I called the hotel and got on a hilarious answering machine
Sixty six million one hundred twenty one thousand two hundred fifty nine
We have in the city a hotel called "Victoria". As you need to settle your colleagues there, who came to us on a business trip. Got bins of reference 2005, found a number and called. On the other end of the answering machine came on, and it tired male voice:
— Good day. You have reached a certain number. This is not a hotel, it is apartment. You are a citizen of Russia? Then throw away your reference to edrene hair dryer. If you are from the Baltic republics, listen to the voice mail again. Thank you.
And you, stranger, thank you! Cheer!
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
We have in the city a hotel called "Victoria". As you need to settle your colleagues there, who came to us on a business trip. Got bins of reference 2005, found a number and called. On the other end of the answering machine came on, and it tired male voice:
— Good day. You have reached a certain number. This is not a hotel, it is apartment. You are a citizen of Russia? Then throw away your reference to edrene hair dryer. If you are from the Baltic republics, listen to the voice mail again. Thank you.
And you, stranger, thank you! Cheer!
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru