As we catch cod.
On Yap reader I have long, about two years somewhere. And then decided to create, very much like to comment on a post. Well now I'm here, "was prescribed».
As I was sick the whole head fisherman, mostly (99, 9%) spinningists, I thought that would be interesting YaPovtsam about fishing in our region. And I live in Kaliningrad. Water much more fish - do not want to catch. I hope it will be useful and informative. I'll try ...
Kaliningrad region, as many of you know, but who knows and confusing geometry and geography, just trust me, bordering the Baltic Sea. And in the sea usually lives every shnyaga sea. In our sea of interest to us live fish fauna: cod, Baltic salmon, trout, garfish, several species of flounder, Baltic herring (herring) and the little things ... but still loves to walk into the sea from rivers and bays, and freshwater fish. So we catch in the sea also, walleye, perch, pike, bream, roach and others.
Since yesterday was on cod fishing tell you about this beautiful, strong, predatory, tasty fish.
Do not break. I will say when everything.
Cod is found here in large quantities. Carried out by small commercial fishing seiners. Well and fishing enthusiasts are not far behind. Generally for catching these fish need to go out to sea, the average 3-10km from the coast. Accordingly, it is a boat with sides of about 50cm, from 20hp engine, the boat must be registered in the Border and each output is necessary to emphasize the border guards. Catch cod in two ways. First, so to say traditional - jigging, pilkers as in Norway. The second is catching on jig. Many fishermen, this term is familiar. Yes on the jig, depth 15-45m. Cargo weight ranging from 25 to 70g, depending on the conditions of fishing depth and the weather. Bait - twisters, rippers, silicone worms etc. In my arsenal is a class boat RIB Grand S520BL, motor Yamaha 70. Cod caught on jig love, though, and other gear are available. But it's cool jig bite, it vyvazhivanie, this is cool ... not that winch gear as cranes, lifts the fish vertically ... IMHO
So, yesterday I now comrades, went to a place called Cape "Taran", where you can reset my longboat. Utrechkom profit. That such beauty opened her eyes:
To ensure that you catch cod in the navigator must have a point where this fish likes to hang out. And it is usually dumped and all irregularities on the bottom, type wrecks and every anomalies. Well, we moved on favorite points, of which the memory nafigatora to hell. Fish immediately proved.
Generally, fishing luck fools, drunks, beginners and pros well. Comrade third time in the life of fishing and caught Treskin almost 5 kg.
Fishing is carried out exclusively in the drift. Anchor throw impossible because rocky bottom and happen deaf hooked. A good anchor for a large dhow worth big money. It's a pity. Therefore thrown overboard chute. Use the extraction parachutes from military aircraft, but there are specialized. The parachute slows the drift to pilkers (such baubles) immersed vertically and tackle not stretched rear of the boat. That's drifting, fished promising unevenness on the bottom and if the fish are there, then come back a few times at the beginning of this place and go through over and over again, until you get bored or not nabem all fish tank or the sun does not sit behind the horizon.
Posted in [mergetime] 1414858741 [/ mergetime]
Well, in general I have everything. Next I will talk about other fishing in the Kaliningrad region. Podkorrektiruete format may reflect what matters more? Well, you know, kick in general ...
As I was sick the whole head fisherman, mostly (99, 9%) spinningists, I thought that would be interesting YaPovtsam about fishing in our region. And I live in Kaliningrad. Water much more fish - do not want to catch. I hope it will be useful and informative. I'll try ...
Kaliningrad region, as many of you know, but who knows and confusing geometry and geography, just trust me, bordering the Baltic Sea. And in the sea usually lives every shnyaga sea. In our sea of interest to us live fish fauna: cod, Baltic salmon, trout, garfish, several species of flounder, Baltic herring (herring) and the little things ... but still loves to walk into the sea from rivers and bays, and freshwater fish. So we catch in the sea also, walleye, perch, pike, bream, roach and others.
Since yesterday was on cod fishing tell you about this beautiful, strong, predatory, tasty fish.
Do not break. I will say when everything.

Cod is found here in large quantities. Carried out by small commercial fishing seiners. Well and fishing enthusiasts are not far behind. Generally for catching these fish need to go out to sea, the average 3-10km from the coast. Accordingly, it is a boat with sides of about 50cm, from 20hp engine, the boat must be registered in the Border and each output is necessary to emphasize the border guards. Catch cod in two ways. First, so to say traditional - jigging, pilkers as in Norway. The second is catching on jig. Many fishermen, this term is familiar. Yes on the jig, depth 15-45m. Cargo weight ranging from 25 to 70g, depending on the conditions of fishing depth and the weather. Bait - twisters, rippers, silicone worms etc. In my arsenal is a class boat RIB Grand S520BL, motor Yamaha 70. Cod caught on jig love, though, and other gear are available. But it's cool jig bite, it vyvazhivanie, this is cool ... not that winch gear as cranes, lifts the fish vertically ... IMHO
So, yesterday I now comrades, went to a place called Cape "Taran", where you can reset my longboat. Utrechkom profit. That such beauty opened her eyes:

To ensure that you catch cod in the navigator must have a point where this fish likes to hang out. And it is usually dumped and all irregularities on the bottom, type wrecks and every anomalies. Well, we moved on favorite points, of which the memory nafigatora to hell. Fish immediately proved.

Generally, fishing luck fools, drunks, beginners and pros well. Comrade third time in the life of fishing and caught Treskin almost 5 kg.

Fishing is carried out exclusively in the drift. Anchor throw impossible because rocky bottom and happen deaf hooked. A good anchor for a large dhow worth big money. It's a pity. Therefore thrown overboard chute. Use the extraction parachutes from military aircraft, but there are specialized. The parachute slows the drift to pilkers (such baubles) immersed vertically and tackle not stretched rear of the boat. That's drifting, fished promising unevenness on the bottom and if the fish are there, then come back a few times at the beginning of this place and go through over and over again, until you get bored or not nabem all fish tank or the sun does not sit behind the horizon.
Posted in [mergetime] 1414858741 [/ mergetime]
Well, in general I have everything. Next I will talk about other fishing in the Kaliningrad region. Podkorrektiruete format may reflect what matters more? Well, you know, kick in general ...