Latvian student told an anecdote about the Russian.
April 1, the Latvian Society House held a competition of jokes. One of the participants, Latvian student told an anecdote about the Russian, Latvian and English:
"Russian, an Englishman and a Latvian fly in an airplane. Russian throws out the window headphones and says: "Ah, here in Russia there are many." They fly farther. The Englishman throws the TV out the window and says, "Oh, we have plenty of those in England." Then, a Latvian Russian threw out the window and said, "We in Latvia, there are many".
This anecdote from the mouth of a little boy called resonance among users of social networks. For example, some are outraged by the fact that at the end of the student performances, none of those present at the competition of adults did not remark the boy, said Mixnews.
In turn, the producer of the First Baltic Channel Natalya Vasilyeva noticed that it was unlikely such an episode would have remained without consequences, tell Russian child in public like the anecdote about Latvians.
From baltijalv.lv/news/read/22489
April 1, the Latvian Society House held a competition of jokes. One of the participants, Latvian student told an anecdote about the Russian, Latvian and English:
"Russian, an Englishman and a Latvian fly in an airplane. Russian throws out the window headphones and says: "Ah, here in Russia there are many." They fly farther. The Englishman throws the TV out the window and says, "Oh, we have plenty of those in England." Then, a Latvian Russian threw out the window and said, "We in Latvia, there are many".
This anecdote from the mouth of a little boy called resonance among users of social networks. For example, some are outraged by the fact that at the end of the student performances, none of those present at the competition of adults did not remark the boy, said Mixnews.
In turn, the producer of the First Baltic Channel Natalya Vasilyeva noticed that it was unlikely such an episode would have remained without consequences, tell Russian child in public like the anecdote about Latvians.
From baltijalv.lv/news/read/22489
