These things are so perfect that it is scary
Fifty four million three hundred eighty five thousand eight hundred fifty eight
It is human nature to find faults in the surrounding objects. So many of them around that when they discover something perfect next to him, seems to have made the discovery a global scale.
Site believes that a perfect world exists and is somewhere nearby. The evidence is in front of you.
Perfect machines — perfect conditions
Cones of spices. Imagine now, what's the flavor! Seventy one million one hundred forty two thousand one hundred twenty
The perfect cube of pyrite in the natural rocky breed. Amazing what nature creates such things! Twenty two million two hundred twenty four thousand one hundred seventy
With such shoes suitable now, your escalator
And about the dishes you can forget
The game of "snake" in real life
Entangled! Ten million eight hundred ninety eight thousand nine hundred twenty two
Here were two loneliness
It seems that someone decided to cook the perfect Breakfast
When I succeeded in cooking more than in the "Tetris"
That's really important "discovery"! Ninety six million three hundred fifty six thousand one hundred thirty nine
Well, how are they holding up? Eighty five million five hundred ninety thousand nine hundred sixty eight
I don't know, these mushrooms are edible or not, but they have a perfect hat
Woodman-the perfectionist looking for a driver of a perfectionist
This promoter not only knows, but loves his job
When reality collides with fiction, the real magic begins
Here are all the buyers? Maybe it's the Museum? Twenty one million nine hundred seventy three thousand one hundred seventy
I would like to think that this snow was never thrown
Photos on the preview imgur, Ergo_Bibamus
See also
20 good reasons to love travelling in public transport
These people had one job and they failed
14 people, which during the operation something went wrong
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/13-chelovek-u-kotoryh-vo-vremya-raboty-chto-to-poshlo-ne-tak-1500615/
It is human nature to find faults in the surrounding objects. So many of them around that when they discover something perfect next to him, seems to have made the discovery a global scale.
Site believes that a perfect world exists and is somewhere nearby. The evidence is in front of you.
Perfect machines — perfect conditions

Cones of spices. Imagine now, what's the flavor! Seventy one million one hundred forty two thousand one hundred twenty
The perfect cube of pyrite in the natural rocky breed. Amazing what nature creates such things! Twenty two million two hundred twenty four thousand one hundred seventy
With such shoes suitable now, your escalator

And about the dishes you can forget

The game of "snake" in real life

Entangled! Ten million eight hundred ninety eight thousand nine hundred twenty two
Here were two loneliness

It seems that someone decided to cook the perfect Breakfast

When I succeeded in cooking more than in the "Tetris"

That's really important "discovery"! Ninety six million three hundred fifty six thousand one hundred thirty nine
Well, how are they holding up? Eighty five million five hundred ninety thousand nine hundred sixty eight
I don't know, these mushrooms are edible or not, but they have a perfect hat

Woodman-the perfectionist looking for a driver of a perfectionist

This promoter not only knows, but loves his job

When reality collides with fiction, the real magic begins

Here are all the buyers? Maybe it's the Museum? Twenty one million nine hundred seventy three thousand one hundred seventy
I would like to think that this snow was never thrown

Photos on the preview imgur, Ergo_Bibamus
See also
20 good reasons to love travelling in public transport
These people had one job and they failed
14 people, which during the operation something went wrong
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/13-chelovek-u-kotoryh-vo-vremya-raboty-chto-to-poshlo-ne-tak-1500615/
Sprinkle baking soda on your mattress and see what happens
17 foods that can be eaten at any time of day and in any quantity