Experiment Discovery — how to create a protective suit for a live lunch of the snake
December 21, viewers of Discovery Channel Russia (for the Western audience of the experiment showed 7 Dec) will be able to witness the experiment in which a giant 8-meter Anaconda try to swallow alive by a man. To ensure that, after such an extreme lunch people are left alive, scientists spent many months on the design, construction and testing of a unique protective suit. The desire to be eaten alive naturalist expressed from the USA half rosoli.
If you consider that a man with the head was to be swallowed by a giant snake, after she will try to strangle him and break my bones (for those who don't know, anacondas are accustomed so to "play" with his victim before she will eat), protective suit, which will save the person from actual death, was to be incredibly durable.
Portal Gizmodo spoke to Dr. Cynthia bir, a bioengineer and one of the leading designers and developers of this unique protective garment, and found out how people can survive if you fall into the stomach of a giant snake.
"Our utmost priority was the security Floor, so we had given some thought to how to provide. First, we needed to figure out how to ensure human security in the first strike of a snake, secondly, to protect against subsequent strangling "of the victim and in the end to protect the Floor from exposure to stomach acid of a snake. This certainly should be taken into account that in all these tests the person must have problem in breathing."
As a result, scientists came to the conclusion that the best solution would be to use a modular design of the protective suit. In the first step, the scientists developed a special Bluetooth-enabled sensor, attached to the shirt on the Floor. Being swallowed snakes, the sensor will send nearby scientists information about the physical condition of the person, continually providing them with data about heart rate Sex, his breath and his body temperature.
By the way, if to speak about the body temperature. Inside the snake would definitely be very hot. Therefore, as a second layer of costume Gender used a specially designed vest with tubes of the cooling system. This system is enough to protect a person from temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius.
The third layer of the protective suit is a suit of chemical protection of Tychem company. The suit will provide full protection from internal exposure to stomach acid of a snake. Although this suit has been tested to over 2000 different chemicals, it will become completely useless if razor-sharp teeth pierced his Anaconda. Therefore, at the scene of the fourth layer of protection.
The fourth layer of protection is a coat of mail. Ultimate means of protection of the knights, fans of sharks and, as you can see, now — lunch, snakes. Chainmail sleeves and pants are designed to protect the Floor from sharp snake teeth. In this case will remain open only the torso Floor. However, the armor is only needed in those parts of the body that people will be able to move — all the rest will protect the Kevlar carbon fiber. The armor also has multiple parts so the joints Rosali get a relative freedom of movement.
Another amazing feature of the protective suit Floor is that when tested he was able to withstand the pressure of 300 pounds per square inch (almost 22 kg per square centimeter).
"We experienced a costume, tying him up with rope, the ends of which were tied to two trucks and at the same time pulling her in different directions. Suit passed that test," explains Dr. bree.
If we consider that the most powerful snake bite may be 90 psi (6.3 kg per square centimeter), the safety of a Floor in the experiment was at a very high level.
Important in the protection suit is the mask, which was provided by Rosali air for breathing. Dr. bree, and the engineering team has also included a few spare oxygen tanks and feeding it directly through the connected hoses for the case of air, the Floor and the snake would not be enough. The outer layer of protection masks for breathing helmet is carbon fiber and neoprene that fully protects the head naturalist.
The last step was to make a protective suit seemed to snake... very attractive in order to eat. It is unlikely that the Anaconda decided to have Sex, are clothed in such armor, so the scientists decided that the best way to arouse the appetite of the snake is the use of pig's blood.
And yet, despite this unique multi-layered protective suit, the scientists have to be prepared for different scenarios in this experiment.
"We spent an insane amount of various checks, but can always find a detail that will put the entire venture into a dead end, so we had already accumulated several hundred pages, which describes virtually every situation that could possibly be imagined in the framework of this experiment."
"We have two teams of scientists. While one group observed the condition of the Floor, the second team of herpetologists, led constantly monitor the state of the snake".
Source: hi-news.ru