Rockfishing in Vladivostok
Recently began to gain momentum this type of fishing as rockfishing. They are almost everywhere where there is sea, – it can be USA, UK, Portugal, Japan and so on. I would like to tell you about Russian rockfishing.
I'm not the first one to say it, but my article will be the highlight: a place where I do this type of fishing, the far East and Vladivostok. "What's the big deal?" – I will say many of you. I can only say that many people from the Western part of Russia, if you know about my city, it is likely quite shallow. And then just this topic, but still related to fishing. In General, I hope, will be interesting.
What is rockfishing and what it eats?
Perhaps, this question I cannot give a specific answer: he is too different, this rockfishing. To begin with we will understand the title. "Rock" – "rock" and "fishing" "fishing", that is "rockfishing" can be translated as "fishing from the rocks or fishing for reef fish".
Now let us examine this area more in detail and start with the classification. Rockfishing can be subdivided by objects of fishing: fishing for mebaru (mebaring), horse mackerel (ajinng), sea bream (kurodai), and so on. Objects of great variety! For example, the fauna of the sea of Japan is very rich, and the Japanese are very meticulous people, and often comes to the fact that almost for each kind of fish they have their own tackle, involving certain features of fishing.
Also rockfishing often divided into two groups according to the weight of the bait: hardrockfishing (HRF), that is, the use of heavy baits and catch more big fish, and, as many have guessed, lightrockfishing (LRF) – an easy style of fishing. Of course, each has its own nuances and the difference is not only in the difference of scales and the size of the fish. But now we're not going to delve deeply into these types of rockfishing.
Speaking of Japan, no wonder the conversation turned, as it is in this country and starts rockfishing, and almost all of it are produced here. And every year this type of fishing is gaining popularity in the Country of the rising sun. Why? I think the reason is its accessibility: it is not necessary to go hundreds of miles from home to fish besides rockfish possible literally everywhere! On coastal cliffs, at the city piers and similar structures, on the breakwater (in Japan, by the way, fishing from breakwaters increasingly popular in the last time) – almost all places where there is the sea, you can do this method of fishing.
This fishing can be in day off, and in free from working hours, which, for example, was at lunch. Enough to have quite a bit of time to go on the pier nearby to try my luck before going to sleep and gain positive emotions from catching fish. I think it's just wonderful!
You can also say about the involvement rockfishing'and streetfishing', because fishing can take place close to the city, if not in the city.
Another reason for the popularity of rockfishing in a kind of universality: here everyone can find a niche, something that he likes. For example, an avid ultralight with pleasure will memoryram or fishing for Jack mackerel, but a fan of the heavy jig will be able to try fishing from the rocks dark perch or Atka mackerel.
About gear, I already once mentioned, will now continue. Of course, the Japanese wouldn't be Japanese if it is not treated meticulously to their work. Literally for every kind of fish they came up with their own peculiarities of fishing, be it, kind of bait, wiring method, etc. Our friends from the East take this into account in the development of tackle and other supplies for rockfishing.
Absolutely everything can now be found in almost any fishing online store, marked "Rockfishing": starting with clothing and ending with small snap hooks to lures. And, as expected, barely "rockfishes" gadgets went on sale as soon as it became known, and we are with you.
Especially popular are the fishing rods we designed for rockfishing. Almost all lovers ultralight in Russia use them mainly for fishing on microjy. Also they practiced catch on lures or on different hardware. In General, the Japanese have turned the universal spinning rods, including for our types of fishing.
Then, of course, there are nuances, such as the apex. It can be Tubular Tip and Solid Tip. Solid is glued to the tip different from the main form material. Mainly need it for the jig techniques. She has two tasks: identification of gentle bites and fish touching the lure to the bottom. Often this type of tip is needed for a very light jig heads and is suitable for catching small fish. But sometimes such a thing put on heavier rods, sometimes even on the bass.
The Tubular tip is of the usual hollow, without any inserts. Spinning rods for rockfishing with this type of top has earned the status of a universal. Almost all rods in this series have a common feature – a rather lively tip and the inboard portion, with a large reserve capacity. Interesting design, isn't it? This concept is a bit distracting from the other rods to ultralight because "rockfishes" have decent power in relation to their test. It is necessary not to give a strong marine fish to go into the rocks, otherwise you will be left without the coveted trophy and bait. And so the first third of the rod is almost always (is to identify the bite and touching the bottom), and the second is easily turned to the work of fish and fine knits it. The last (inboard portion) is used for the same role as, for example, in football a good backup player who, when need be, always ready to help his team. And rockfishing need this help quite often.
This is the types of fishing rods for rockfishing and their application.
Coils for this type of fishing, we also equally popular. But about using them I can not say anything, because he fishing reels for baitcasting, not instantaneous. But, of course, they are very reliable, as it is designed to catch strong fish, plus suitable for salt water, which gives even greater strength for the bearings.
"Rakishevich" baits are also a great many – it cranks, and pilkery, and tailspinner, but popular all the same silicone. They can be quite different: cancers, freaks, slugs, vibrohvosta, twisters and so on. Every angler has their own preferences when choosing a bait, so to speak, what is better and what is worse would be wrong.
Rockfishing in Владивостоке
In my city this type of fishing is gaining momentum. When I started to engage in this type of fishing, known only to a few like-minded people. And now, no matter arrived, at least one man will catch the same as I, but most of them are much more than one, much...
On the one hand, good because more people attached to "proper" fishing. But on the other, it is sometimes very difficult to find a place on the rocks. Of course, there are the "wrong" fishermen, for example, danocrine. But where do without such in modern Russia? :)
Almost all shops now carry goods for rockfishing, and that way two years ago it was impossible to find even the simplest things. In General, the style is evolving, and like-minded people is becoming every day more and more.
The ichthyofauna we have a little bit different from Japanese, although there's the same sea and nature is very similar. But if there are some of the most popular types of fishing is mebaring and ajing, we have only mebaring, because the mackerel on our shores is not found.
And mebaru in the far East, not the one in Japan. We call it small bass, and the Japanese – akagaya. Note that in Japanese the title no famous names “mebaru”, but I can confidently say that this is almost the same individuals. They look almost no different, and belong to the same squad skorpenoobraznyh. Roughly speaking, Japanese mebaru and our relatives. We often call him affectionately "mubarik", "perch" or "ruff".
Only in the far East there are eight types of perch. The most numerous, I think, – perch small. Also, if you fish with spinning, you can catch Pollack, trout, LENCA, the Rudd, the flounder, and many species of gobies. I named only the major kinds of fishes, so as usual we have a huge number, and to list them all is almost impossible, and it makes no sense.
Places where I often go fishing, not so much. This can be explained, perhaps, two reasons. First, the number of fishermen, the second is the wind. In our region it is present very often, and since I'm more of a supporter ultralajtovogo catching, throwing jig head 2 oz. against the wind speed of 5 m/s it becomes almost impossible. So you have to look closed from the Bay, which, unfortunately, not so much. So, for example, is very interesting in terms of catching the Ussuri Bay: different stone mounds, natural rocks and reefs, but, alas, it is open to the wind.
In this case, the place, located on Russian island, called by us, the fans rockfishing, "podmoscovie". The place got its name from its location – directly under the pillars of the bridge on the island Russian. What is it I wonder? When construction of the supports, did the Foundation, consisting by and large of the same large boulders which go to the very bottom. Thus was created great artificial reefs, near which now holds a huge amount of marine life.
This is perhaps the main places where I am fishing. Of course, the Russian o is very large, and it also has a lot of good places but they are either very difficult to reach or impossible. Struttering do not take account, as I hardly ever do.
Tackle, which I find do not differ from those used in Japan. Except that there is one feature in my Arsenal is the "meat" of the sets – only casting. Somehow happened that I chose this gear to others. Not going to talk about its features, because it is a topic for another article, I will say one thing: it's worth it.
I told him about rockfishing in Vladivostok, in Japan and in the world, and what he represents. In my opinion, this type of fishing is just gorgeous. It's not like freshwater fishing, and whatever is said, it is a real element, zapolnaya mind, once you try rockfishing the first time. I'm not comparing it with something else and not saying this is the best kind of fishing. I say that this is something that is not similar to anything else. This is a real drug that excites the nervous system. After all, you become part of the sea, when you win a small brisk sea bass with light balanced tackle.
You know, even if you just look at the tackle for rockfishing immediately clear what it's for. Such gear has a "charm" on which they can be distinguished. So, for example, about the trout tackle I can say that this is a real aesthete, a born special or a pedant. And when I look at the tackle for rockfishing, I can only think of the athlete-athlete that will do anything for a result. He will buy expensive equipment to lose weight to perform everything with utmost clarity and calm. And then you take the hand of this "athlete" standing on the rock, and begin the hunt, waiting after each casting a sharp bite. The sound of the surf, the moonlight in the night, the smell of the sea is all you need at this moment. Even caught fish is not important – it is a gift, like a cake, birthday that you waited so long. And all this just a few minutes from the house, and I still wonder what could be so affordable...
After fishing you get back home for dinner, purged the evening breeze, your hands and clothes stained from the salt, the head is the sound of the surf. Yes! That's what I need! I am ready to spend all your savings on it, I'm obsessed. It is winter, and in the head of one perch and a sea. I already throw a jig-head into the sea, make the wiring neat and get what you want...
As I said earlier about baitcasting tackle, it's worth it. The same I can say about rockfishing: you freeze in the wind, I see the damage on the stones, leaving a huge number of lures in the bottom of the sea, get retirements trophy fish, which is so long hunted, and picked up the key, and she showed a strength that you didn't expect to see, and went to the stones, back home. But it's true, it's worth it! Yes, even as a... posted
Source: activizm.ru/blogs/12/rockfishing_vo_vladivostoke/
I'm not the first one to say it, but my article will be the highlight: a place where I do this type of fishing, the far East and Vladivostok. "What's the big deal?" – I will say many of you. I can only say that many people from the Western part of Russia, if you know about my city, it is likely quite shallow. And then just this topic, but still related to fishing. In General, I hope, will be interesting.
What is rockfishing and what it eats?

Perhaps, this question I cannot give a specific answer: he is too different, this rockfishing. To begin with we will understand the title. "Rock" – "rock" and "fishing" "fishing", that is "rockfishing" can be translated as "fishing from the rocks or fishing for reef fish".
Now let us examine this area more in detail and start with the classification. Rockfishing can be subdivided by objects of fishing: fishing for mebaru (mebaring), horse mackerel (ajinng), sea bream (kurodai), and so on. Objects of great variety! For example, the fauna of the sea of Japan is very rich, and the Japanese are very meticulous people, and often comes to the fact that almost for each kind of fish they have their own tackle, involving certain features of fishing.
Also rockfishing often divided into two groups according to the weight of the bait: hardrockfishing (HRF), that is, the use of heavy baits and catch more big fish, and, as many have guessed, lightrockfishing (LRF) – an easy style of fishing. Of course, each has its own nuances and the difference is not only in the difference of scales and the size of the fish. But now we're not going to delve deeply into these types of rockfishing.
Speaking of Japan, no wonder the conversation turned, as it is in this country and starts rockfishing, and almost all of it are produced here. And every year this type of fishing is gaining popularity in the Country of the rising sun. Why? I think the reason is its accessibility: it is not necessary to go hundreds of miles from home to fish besides rockfish possible literally everywhere! On coastal cliffs, at the city piers and similar structures, on the breakwater (in Japan, by the way, fishing from breakwaters increasingly popular in the last time) – almost all places where there is the sea, you can do this method of fishing.
This fishing can be in day off, and in free from working hours, which, for example, was at lunch. Enough to have quite a bit of time to go on the pier nearby to try my luck before going to sleep and gain positive emotions from catching fish. I think it's just wonderful!
You can also say about the involvement rockfishing'and streetfishing', because fishing can take place close to the city, if not in the city.
Another reason for the popularity of rockfishing in a kind of universality: here everyone can find a niche, something that he likes. For example, an avid ultralight with pleasure will memoryram or fishing for Jack mackerel, but a fan of the heavy jig will be able to try fishing from the rocks dark perch or Atka mackerel.

About gear, I already once mentioned, will now continue. Of course, the Japanese wouldn't be Japanese if it is not treated meticulously to their work. Literally for every kind of fish they came up with their own peculiarities of fishing, be it, kind of bait, wiring method, etc. Our friends from the East take this into account in the development of tackle and other supplies for rockfishing.
Absolutely everything can now be found in almost any fishing online store, marked "Rockfishing": starting with clothing and ending with small snap hooks to lures. And, as expected, barely "rockfishes" gadgets went on sale as soon as it became known, and we are with you.
Especially popular are the fishing rods we designed for rockfishing. Almost all lovers ultralight in Russia use them mainly for fishing on microjy. Also they practiced catch on lures or on different hardware. In General, the Japanese have turned the universal spinning rods, including for our types of fishing.
Then, of course, there are nuances, such as the apex. It can be Tubular Tip and Solid Tip. Solid is glued to the tip different from the main form material. Mainly need it for the jig techniques. She has two tasks: identification of gentle bites and fish touching the lure to the bottom. Often this type of tip is needed for a very light jig heads and is suitable for catching small fish. But sometimes such a thing put on heavier rods, sometimes even on the bass.
The Tubular tip is of the usual hollow, without any inserts. Spinning rods for rockfishing with this type of top has earned the status of a universal. Almost all rods in this series have a common feature – a rather lively tip and the inboard portion, with a large reserve capacity. Interesting design, isn't it? This concept is a bit distracting from the other rods to ultralight because "rockfishes" have decent power in relation to their test. It is necessary not to give a strong marine fish to go into the rocks, otherwise you will be left without the coveted trophy and bait. And so the first third of the rod is almost always (is to identify the bite and touching the bottom), and the second is easily turned to the work of fish and fine knits it. The last (inboard portion) is used for the same role as, for example, in football a good backup player who, when need be, always ready to help his team. And rockfishing need this help quite often.
This is the types of fishing rods for rockfishing and their application.

Coils for this type of fishing, we also equally popular. But about using them I can not say anything, because he fishing reels for baitcasting, not instantaneous. But, of course, they are very reliable, as it is designed to catch strong fish, plus suitable for salt water, which gives even greater strength for the bearings.
"Rakishevich" baits are also a great many – it cranks, and pilkery, and tailspinner, but popular all the same silicone. They can be quite different: cancers, freaks, slugs, vibrohvosta, twisters and so on. Every angler has their own preferences when choosing a bait, so to speak, what is better and what is worse would be wrong.
Rockfishing in Владивостоке

In my city this type of fishing is gaining momentum. When I started to engage in this type of fishing, known only to a few like-minded people. And now, no matter arrived, at least one man will catch the same as I, but most of them are much more than one, much...
On the one hand, good because more people attached to "proper" fishing. But on the other, it is sometimes very difficult to find a place on the rocks. Of course, there are the "wrong" fishermen, for example, danocrine. But where do without such in modern Russia? :)
Almost all shops now carry goods for rockfishing, and that way two years ago it was impossible to find even the simplest things. In General, the style is evolving, and like-minded people is becoming every day more and more.

The ichthyofauna we have a little bit different from Japanese, although there's the same sea and nature is very similar. But if there are some of the most popular types of fishing is mebaring and ajing, we have only mebaring, because the mackerel on our shores is not found.

And mebaru in the far East, not the one in Japan. We call it small bass, and the Japanese – akagaya. Note that in Japanese the title no famous names “mebaru”, but I can confidently say that this is almost the same individuals. They look almost no different, and belong to the same squad skorpenoobraznyh. Roughly speaking, Japanese mebaru and our relatives. We often call him affectionately "mubarik", "perch" or "ruff".
Only in the far East there are eight types of perch. The most numerous, I think, – perch small. Also, if you fish with spinning, you can catch Pollack, trout, LENCA, the Rudd, the flounder, and many species of gobies. I named only the major kinds of fishes, so as usual we have a huge number, and to list them all is almost impossible, and it makes no sense.

Places where I often go fishing, not so much. This can be explained, perhaps, two reasons. First, the number of fishermen, the second is the wind. In our region it is present very often, and since I'm more of a supporter ultralajtovogo catching, throwing jig head 2 oz. against the wind speed of 5 m/s it becomes almost impossible. So you have to look closed from the Bay, which, unfortunately, not so much. So, for example, is very interesting in terms of catching the Ussuri Bay: different stone mounds, natural rocks and reefs, but, alas, it is open to the wind.
In this case, the place, located on Russian island, called by us, the fans rockfishing, "podmoscovie". The place got its name from its location – directly under the pillars of the bridge on the island Russian. What is it I wonder? When construction of the supports, did the Foundation, consisting by and large of the same large boulders which go to the very bottom. Thus was created great artificial reefs, near which now holds a huge amount of marine life.
This is perhaps the main places where I am fishing. Of course, the Russian o is very large, and it also has a lot of good places but they are either very difficult to reach or impossible. Struttering do not take account, as I hardly ever do.
Tackle, which I find do not differ from those used in Japan. Except that there is one feature in my Arsenal is the "meat" of the sets – only casting. Somehow happened that I chose this gear to others. Not going to talk about its features, because it is a topic for another article, I will say one thing: it's worth it.

I told him about rockfishing in Vladivostok, in Japan and in the world, and what he represents. In my opinion, this type of fishing is just gorgeous. It's not like freshwater fishing, and whatever is said, it is a real element, zapolnaya mind, once you try rockfishing the first time. I'm not comparing it with something else and not saying this is the best kind of fishing. I say that this is something that is not similar to anything else. This is a real drug that excites the nervous system. After all, you become part of the sea, when you win a small brisk sea bass with light balanced tackle.
You know, even if you just look at the tackle for rockfishing immediately clear what it's for. Such gear has a "charm" on which they can be distinguished. So, for example, about the trout tackle I can say that this is a real aesthete, a born special or a pedant. And when I look at the tackle for rockfishing, I can only think of the athlete-athlete that will do anything for a result. He will buy expensive equipment to lose weight to perform everything with utmost clarity and calm. And then you take the hand of this "athlete" standing on the rock, and begin the hunt, waiting after each casting a sharp bite. The sound of the surf, the moonlight in the night, the smell of the sea is all you need at this moment. Even caught fish is not important – it is a gift, like a cake, birthday that you waited so long. And all this just a few minutes from the house, and I still wonder what could be so affordable...
After fishing you get back home for dinner, purged the evening breeze, your hands and clothes stained from the salt, the head is the sound of the surf. Yes! That's what I need! I am ready to spend all your savings on it, I'm obsessed. It is winter, and in the head of one perch and a sea. I already throw a jig-head into the sea, make the wiring neat and get what you want...
As I said earlier about baitcasting tackle, it's worth it. The same I can say about rockfishing: you freeze in the wind, I see the damage on the stones, leaving a huge number of lures in the bottom of the sea, get retirements trophy fish, which is so long hunted, and picked up the key, and she showed a strength that you didn't expect to see, and went to the stones, back home. But it's true, it's worth it! Yes, even as a... posted
Source: activizm.ru/blogs/12/rockfishing_vo_vladivostoke/