The touching story of a fearless love... in kindergarten
Eighty eight million seven hundred fifty eight thousand seven hundred fourteen
With age, many interesting moments from childhood are forgotten, but my memory will remain forever, this funny story. When I went to kindergarten, I already had a Beau, you are amazing. Once to pick me up from the garden came the father — a big man with rugged scenery with a low gruff voice and a thick beard. The father never knew how to communicate with young children and talk to them as adults.
And here he comes into the playroom, and there Dima threw me on the floor and tries a chick to kiss. Looking at this picture, dad leans over to us and calmly but confidently says my boyfriend:
— Again I'll see hands tear you limb from limb! Understand me?
But instead of being embarrassed and to apologize, the boy gets up and resolutely declares:
— Tanya's dad, Yes, even kill! I still will love!
via factroom.ru
With age, many interesting moments from childhood are forgotten, but my memory will remain forever, this funny story. When I went to kindergarten, I already had a Beau, you are amazing. Once to pick me up from the garden came the father — a big man with rugged scenery with a low gruff voice and a thick beard. The father never knew how to communicate with young children and talk to them as adults.
And here he comes into the playroom, and there Dima threw me on the floor and tries a chick to kiss. Looking at this picture, dad leans over to us and calmly but confidently says my boyfriend:
— Again I'll see hands tear you limb from limb! Understand me?
But instead of being embarrassed and to apologize, the boy gets up and resolutely declares:
— Tanya's dad, Yes, even kill! I still will love!
via factroom.ru
A funny anecdote about a rich man and a trip to the resort
I’m a pretty girl, but after this client I had complexes.