I work in Finland 5
Continuing his series of stories about the work of a railroad-kapitalschika in Finland. Try to keep this post was interesting not only to employees of railroads, but normal people. (It was my father 3 syna.Odin-smart, second-fool third-railwayman at all!)
In Finland there is no PMS, or some other serious structures kap.stroitelstvu.Nado build-hire firms are engaged in a heap, his every delom.Poetomu some heavy w \ d technology (such as laying cranes) here and there is no trace.
On a photo a Finnish variant "red stop sign».
44 photos
Fina on any conventional technique hang w \ d wheels, system podёma-lowering, and tadam appliances ready to be served by rail.
Simple lift for "kontaktnikov."
The "signalers' work more difficult to lay cable, put the lights, closet move, so they poslozhnee.S tractor bucket, which almost can tie knot, knife and" Fiskars ".
The "railway workers" excavator seems simple, but you should have seen how much he Pribluda and devices instead of the bucket can attach! Starting from a special cutter to remove the old sleepers and ending unpretentious cloistered circle for cutting asphalt.
And if necessary, he will deliver a platform path, trailers for himself and drags her rails, sleepers, gravel, drunken railwaymen with an accordion (just kidding, there are very strict with this!)
That's one of the please-baits for layout sleepers.
She took out a pack of 5 pieces ...
Raised ...
Spread to the desired Plot ... (make the necessary distance between the sleepers)
And polozhila.Vperedi sinker on a chain to bind to already decomposition sleepers.
A guy who almost got all the pictures while I was photographing portrayed violent deyatelnost.Kak soon as I stopped to take a picture, it is somewhere merged.
And here is the decomposition of the guys put.Ya Naquin and fixed rails (the process will not show in the previous posts talked about changing the rails, the process is almost the same) .Finy grist rubble of renting a hopper-feeders, podobyut vyprovochno-podbivochno-straightening machine and -vualya! Come ehay!
About the rails will not tell, they are the same as our P-65, only slightly below the neck. Tell us about shpaly.Shpaly w \ b unpretentious and krepenkie.Kak seen on a photo, elements of the bonding-minimum.Podrelsovaya gum that used rail concrete is not broke, and back and forth along the tracks not ezdil.Bokovye plastmaski (or lateral isolators, as you like ) to the rail on the tie did not crawl (and if you put a different type of rail, you only need to change these plastmaski) .Pruzhinnye "fosly" that the rail to the tie and pressed again, do not give him dvigatsya.I screws that these "fosly" and zakreplyayut.Da da screwed into the concrete special screws.
Gum, by the way, has a small "kink", which when pressed plastmaskoy twisted screws and prevents gum move along the rail.
And here is the opening for shurupa.Tam in concrete, which is filled with a plastic ftulka.v this screw and vkruchivaetsya.Derzhit very hard and does not rotate when tightening.
Particular umelenie as a former signalman, I called the so-called "blue dotted" or "holey" shpaly.V sleepers filled plastic trubki.S end sleepers "input".
Near rail foot "exit»
And pozhalusta through tie-stretched ropes zazemleniya.A izo.styke possible to put two of them, and through the power cables stretch of track circuits.
And nobody in zhizni.etot not sever the rope! Neither IB nor CDF nor any other Ways of Communication vredina.
Speaking of izo.stykah.Put-new, redundant system automation-tozhe.Izo.stykov generally net.Na integrity rails-finam nasrat.Ochen stupid on their part. (One time bridges the gap thermite welding magnitude of about 120 mm.Kogda asked the Finns, as found gap-driver told uvidel.Zashibis! They have on that site skorost120 km \ h! Rather not seen, but felt something!) Instead of them on the rails is such a box, like the counter wheelsets.
Even in such a rut stand plastic yaschiki.Kak explained to me "sinii helmets" (in Finnish M \ D as signalers and kontaktnikov named because they are obliged to go to the blue helmets) out of the box goes into the radio booth passing over it teplovoza.Eta box fixed costs and in the alignment of the input light.
And there's such-sёmnye.Eta signals the beginning of a dangerous place, and the need to reduce the speed (we are working on a nearby path, that's us and the fence reduced speed)
Cable laid here in such concrete boxes (the first time I saw, nervously laughed and raised tile hundreds of kilograms of copper in front of you!) That extend along the entire playout and stantsiy.Po them very comfortable to walk along the path.
But the cabinet input traffic (like write poprivychke "relay", but what he "relay", where one chip)
And here is the entrance svetofor.Tonenky, plastic, even elegant, but bright-bitch!
Light bulbs in it finite «LED»
what would it serve, it can be easy to bend so here.
This, for example, old svetofory.No again, for their service can be using the winch to lift up to the site and pick as much as you will remember our ugodno.Kak ... which to paint, it is necessary to assume two mounting belts odet.Odin so myself with a traffic light does not fall off, and the second-banks to tighten the top with paint.
And this "arrow" Highly similar to nashu.SP very "flatter" (at the Doubletree brand is not found, trying lighter, like 1 \ 22), so the "wits" very dlinnye.Ih drag as much as 4 privoda.Dva mechanical and two auxiliary , gidravlicheskih.Nomer "514" does not mean that the station five hundred strelok.Prosto station 500 kilometere is, out and traffic lights with "5" start.
Privod.Vidna kurbelnoy cover flap.
Traction-4 shtuki.Dve workers at each 'wit' own, and two control-as we have.
Heating heating spirals are not only on the stock rail, but also on ostryakah.Dumayu for any snowfall, the problems with the translation of the arrow will not.
This hand-red-white strelka.Von protivoves.I cable is not all in boxes ulozheny.Svyazisty as throughout the world, all the construction hamper. 8-))
The counterweight-padlock for locking strelki.Ochen to "melentevsky" like.
I also liked the support line of contact seti.Ochen light and delicate.
"An arrow street" .Kazhetsya that it hovers in the air ...
And here is the very "kontaktniki" .Chё out there picking their their "contact".
A little bit about mobile park.V Finland many Russian cars, so the locomotive is equipped with two types of center-avtostsepok.V our Soviet (powerful and easy), and the top ridiculous "nakidushka" Finnish coupler.
That hooked our hopry.Ochen clearly seen as harmoniously connects wagons Soviet automatic coupling and ugly as the appendix, it sticks out above, Finnish.
Speaking of hoprah.Finy peppered way excavators, but we convinced them, hopper-feeders-cooler! They have rented our two and two rossiyskih.Sdelali such "tramplinchik" for their loading ...
And start downloading.
Because their locomotives are not "working" air magistrali.Eta line is needed to connect any specialized vagonov.Finy rented powerful kompressor.Prikovali it as a platform to Prometheus ...
And they gave air to the working line hoprov.Teper these cars can run on its purpose-pour yourself out on the path of rubble, with both Puteets wants, and not as the cars themselves will decide.
And finally, I liked fixing bashmakov.Bashmak stands on the rail wrapped chain and a special bracket keeps for a head.
This bracket has a pin which passes through the shoe, and the other hand on the outboard zamok.Nu locked and chained the whole thing zakrepili.Tak fastening shoe will not fly away, and none of it incessantly.
This VPRka.Otrabotala on obekte.Eё cranes snyali.Bez wheels loaded on a trailer and is now going to take on a different machine obekt.I though old, but Finns cherish her and the ways from object to object is not gonyayut.A her due joints of the mind for the mind will go.
I have everything.
In Finland there is no PMS, or some other serious structures kap.stroitelstvu.Nado build-hire firms are engaged in a heap, his every delom.Poetomu some heavy w \ d technology (such as laying cranes) here and there is no trace.
On a photo a Finnish variant "red stop sign».
44 photos
Fina on any conventional technique hang w \ d wheels, system podёma-lowering, and tadam appliances ready to be served by rail.
Simple lift for "kontaktnikov."
The "signalers' work more difficult to lay cable, put the lights, closet move, so they poslozhnee.S tractor bucket, which almost can tie knot, knife and" Fiskars ".
The "railway workers" excavator seems simple, but you should have seen how much he Pribluda and devices instead of the bucket can attach! Starting from a special cutter to remove the old sleepers and ending unpretentious cloistered circle for cutting asphalt.
And if necessary, he will deliver a platform path, trailers for himself and drags her rails, sleepers, gravel, drunken railwaymen with an accordion (just kidding, there are very strict with this!)
That's one of the please-baits for layout sleepers.
She took out a pack of 5 pieces ...
Raised ...
Spread to the desired Plot ... (make the necessary distance between the sleepers)
And polozhila.Vperedi sinker on a chain to bind to already decomposition sleepers.
A guy who almost got all the pictures while I was photographing portrayed violent deyatelnost.Kak soon as I stopped to take a picture, it is somewhere merged.
And here is the decomposition of the guys put.Ya Naquin and fixed rails (the process will not show in the previous posts talked about changing the rails, the process is almost the same) .Finy grist rubble of renting a hopper-feeders, podobyut vyprovochno-podbivochno-straightening machine and -vualya! Come ehay!
About the rails will not tell, they are the same as our P-65, only slightly below the neck. Tell us about shpaly.Shpaly w \ b unpretentious and krepenkie.Kak seen on a photo, elements of the bonding-minimum.Podrelsovaya gum that used rail concrete is not broke, and back and forth along the tracks not ezdil.Bokovye plastmaski (or lateral isolators, as you like ) to the rail on the tie did not crawl (and if you put a different type of rail, you only need to change these plastmaski) .Pruzhinnye "fosly" that the rail to the tie and pressed again, do not give him dvigatsya.I screws that these "fosly" and zakreplyayut.Da da screwed into the concrete special screws.
Gum, by the way, has a small "kink", which when pressed plastmaskoy twisted screws and prevents gum move along the rail.
And here is the opening for shurupa.Tam in concrete, which is filled with a plastic ftulka.v this screw and vkruchivaetsya.Derzhit very hard and does not rotate when tightening.
Particular umelenie as a former signalman, I called the so-called "blue dotted" or "holey" shpaly.V sleepers filled plastic trubki.S end sleepers "input".
Near rail foot "exit»
And pozhalusta through tie-stretched ropes zazemleniya.A izo.styke possible to put two of them, and through the power cables stretch of track circuits.
And nobody in zhizni.etot not sever the rope! Neither IB nor CDF nor any other Ways of Communication vredina.
Speaking of izo.stykah.Put-new, redundant system automation-tozhe.Izo.stykov generally net.Na integrity rails-finam nasrat.Ochen stupid on their part. (One time bridges the gap thermite welding magnitude of about 120 mm.Kogda asked the Finns, as found gap-driver told uvidel.Zashibis! They have on that site skorost120 km \ h! Rather not seen, but felt something!) Instead of them on the rails is such a box, like the counter wheelsets.
Even in such a rut stand plastic yaschiki.Kak explained to me "sinii helmets" (in Finnish M \ D as signalers and kontaktnikov named because they are obliged to go to the blue helmets) out of the box goes into the radio booth passing over it teplovoza.Eta box fixed costs and in the alignment of the input light.
And there's such-sёmnye.Eta signals the beginning of a dangerous place, and the need to reduce the speed (we are working on a nearby path, that's us and the fence reduced speed)
Cable laid here in such concrete boxes (the first time I saw, nervously laughed and raised tile hundreds of kilograms of copper in front of you!) That extend along the entire playout and stantsiy.Po them very comfortable to walk along the path.
But the cabinet input traffic (like write poprivychke "relay", but what he "relay", where one chip)
And here is the entrance svetofor.Tonenky, plastic, even elegant, but bright-bitch!
Light bulbs in it finite «LED»
what would it serve, it can be easy to bend so here.
This, for example, old svetofory.No again, for their service can be using the winch to lift up to the site and pick as much as you will remember our ugodno.Kak ... which to paint, it is necessary to assume two mounting belts odet.Odin so myself with a traffic light does not fall off, and the second-banks to tighten the top with paint.
And this "arrow" Highly similar to nashu.SP very "flatter" (at the Doubletree brand is not found, trying lighter, like 1 \ 22), so the "wits" very dlinnye.Ih drag as much as 4 privoda.Dva mechanical and two auxiliary , gidravlicheskih.Nomer "514" does not mean that the station five hundred strelok.Prosto station 500 kilometere is, out and traffic lights with "5" start.
Privod.Vidna kurbelnoy cover flap.
Traction-4 shtuki.Dve workers at each 'wit' own, and two control-as we have.
Heating heating spirals are not only on the stock rail, but also on ostryakah.Dumayu for any snowfall, the problems with the translation of the arrow will not.
This hand-red-white strelka.Von protivoves.I cable is not all in boxes ulozheny.Svyazisty as throughout the world, all the construction hamper. 8-))
The counterweight-padlock for locking strelki.Ochen to "melentevsky" like.
I also liked the support line of contact seti.Ochen light and delicate.
"An arrow street" .Kazhetsya that it hovers in the air ...
And here is the very "kontaktniki" .Chё out there picking their their "contact".
A little bit about mobile park.V Finland many Russian cars, so the locomotive is equipped with two types of center-avtostsepok.V our Soviet (powerful and easy), and the top ridiculous "nakidushka" Finnish coupler.
That hooked our hopry.Ochen clearly seen as harmoniously connects wagons Soviet automatic coupling and ugly as the appendix, it sticks out above, Finnish.
Speaking of hoprah.Finy peppered way excavators, but we convinced them, hopper-feeders-cooler! They have rented our two and two rossiyskih.Sdelali such "tramplinchik" for their loading ...
And start downloading.
Because their locomotives are not "working" air magistrali.Eta line is needed to connect any specialized vagonov.Finy rented powerful kompressor.Prikovali it as a platform to Prometheus ...
And they gave air to the working line hoprov.Teper these cars can run on its purpose-pour yourself out on the path of rubble, with both Puteets wants, and not as the cars themselves will decide.
And finally, I liked fixing bashmakov.Bashmak stands on the rail wrapped chain and a special bracket keeps for a head.
This bracket has a pin which passes through the shoe, and the other hand on the outboard zamok.Nu locked and chained the whole thing zakrepili.Tak fastening shoe will not fly away, and none of it incessantly.
This VPRka.Otrabotala on obekte.Eё cranes snyali.Bez wheels loaded on a trailer and is now going to take on a different machine obekt.I though old, but Finns cherish her and the ways from object to object is not gonyayut.A her due joints of the mind for the mind will go.
I have everything.