Fishing with live bait

In many countries, hunting is a type of men's games. And although after hunting prey spread on the table, most hunters could easily buy the meat at any grocery store. But in some countries, hunting - is a means of survival.
For example, in Africa prey on snakes is to eat for another meal in the near future is foreseen, and python skin dearly valued in the market.
The following shows how the hunters extract 6-meter python African mountain on live bait.

2. To begin with one arm wrapped buffalo skin. Presumably in this hand clutching a giant snake.

3. Find a snake hole in the mountains and climb back his head forward. Nora python has a length of about 10 meters. In order not to get stuck in a hole in the body smeared with a special grease.

4. Snakes perfectly sees in the dark. Rather, it has infrared vision. Warm people, so the snakes, who saw the "yummy" pripolzshuyu itself to him in a hole, is prepared to throw. To confuse the snake and to see something, the hunter lights branch. They are much warmer than the human body, this introduces a snake misleading.

5. The serpent coiled lies on the eggs (in the masonry, usually not less than 100 pieces).

6. Snake throws for lunch.
But a clever guy sticks his hand snake, wrapped in a buffalo hide. Disoriented snake trying to bite through the skin, and the hunter free hand covers the esophagus snake to snake accidentally swallowed hand together with the skin and by the hunter.
In principle, even a three-meter python able to strangle a man, well, six-meter, as in this case, a person swallows entirely. And at first pythons dig their teeth (teeth python in two rows, bent back and can get out and leaving a piece of his own flesh), then gradually wrapped around the rings, the soul of the victim and breaking her bones. Well, in the end, as a stocking "worn" already on the victim lost consciousness, swallowing it whole. Sometimes the victim can come into consciousness within python; however, make much sense anymore.

7. climb back from a six-meter kite, weighing 10-15 kg per meter, one is unreal.
But to do this, and there are hungry fellow hunter. They need to get a hunter's legs along with the serpent.

8. Hunter, holding his throat snake appears on the surface.
If underground snakes can not strongly resist on the surface of the real battle begins.
Hunters have one - press spear head of the serpent to the ground, the second - to keep the tail, well, he cuts the throat snake hunter, being careful not to damage the skin (it can be sold).
The battle ended. One of the assistant climbs into a hole and takes the left unguarded eggs. If you cook them at the stake, they become a real delicacy.

9. When loaded with booty hunters appear in the village - they will be met as the real heroes.
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