A funny joke about a young beauty and a chance meeting in the park

Once in the park a young and beautiful girl met a beggar. She spread a terrible smell around her, and her dress and hair were in terrible condition. The beggar addressed the girl:
- Miss, I'm sorry, will you give me three dollars for food?
The girl took a few notes out of her wallet and said:
- Answer me one question: If I give you not three dollars, but twenty dollars, will you go and buy some alcohol with it?
- No, come on! I stopped drinking years ago! the beggar said.
- Maybe you should go shopping instead of buying food.
- What shops? I've been wearing this dress for five years, I don't need a new one, I just want to eat.
- Oh, then you're probably gonna go to the barbershop to do that twenty-dollar haircut?
- Miss, look at me! I haven't had a haircut in ten years!
The girl looked at the beggar and said:
- I have a proposition for you. Why don't you go with me and my husband to an expensive restaurant, and I'll feed you and give you a hundred dollars?
- Miss, what are you? Your husband will make a scandal! I'm so dirty, I have an old dress and I smell unbearable.
- Oh, that's okay! I want my husband to know what a girl looks like who doesn't drink at all, doesn't go shopping or look at beauty salons! Maybe then he'll stop nagging that I'm spending money on myself.
via factroom.ru
"Come on, work, and then nurse then dismissed!»
How fragile girl two minutes from the muggers escaped