What do Russian tourists to relax
Forty three million one hundred ninety six thousand five hundred thirty one
Food in Thailand in the tour bus. After another five-minute stop, all go in the cabin and sits in his place. The guide says:
— Verify that all returned.
Pretty drunk Russian tourist yells:
— It's all here! Chief, come on!
30 minutes later the curator of the tour receives a distress call from a Moscow travel Agency:
— Yes, you there what the fuck?! At the bus stop two people left!
Had to go back for potaracke, which, by the way, was a wife and mother-in-law the impatient tourists from Russia.
via factroom.ru
Food in Thailand in the tour bus. After another five-minute stop, all go in the cabin and sits in his place. The guide says:
— Verify that all returned.
Pretty drunk Russian tourist yells:
— It's all here! Chief, come on!
30 minutes later the curator of the tour receives a distress call from a Moscow travel Agency:
— Yes, you there what the fuck?! At the bus stop two people left!
Had to go back for potaracke, which, by the way, was a wife and mother-in-law the impatient tourists from Russia.
via factroom.ru
"All right, boy, you got me! You have to go to the station with me!"
Gain in-store products and the basket is only becoming easier…