My son easy Mat learned
Forty seven million eight hundred twenty thousand two hundred twenty one
Came to the end of the first day of school. Took my newly minted first-grader, and on the way home I became interested in how it went, what we liked and what is not. After a series of emotional stories son for a few minutes silent. And then gave:
— Mom, I light Mat learned! Teach you?
I, of course, all tensed. Well, I think I went to school. Begin to ponder how to clearly explain to my son that it's swear words, so they can't talk. Gathered my thoughts and decided:
— Well, come on, tell me.
— So, first you need to imagine that you have an elephant, a Queen and passed pawn…
via factroom.ru
Came to the end of the first day of school. Took my newly minted first-grader, and on the way home I became interested in how it went, what we liked and what is not. After a series of emotional stories son for a few minutes silent. And then gave:
— Mom, I light Mat learned! Teach you?
I, of course, all tensed. Well, I think I went to school. Begin to ponder how to clearly explain to my son that it's swear words, so they can't talk. Gathered my thoughts and decided:
— Well, come on, tell me.
— So, first you need to imagine that you have an elephant, a Queen and passed pawn…
via factroom.ru
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