She bought all the stigmas on the market. When I asked why, got an amazing response!
In Europe, corn was brought to the end of the XV century from Central America. A delicious and hearty culture, corn has been rapidly adopted in the new lands. Its beneficial properties were noticed a long time ago, and since then maize was used not only for food but also for medicinal purposes.
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Ear of corn with the fruits-grains enveloped in a thin silky strands stigmas. Growing stigma around the column of corn under the top green leaves. Collect them should be when corn on the cob takes on a milky white color. Corn silk to Rob hands, and then dry in the open air or in a special apparatus.
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Properties corn silk relecturas contain a lot of nutrients. Fatty acids, essential oils, vitamin C, Pantothenic acid and ascorbic acid are beneficial effects on all systems of your body.
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Medicinal properties of corn silk help to use them to fight with different diseases.
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Traditional medicine uses corn silk for the treatment of gallstone disease, hepatitis and cholecystitis. Also corn silk is great deal with obesity, because they contained ascorbic acid metabolism, and gum lowers the level of blood sugar.
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The use of corn silk helps reduce appetite, fight cravings. If you add to the therapeutic course of physical activity, excess weight will go even faster!
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The editors of "Site" is offering you 3 ways to use corn silk for weight loss.
Infusion of corn stigmas
3 tsp corn stigmas pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist 15 minutes. Can add to the infusion of 1 tsp. of crushed cranberry leaves. Take 100 ml 4 times a day. Infusion has diuretic, removes excess fluid from the body, reduces swelling and successfully fights cellulite.
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Tea made from corn silk
Take 1 tbsp currant leaves, 1 tsp black tea 2 tbsp corn stigmas. Pour boiling water and let it brew. By itself, tea only relieves sugar cravings, so will have to sweat a little — mix-tea with a low calorie diet and exercise.
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Pay attention to some contraindications to the use of corn silk. Stigmas have a pronounced diuretic effect and can cause significant losses of potassium. Be sure to get extra vitamins.
Remember that any weight loss process is a complex effect on the body, consisting of proper diet, moderate exercise and a positive attitude.
The author
The editors of "Site" Is a real creative laboratory! The true team of associates, each a specialist in their field, United by a common purpose: to help people. We create content that's really worth sharing, and a source of inexhaustible inspiration are our favorite readers!

© DepositPhotos
Ear of corn with the fruits-grains enveloped in a thin silky strands stigmas. Growing stigma around the column of corn under the top green leaves. Collect them should be when corn on the cob takes on a milky white color. Corn silk to Rob hands, and then dry in the open air or in a special apparatus.

© DepositPhotos
Properties corn silk relecturas contain a lot of nutrients. Fatty acids, essential oils, vitamin C, Pantothenic acid and ascorbic acid are beneficial effects on all systems of your body.

© DepositPhotos
Medicinal properties of corn silk help to use them to fight with different diseases.

© DepositPhotos
Traditional medicine uses corn silk for the treatment of gallstone disease, hepatitis and cholecystitis. Also corn silk is great deal with obesity, because they contained ascorbic acid metabolism, and gum lowers the level of blood sugar.

© DepositPhotos
The use of corn silk helps reduce appetite, fight cravings. If you add to the therapeutic course of physical activity, excess weight will go even faster!

© DepositPhotos
The editors of "Site" is offering you 3 ways to use corn silk for weight loss.

- The broth of corn stigmas
1 tsp corn stigmas pour 250 ml of boiling water and then in a water bath for 5 minutes. The resulting broth cool and strain through a sieve. Take 1/3 Cup for 5 minutes before eating. The broth will reduce appetite and help you to be sated quicker.
Infusion of corn stigmas
3 tsp corn stigmas pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist 15 minutes. Can add to the infusion of 1 tsp. of crushed cranberry leaves. Take 100 ml 4 times a day. Infusion has diuretic, removes excess fluid from the body, reduces swelling and successfully fights cellulite.

© DepositPhotos
Tea made from corn silk
Take 1 tbsp currant leaves, 1 tsp black tea 2 tbsp corn stigmas. Pour boiling water and let it brew. By itself, tea only relieves sugar cravings, so will have to sweat a little — mix-tea with a low calorie diet and exercise.

© DepositPhotos
Pay attention to some contraindications to the use of corn silk. Stigmas have a pronounced diuretic effect and can cause significant losses of potassium. Be sure to get extra vitamins.
Remember that any weight loss process is a complex effect on the body, consisting of proper diet, moderate exercise and a positive attitude.
The author

The editors of "Site" Is a real creative laboratory! The true team of associates, each a specialist in their field, United by a common purpose: to help people. We create content that's really worth sharing, and a source of inexhaustible inspiration are our favorite readers!
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Went to the hairdresser and learned how to do a feminine hairstyle. Now only myself!