can find free tours in 18 capitals of Europe (and in different languages).
- Before you journey around the Museum cities in advance download audio guides on your phone. After all, sometimes without comment of the experts is very difficult to understand the value of paintings, particularly modern art museums, and € 5-10 you will definitely save money.
- At German airports near stands of Lufthansa free coffee and Newspapers.

- Tested life hack: if you were a little at a time with Luggage in a strange city and want to walk light — just quietly leave it in the lockers in the supermarket. A small suitcase could fit in there.
- If it is possible to order the plane kosher food — kosher food order. The portions are tastier, better and even a little more.
- Many skyscrapers have not only viewpoints, but also the restaurants at the height (example — Singapore Marina Bay). It is much better to say at the entrance that you go into a restaurant and go upstairs for free. In restaurants, the panorama is the same, but for the money is the admission ticket to eat. And then, if there is no check, and climb to the platform itself.
- Upon arrival at the airport take a taxi not in the arrivals area and the departure area. Catching a cab that had just unloaded departing passengers, you can expect that he will not have time to calculate and wind a new price and the fare to the city will be much cheaper.

- To explore the attraction, located in a natural area, free of charge, if you come in the morning, when it is banal there is no one to pay for the ticket. For example, Angkor Wat in Cambodia.
- Remember: almost every Museum has a "free" day. Perhaps it is every Sunday/ every Monday/ every first Tuesday of the month and so on. A high probability that you will get. Be sure to check this information before you travel.
- If your road trip is a big part, buy your tickets for night flights (any transport). So you'll save money and time.
- Advice for traveling couples: at the time of booking or just before arrival, write a letter to the hotel that your trip is a honeymoon (even if you are 15 years old already married, contact the Registrar's office no one will). Nice room and all the amenities you provided.
via www.filthybrokefinances.com/blog/saving-money-to-travel
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