Now I'm not afraid of snakes! 10 more life hacks that could save a life.
Daily we need to make many decisions. However, a dangerous situationwhen we can lose control and composure. Therefore edition "Website" has collected the most useful tricks that can save your life.
Life advice
Our office has been delighted by all these tricks! What are the tricks? Don't forget to share your knowledge in the comments.
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Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author
Victoria Poplavskaya Believes that art knows no rest! Enjoys drawing, used to look at life with a painter's eye. Cleaning the house and cooking finds work, a pleasure after all to any business can be creative! Loves unorthodox methods of solving problems. Favorite book Victoria — "Three comrades" E. M. Remarque.
Life advice
- How to distinguish a poisonous snake
Better to completely avoid contact with reptiles and not get caught their eye. But still worth to know some differences of poisonous snakes from harmless. With dangerous reptiles on the ventral side it is possible to detect the tail, covered with scales nerazdelimi. The venomous snakes have pupils like a cat, harmless round. If you look at a poisonous snake at the top, you'll find a noticeable transition between the head and the neck.
- How to avoid accidents on the road?
If left towards the car that tries to go for overtaking and can't complete the maneuver, it is not necessary to spend time on the sound signals! Turn on the Blinker and drove onto the shoulder. Be sure to alert the driver, it will help to avoid clashes outside the road.
- What to do when a stab wound
The first thing you need to remember — in any case it is impossible to pull from the wound of a knife or other pointed object. At this point it acts like a barrier, stopping the bleeding. Instead of pulling a knife, should try to reduce the bleeding until the arrival of paramedics.
- If you become ill in the street
Psychologists recommend in this case to ask for help not to the crowd of passers-by, and the individual. My cries for help to all at once, triggered the effect of "diffuse responsibility": people think that someone else will help.
- What to do in case of fire
In the event of a fire avoid contact of the lungs with toxic fumes. You need to be as low down to the floor and to move this way throughout the fire.
- The magic nest egg
This life hack is useful to those who travel frequently. Divide the money you take with you into several pieces and hide them in different places, for example, in the case of the phone. If you suddenly pull the purse, you will not remain without money in a strange city. Psychologists advise those travelling to countries with increased crime, to dress as modestly as possible, in order not to attract the local thieves.
- If you fell through the ice
Remember that to be saved you have 10 minutes until my muscles go numb, and 1 hour before you lose consciousness. To start, hold your breath and vsplyli to the surface, then turn towards the shore. Place the hands on a sturdy piece of ice and start to catch up, helping himself with his feet, until, until the body rotates to a horizontal position. Pull yourself up and lean on the elbows. Keep up until you are fully. At the same time call for help, only in this case there is a chance to save lives.
- How to protect yourself in a street attack
In such a situation, you should use the keys as a knife. Or hold them in your hand to weight fist. Some suggest to use the keys as brass knuckles. It's a bad idea that can lead to numerous fractures.
- If person is choking
If it is a child, the plan of action is: - slap him 5 times on the back (not much), then 5 times press on the chest. Not work? Repeat the procedure until the foreign body will come out. If it's an adult you need to act in this way: Pat him on the back 5 times (already stronger), then sharply 5 times press on his stomach, clasped both hands behind. Not feel better? Repeat all over again!
- If the car is sinking
You need to try as soon as possible to open the window and get out of the car. If the window is locked, you should arm yourself with something heavy to break the glass (suitable fire extinguisher or any heavy tool). What if the car was under water, read our article.
Our office has been delighted by all these tricks! What are the tricks? Don't forget to share your knowledge in the comments.
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Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author
Victoria Poplavskaya Believes that art knows no rest! Enjoys drawing, used to look at life with a painter's eye. Cleaning the house and cooking finds work, a pleasure after all to any business can be creative! Loves unorthodox methods of solving problems. Favorite book Victoria — "Three comrades" E. M. Remarque.
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