How snakes catch (32 photos)
Speciality zmeelova not get in any high school. People learn themselves, adopting the experience of others and getting your practice. Zmeelovu need to understand the psychology of subtle serpent, know all their habits, natural features, habitats.
Meet Alexander - serpentolog and snake catcher with 15 years of experience.
Viper inhabits dry foothills and mountain slopes covered with shrubs, in rocky gorges with springs, river valleys and cliffs on the banks of the channel.
Sometimes viper gather the whole group. Often there were cases when under one small stone found 10 snakes at once.
Here she viper - the largest representative of the family of viper in our fauna. It can be up to about 2 meters in length and weigh up to 3 kg. The adult feeds on small animals like field mice, lizards less often, sometimes not disdained other small snakes.
Having found a snake, Alexandr approaches carefully and slowly removes her head to the side.
Without making any sudden movements, snake catcher presses the head viper special tool, the so-called "hook", and gently takes her just below the head.
Since this is one of the most dangerous snakes for pets and humans, Alexander has to be extremely careful. In an emergency, it is able to make shots in the direction of the enemy.
After the snake was firmly fixed in his hand, a snake catcher puts the trophy in the usual linen bag.
Planting in the bag requires a certain skill and action sequences. Snake kept one hand on his head, while the second opens the bag. It lowered its tail down. When the snake's head aligned with the edge of the bag, the animal quickly drop to the bottom.
It remains only to tighten the neck. By the way, put in a small bag of snakes is sometimes more difficult than large.
A couple of hours of wandering, we smiled a great success: we stumbled upon the queen snake - cobra. Or rather - the Central Asian cobra. This is a rather large snake whose length reaches an average of 1, 6 - 1, 8 meters. Of the 10 species of cobras Central Asian cobra - the only one that can be found on the territory of the CIS.
Typical threatening posture cobra - a congenital element, which is transmitted at the genetic level. Even newly hatched snakes vertically lift the front part of the body and extend the neck at the slightest danger. If such a threatening posture is not enough, then a cobra bite can cause false - it hits the enemy head on, while not opening his mouth, protecting thus your teeth from damage.
Because of this behavior in nature is extremely rare to undergo a bite from a cobra. Generally most poisonous snakes before to attack the enemy in the face of a human or animal, is not part of her diet is any typical for this type of methods to prevent the enemy. Whether it's just a loud hiss, Kobrin rack with hood or twitching tail that has a horn on a beanbag.
Habitat her similar to the viper, common in the mountains at an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level. It prefers hilly terrain with lots of hiding places. The main diet of Cobra comprise amphibians, reptiles, rodents and small birds.
The very manner in the Central Asian cobra bite quite peculiar. If viper causes instant pang of its long teeth and the next moment throws back his head, then cobra, whose teeth at times shorter, more often than not hoping for a lightning shot. Usually it seizes its prey, and not only leans back once, but several times with a force compresses the jaw, as if "touches" them to have certainly sink your teeth and inject the required amount of poison.
The venom of this snake is very strong - in addition to paralysis of nerves, he also destroys the blood. It has neurotoxic effects, causing convulsions, respiratory paralysis. However, deaths are recorded infrequently due to preventive actions of the Central Asian cobra.
Before the operation, Alexander pereobulsya, replaced light sneakers for combat boots with high bertsami. Safety first.
Zmeelovov is becoming less and less, because the person working with venomous snakes every day exposed to mortal danger.
It is in these places snakes are hiding from the unbearable heat when the sun is at its zenith.
By manipulating the hook, experienced catcher can catch almost any snake. He presses the hook for fixing the head of the snake and the subsequent capture of hand and can lift a snake lying on the ground and move it to a more suitable surface.
Caught snakes in bags deliver the car. Here Alexander transplant them from sacks into special transport containers, these boxes are already lucky in Serpentarium. One day he managed to catch two viper and a cobra.
Before you put the snake in a designated place for it, it needs to be more carefully put out of the bag again and carefully manage to catch. From the first time I am usually unable to press cobra head towards the floor. Snake and then tries to bite. Alexander skillfully evades her attacks, one hand holding the body of the quirky and the other fixing her head.
In serpentarium snakes placed in terrariums reserved for them.
Tools to help you when working with snakes (from left to right):
"Hvatalka" - the playful name of Alexander. Designed to remove snakes from trees or shrubs;
forceps - a surgical instrument for grasping and supply of sterile instruments and dressings. It is used for catching small snakes. Vipers, for example, just grab the neck and carry the bag. As an auxiliary tool of forceps used when fishing ephah, cottonmouth or medium-sized viper. In these cases, the animals are pressed to the ground leg and forceps clamp head, making it impossible to bite;
fixation strap, which is used in the laboratory.
The hook is also used in the laboratory. It is convenient to carry snakes for a short distance. For example, in the capture of biologically active substances.
After trapping occurs so-called "milking" when the snake venom is taken and then released back into the wild.
Poisonous snake can be easily distinguished on the head wider than the body.
Powerful and muscular body of a large instance is not so easy to hold in your hand. Gurza, trying to free his head, makes a sudden and strong jerk. Sometimes she even manages to bite a catcher. On personal experience convinced Sasha resourcefulness of these creatures. This is where I can help and fixation strap.
Viper venom has a pronounced hemolytic activity and toxicity is second only to cobra venom. When the bite of this snake venom enters 50 mg, and without timely and proper treatment are cases of death. The poison produced by mechanically "milking" - massage venom glands. After it is used for antidotal serum and, more importantly, for the manufacture of various medicines. In its special properties viper venom poisons exceeds most viper snakes.
The Serpentarium poison snakes collected once in 2-3 weeks. From small snakes receive 20-40 mg of venom (dry or even say crystal weight), from large - at 50-300 mg per yadovzyatie (eg 300 mg - from viper, 194 - from Cobra, 137 - by copperhead 50 - from ephah).
When a snake bite in any case can not apply a tourniquet! Firstly, it does not prevent the penetration of the poison into the overlying tissue, and secondly, the wiring, especially bites viper and viper, pinch blood vessels, helps to further disruption of metabolism in tissues of the affected limb. As a result of enhanced processes of necrosis and decay, which is fraught with serious complications. Cauterization of the bite inefficient because the length of the snake's fangs sometimes reaches more than a centimeter. Poison penetrates deep into the tissue, and cauterizing the surface is not able to destroy it. And on the spot cautery eschar is formed, under which begins fester. Remember the main thing - the person after a snake bite should be as fast as possible to deliver in hospital, even if it seems that the danger has passed.

Meet Alexander - serpentolog and snake catcher with 15 years of experience.

Viper inhabits dry foothills and mountain slopes covered with shrubs, in rocky gorges with springs, river valleys and cliffs on the banks of the channel.

Sometimes viper gather the whole group. Often there were cases when under one small stone found 10 snakes at once.

Here she viper - the largest representative of the family of viper in our fauna. It can be up to about 2 meters in length and weigh up to 3 kg. The adult feeds on small animals like field mice, lizards less often, sometimes not disdained other small snakes.

Having found a snake, Alexandr approaches carefully and slowly removes her head to the side.

Without making any sudden movements, snake catcher presses the head viper special tool, the so-called "hook", and gently takes her just below the head.

Since this is one of the most dangerous snakes for pets and humans, Alexander has to be extremely careful. In an emergency, it is able to make shots in the direction of the enemy.

After the snake was firmly fixed in his hand, a snake catcher puts the trophy in the usual linen bag.

Planting in the bag requires a certain skill and action sequences. Snake kept one hand on his head, while the second opens the bag. It lowered its tail down. When the snake's head aligned with the edge of the bag, the animal quickly drop to the bottom.

It remains only to tighten the neck. By the way, put in a small bag of snakes is sometimes more difficult than large.

A couple of hours of wandering, we smiled a great success: we stumbled upon the queen snake - cobra. Or rather - the Central Asian cobra. This is a rather large snake whose length reaches an average of 1, 6 - 1, 8 meters. Of the 10 species of cobras Central Asian cobra - the only one that can be found on the territory of the CIS.

Typical threatening posture cobra - a congenital element, which is transmitted at the genetic level. Even newly hatched snakes vertically lift the front part of the body and extend the neck at the slightest danger. If such a threatening posture is not enough, then a cobra bite can cause false - it hits the enemy head on, while not opening his mouth, protecting thus your teeth from damage.

Because of this behavior in nature is extremely rare to undergo a bite from a cobra. Generally most poisonous snakes before to attack the enemy in the face of a human or animal, is not part of her diet is any typical for this type of methods to prevent the enemy. Whether it's just a loud hiss, Kobrin rack with hood or twitching tail that has a horn on a beanbag.

Habitat her similar to the viper, common in the mountains at an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level. It prefers hilly terrain with lots of hiding places. The main diet of Cobra comprise amphibians, reptiles, rodents and small birds.

The very manner in the Central Asian cobra bite quite peculiar. If viper causes instant pang of its long teeth and the next moment throws back his head, then cobra, whose teeth at times shorter, more often than not hoping for a lightning shot. Usually it seizes its prey, and not only leans back once, but several times with a force compresses the jaw, as if "touches" them to have certainly sink your teeth and inject the required amount of poison.

The venom of this snake is very strong - in addition to paralysis of nerves, he also destroys the blood. It has neurotoxic effects, causing convulsions, respiratory paralysis. However, deaths are recorded infrequently due to preventive actions of the Central Asian cobra.

Before the operation, Alexander pereobulsya, replaced light sneakers for combat boots with high bertsami. Safety first.

Zmeelovov is becoming less and less, because the person working with venomous snakes every day exposed to mortal danger.

It is in these places snakes are hiding from the unbearable heat when the sun is at its zenith.

By manipulating the hook, experienced catcher can catch almost any snake. He presses the hook for fixing the head of the snake and the subsequent capture of hand and can lift a snake lying on the ground and move it to a more suitable surface.

Caught snakes in bags deliver the car. Here Alexander transplant them from sacks into special transport containers, these boxes are already lucky in Serpentarium. One day he managed to catch two viper and a cobra.

Before you put the snake in a designated place for it, it needs to be more carefully put out of the bag again and carefully manage to catch. From the first time I am usually unable to press cobra head towards the floor. Snake and then tries to bite. Alexander skillfully evades her attacks, one hand holding the body of the quirky and the other fixing her head.

In serpentarium snakes placed in terrariums reserved for them.

Tools to help you when working with snakes (from left to right):
"Hvatalka" - the playful name of Alexander. Designed to remove snakes from trees or shrubs;
forceps - a surgical instrument for grasping and supply of sterile instruments and dressings. It is used for catching small snakes. Vipers, for example, just grab the neck and carry the bag. As an auxiliary tool of forceps used when fishing ephah, cottonmouth or medium-sized viper. In these cases, the animals are pressed to the ground leg and forceps clamp head, making it impossible to bite;
fixation strap, which is used in the laboratory.

The hook is also used in the laboratory. It is convenient to carry snakes for a short distance. For example, in the capture of biologically active substances.

After trapping occurs so-called "milking" when the snake venom is taken and then released back into the wild.
Poisonous snake can be easily distinguished on the head wider than the body.

Powerful and muscular body of a large instance is not so easy to hold in your hand. Gurza, trying to free his head, makes a sudden and strong jerk. Sometimes she even manages to bite a catcher. On personal experience convinced Sasha resourcefulness of these creatures. This is where I can help and fixation strap.

Viper venom has a pronounced hemolytic activity and toxicity is second only to cobra venom. When the bite of this snake venom enters 50 mg, and without timely and proper treatment are cases of death. The poison produced by mechanically "milking" - massage venom glands. After it is used for antidotal serum and, more importantly, for the manufacture of various medicines. In its special properties viper venom poisons exceeds most viper snakes.

The Serpentarium poison snakes collected once in 2-3 weeks. From small snakes receive 20-40 mg of venom (dry or even say crystal weight), from large - at 50-300 mg per yadovzyatie (eg 300 mg - from viper, 194 - from Cobra, 137 - by copperhead 50 - from ephah).

When a snake bite in any case can not apply a tourniquet! Firstly, it does not prevent the penetration of the poison into the overlying tissue, and secondly, the wiring, especially bites viper and viper, pinch blood vessels, helps to further disruption of metabolism in tissues of the affected limb. As a result of enhanced processes of necrosis and decay, which is fraught with serious complications. Cauterization of the bite inefficient because the length of the snake's fangs sometimes reaches more than a centimeter. Poison penetrates deep into the tissue, and cauterizing the surface is not able to destroy it. And on the spot cautery eschar is formed, under which begins fester. Remember the main thing - the person after a snake bite should be as fast as possible to deliver in hospital, even if it seems that the danger has passed.