The most poisonous snakes (11 photos)
Snakes, a meeting which should be avoided. Only in the list of the snake, which can be found in America, easily recognizable thanks to the "rattle" at the end of its tail. This snake belongs to the family pit viper. Rhombic rattlesnake, the most venomous of the snakes, which can be found in North America. It is believed that the young snakes are more dangerous than adults, because they can not control the amount of venom injected. Most rattlesnakes possess gemotoksichnym poison that leads to coagulopathy (blood clotting) .After a snake bite may be difficulty in breathing, paralysis, excessive salivation, bleeding. Often bites of rattlesnakes lead to death. However, with the advent of a special serum produced by snake venom, death from the bite of rattlesnakes decreased significantly and now accounts for 4% of the total number of bites.
Gadyukoobraznaya deadly snake is found in Australia and New Guinea. She often prey on other snakes, usually from ambush. Like many vipers, this snake's head is triangular in shape and a short body. Usually by the bite of a snake injects 40-100 mg poison is lethal to mice at 0, 4-0, 5 mg. This is one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. The bite can cause paralysis and death can occur within 6 hours due to respiratory arrest. The antidote is quite effective, but its invention about 50% of those bitten die.
Vipers are found worldwide, but most of them are poisonous and sand EFA and chained adder, live mainly in the Middle East and Central Asia. Vipers are mostly nocturnal, often active after rains. They also differ in responsiveness. Yad most of them causes swelling at the site of the bite. Also, there is often bleeding, most often bleeding gums. On the site of the bite may appear blisters. Vomiting and facial swelling occur in about one third of all cases. Acute pain can last from 2 to 4 weeks. Death from blood poisoning can occur within 1-14 days, or even later.
Most cobras are not particularly dangerous, but not Filipino. Its venom among the most deadly cobras and she can hit them from a distance of three meters. Venom affects the respiratory and cardiovascular system of the body, can lead to respiratory paralysis and death within 30 minutes.
Yad tiger snake inhabiting in Australia is extremely neurotoxic. Death can occur from the bite for 30 minutes, but typically occurs after 6-24 hours. Symptoms: Pain in the legs and around the neck, tinnitus, sweating, difficulty breathing, paralysis. Snake attacks with amazing accuracy.
Black Mamba lives on the African continent, it is known for its aggressiveness. It is also one of the fastest kite on land, it can reach a speed of 20 km / h. One bite of a snake can cause the death of an adult. Its neurotoxic venom affects the tissue very quickly. If bitten by a snake injects about 100-120 mg of venom, but the amount of venom can reach 400 mg. About 50% of those bitten die. Symptoms: pain in the area of the bite, tingling sensation in the mouth, double vision, fever, excessive salivation, loss of motor coordination. If the victim does not provide medical care, there will be abdominal pain, nausea, nephrotoxicity, paralysis. Furthermore, it can stop breathing, leading to death. No antidote to the person dies. Death may occur after 15 minutes to 3:00.
Another inhabitant of the Australian-Taipan-can kill up to 12,000 guinea pigs ... Before the invention antidote in cases that can not be ended without a fatal outcome, was not known. Behavior and habits it resembles the black mamba snake,
Blue bungarus-one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. He lives in Southeast Asia. 50% of bites are fatal, even as an antidote. Bungarus preys on other snakes, sometimes even devour their own kind. They are nocturnal and are more aggressive under the cover of night. The venom is neurotoxic, 16 times stronger than cobra venom. Death occurs within 6-12 hours after the bite.
Netted brown snake found in Australia. It can move very fast speed, and even the young snakes can be deadly. Fortunately for people, they are practically not attacked. So all we need to do to avoid ukusa- is simply to stand still in place while the snake does not upolzet.
These snakes the most toxic venom of all land species. The amount of venom in a single bite can be up to 110 mg, that is enough to kill 100 people. Fortunately, these snakes are not aggressive and rarely attack humans. Deaths is not known, though it is a snake, and its bite can cause the death of an adult in 45 minutes.
The most venomous snake in the world, a few milligrams of its venom is enough to kill 1,000 people !!! However, less than ¼ bites contain the poison, usually fishermen victims of these snakes when stretched network where fall. Habitat: Southeast Asia and northern Australia.
Source: listverse.com

Gadyukoobraznaya deadly snake is found in Australia and New Guinea. She often prey on other snakes, usually from ambush. Like many vipers, this snake's head is triangular in shape and a short body. Usually by the bite of a snake injects 40-100 mg poison is lethal to mice at 0, 4-0, 5 mg. This is one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. The bite can cause paralysis and death can occur within 6 hours due to respiratory arrest. The antidote is quite effective, but its invention about 50% of those bitten die.

Vipers are found worldwide, but most of them are poisonous and sand EFA and chained adder, live mainly in the Middle East and Central Asia. Vipers are mostly nocturnal, often active after rains. They also differ in responsiveness. Yad most of them causes swelling at the site of the bite. Also, there is often bleeding, most often bleeding gums. On the site of the bite may appear blisters. Vomiting and facial swelling occur in about one third of all cases. Acute pain can last from 2 to 4 weeks. Death from blood poisoning can occur within 1-14 days, or even later.

Most cobras are not particularly dangerous, but not Filipino. Its venom among the most deadly cobras and she can hit them from a distance of three meters. Venom affects the respiratory and cardiovascular system of the body, can lead to respiratory paralysis and death within 30 minutes.

Yad tiger snake inhabiting in Australia is extremely neurotoxic. Death can occur from the bite for 30 minutes, but typically occurs after 6-24 hours. Symptoms: Pain in the legs and around the neck, tinnitus, sweating, difficulty breathing, paralysis. Snake attacks with amazing accuracy.

Black Mamba lives on the African continent, it is known for its aggressiveness. It is also one of the fastest kite on land, it can reach a speed of 20 km / h. One bite of a snake can cause the death of an adult. Its neurotoxic venom affects the tissue very quickly. If bitten by a snake injects about 100-120 mg of venom, but the amount of venom can reach 400 mg. About 50% of those bitten die. Symptoms: pain in the area of the bite, tingling sensation in the mouth, double vision, fever, excessive salivation, loss of motor coordination. If the victim does not provide medical care, there will be abdominal pain, nausea, nephrotoxicity, paralysis. Furthermore, it can stop breathing, leading to death. No antidote to the person dies. Death may occur after 15 minutes to 3:00.

Another inhabitant of the Australian-Taipan-can kill up to 12,000 guinea pigs ... Before the invention antidote in cases that can not be ended without a fatal outcome, was not known. Behavior and habits it resembles the black mamba snake,

Blue bungarus-one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. He lives in Southeast Asia. 50% of bites are fatal, even as an antidote. Bungarus preys on other snakes, sometimes even devour their own kind. They are nocturnal and are more aggressive under the cover of night. The venom is neurotoxic, 16 times stronger than cobra venom. Death occurs within 6-12 hours after the bite.

Netted brown snake found in Australia. It can move very fast speed, and even the young snakes can be deadly. Fortunately for people, they are practically not attacked. So all we need to do to avoid ukusa- is simply to stand still in place while the snake does not upolzet.

These snakes the most toxic venom of all land species. The amount of venom in a single bite can be up to 110 mg, that is enough to kill 100 people. Fortunately, these snakes are not aggressive and rarely attack humans. Deaths is not known, though it is a snake, and its bite can cause the death of an adult in 45 minutes.

The most venomous snake in the world, a few milligrams of its venom is enough to kill 1,000 people !!! However, less than ¼ bites contain the poison, usually fishermen victims of these snakes when stretched network where fall. Habitat: Southeast Asia and northern Australia.

Source: listverse.com