Just 1 teaspoon of corn silk a day helped to lose weight, now corn silk is my best friend.
Corn was imported to Europe at the end of the XV century from Central America. Delicious and hearty culture, corn quickly took root in new lands. Its beneficial properties have been noticed for a long time, and since then corn has been used not only for food, but also for medicinal purposes.
The cob of corn with fruits-grains is shrouded in thin silky threads - stigmas. The stigmas grow around the column of corn under the upper green leaves. They should be collected when the corn cob acquires a milky white color. Corn stigmas it is necessary to strip with your hands, and then dry in the open air or in special devices.
Properties of corn stigmas Corn stigmas contain a lot of useful substances. Fatty acids, essential oils, vitamin C, pantothenic and ascorbic acids will have a beneficial effect on all systems of your body.
The healing properties of corn stigmas They help to use them to fight various diseases.
Traditional medicine uses corn stigmas to treat gallstone disease, hepatitis and cholecystitis. Also, corn stigmas perfectly cope with obesity, because the ascorbic acid contained in them accelerates metabolism, and gum reduces blood sugar levels.
The use of corn stigmas helps to reduce appetite, fight cravings for sweets. If you add to the treatment course physical activity, extra pounds will go even faster!
Editorial "Site" offers you 3 ways to use corn stigmas for weight loss.
Infusion of corn stigmas
3 tsp corn snouts pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist for 15 minutes. You can add 1 tsp of crushed lingonberry leaves to the infusion. Take 100 ml 4 times a day. The infusion has diuretic properties, well removes excess fluid from the body, relieves swelling and successfully fights cellulite.
Corn silk tea
Take 1 tbsp currant leaves, 1 tsp black tea and 2 tbsp corn stigmas. Pour boiling water and let it brew. By itself, tea only relieves cravings for sweets, so you will also have to sweat a little - combine tea with a low-calorie diet and exercise.
Pay attention to some. Contraindications to the use of corn stigmas. Rings have a pronounced diuretic effect and can cause significant losses of potassium. Be sure to organize an additional intake of vitamins.
Remember that any process of losing weight is a complex effect on the body, consisting of a proper diet, moderate physical exertion and a positive attitude.

The cob of corn with fruits-grains is shrouded in thin silky threads - stigmas. The stigmas grow around the column of corn under the upper green leaves. They should be collected when the corn cob acquires a milky white color. Corn stigmas it is necessary to strip with your hands, and then dry in the open air or in special devices.

Properties of corn stigmas Corn stigmas contain a lot of useful substances. Fatty acids, essential oils, vitamin C, pantothenic and ascorbic acids will have a beneficial effect on all systems of your body.

The healing properties of corn stigmas They help to use them to fight various diseases.

Traditional medicine uses corn stigmas to treat gallstone disease, hepatitis and cholecystitis. Also, corn stigmas perfectly cope with obesity, because the ascorbic acid contained in them accelerates metabolism, and gum reduces blood sugar levels.
The use of corn stigmas helps to reduce appetite, fight cravings for sweets. If you add to the treatment course physical activity, extra pounds will go even faster!

Editorial "Site" offers you 3 ways to use corn stigmas for weight loss.

- A decoction of corn stigmas
1 tsp. corn silk bays 250 ml of boiling water and sweat in a water bath for 5 minutes. The resulting broth is cooled and strained through a sieve. Take 1/3 cup 5 minutes before meals. The decoction will reduce appetite and help to saturate faster.
Infusion of corn stigmas
3 tsp corn snouts pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist for 15 minutes. You can add 1 tsp of crushed lingonberry leaves to the infusion. Take 100 ml 4 times a day. The infusion has diuretic properties, well removes excess fluid from the body, relieves swelling and successfully fights cellulite.

Corn silk tea
Take 1 tbsp currant leaves, 1 tsp black tea and 2 tbsp corn stigmas. Pour boiling water and let it brew. By itself, tea only relieves cravings for sweets, so you will also have to sweat a little - combine tea with a low-calorie diet and exercise.

Pay attention to some. Contraindications to the use of corn stigmas. Rings have a pronounced diuretic effect and can cause significant losses of potassium. Be sure to organize an additional intake of vitamins.
Remember that any process of losing weight is a complex effect on the body, consisting of a proper diet, moderate physical exertion and a positive attitude.
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