I let my husband choose for me, outfits for the whole week
Forty three million eight hundred nineteen thousand nine hundred eighty nine
If you ask your spouse to get into the closet and pick out you outfit at least one day, what do you think he will choose? Long red dress? Jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt? And maybe a bikini?
The website offers you to look at the results of an interesting experiment in which Dennis had to put his wife Dilara for the whole week.
Like many women, I have a large wardrobe full of things, some of them I never even wore. Nevertheless, often had the idea that I again have nothing to wear. Then I decided to go on an experiment and asked my husband to pick out my outfit for the day during the week.
His choice really surprised me.
Monday morning I cautiously watched as Denis delves into the closet, picking out my clothes. It was a big day — I had a meeting with business partners, and look needed, respectively. I tried several times to abandon this foolish idea, but he was so excited that I gasped and waited for his verdict.
But I in vain was afraid. Of course, the chosen outfit is not suitable for a business meeting, but, according to Denis, "everything is covered, no one will stare, and looks very spring-like". But believe me, all staring. I held this all day and I can say that 100 % wear this outfit again. The more that got a lot of compliments from colleagues for a vivid image.
On the second day I began to suspect that my husband clearly loves bright colors. I had no idea about that, can you imagine? According to him, today promised a Sunny day and he wanted me to look like the real sun. He pulled out bins of my old bag that I no longer wear, thinking that her look childish. But as it turned out, my husband, the Director of the leasing company, always secretly liked the bag houses. From this day on she is my favourite accessory.
Today we have Denis and memorable date, and we decided to celebrate it in a romantic dinner. As sit in a restaurant with two bright-eyed children, we can not, decided to make the romance at home. We've been doing, and I never thought about what to wear. Because we are at home, why dress up? But as it turned out, my husband thinks otherwise. He chose for me a pretty straightforward black dress. And this evening I felt like on our first date.
Honestly, this is the dress I no longer wear, I put it away in the closet and forgotten. I always thought that it is a bit short, and the color is not like mine. But Dennis chose it, claiming that in red I "simply stunning". Like this he sent me to a PTA meeting. Was terribly embarrassed, but the words my husband gave me confidence.
Today we have a meeting scheduled with the parents. And if not Dennis, I would wear something neat dress and shoes. But my husband decided that every time I feel it is not very convenient, running around the house and picked up for me this outfit. Honestly, in this suit I usually go to the cottage or on a picnic, but now I understand that nothing is so rare as to put it on. It is really very comfortable, and combined with espadrilles and a hat it looks very stylish.
Saturday is the day our family walks. Today Dennis gave free rein to their imagination and seem to feel like a real stylist. Combined it all? No. If I'm happy in this outfit? Definitely Yes. He gave me his favorite jacket, claiming that I was in it a very cute look. Easy sundress and sneakers for comfort. I think the photo shows that the walk has been a success.
Plans on a Sunday we had. But Denis wanted to feel elegant and feminine even at home. I have a black dress which I love, but rarely find the occasion to wear it. As it turned out, and it does not need to look. Life with my husband is one big great event that is well worth dressing up every day.
I was surprised at how responsible he approached the task. He carefully chose every outfit. And I came to the conclusion that they are all perfectly suitable for everyday wear. Every morning, putting on the chosen husband clothes and looking in the mirror, I smiled happily.
I realized something important. Do not be afraid to experiment, you don't need to look for a suitable occasion to wear an evening dress or sneakers with a t-shirt. If you are in this comfortable, don't think for a second; if you feel confident, do not think a second; if your husband looks at you with eyes full of adoration, don't think for a second. Try to ask your man to choose you outfit at least one day. You will be pleasantly surprised.
Photographer: Roman Zakharchenko, photo: dilara and Denis Trotsenko specifically for the Website
See also
7 mistakes in choosing clothes that prevent us to look slimmer
10 style lessons from the best supermodels of the world
Stylists Site compare clothes from regular stores with collections of "Haute couture"
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-kultura/stilisty-admeru-sravnili-odezhdu-iz-obychnyh-magazinov-s-kollekciyami-ot-kutyur-1484265/
If you ask your spouse to get into the closet and pick out you outfit at least one day, what do you think he will choose? Long red dress? Jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt? And maybe a bikini?
The website offers you to look at the results of an interesting experiment in which Dennis had to put his wife Dilara for the whole week.

Like many women, I have a large wardrobe full of things, some of them I never even wore. Nevertheless, often had the idea that I again have nothing to wear. Then I decided to go on an experiment and asked my husband to pick out my outfit for the day during the week.
His choice really surprised me.

Monday morning I cautiously watched as Denis delves into the closet, picking out my clothes. It was a big day — I had a meeting with business partners, and look needed, respectively. I tried several times to abandon this foolish idea, but he was so excited that I gasped and waited for his verdict.
But I in vain was afraid. Of course, the chosen outfit is not suitable for a business meeting, but, according to Denis, "everything is covered, no one will stare, and looks very spring-like". But believe me, all staring. I held this all day and I can say that 100 % wear this outfit again. The more that got a lot of compliments from colleagues for a vivid image.

On the second day I began to suspect that my husband clearly loves bright colors. I had no idea about that, can you imagine? According to him, today promised a Sunny day and he wanted me to look like the real sun. He pulled out bins of my old bag that I no longer wear, thinking that her look childish. But as it turned out, my husband, the Director of the leasing company, always secretly liked the bag houses. From this day on she is my favourite accessory.

Today we have Denis and memorable date, and we decided to celebrate it in a romantic dinner. As sit in a restaurant with two bright-eyed children, we can not, decided to make the romance at home. We've been doing, and I never thought about what to wear. Because we are at home, why dress up? But as it turned out, my husband thinks otherwise. He chose for me a pretty straightforward black dress. And this evening I felt like on our first date.

Honestly, this is the dress I no longer wear, I put it away in the closet and forgotten. I always thought that it is a bit short, and the color is not like mine. But Dennis chose it, claiming that in red I "simply stunning". Like this he sent me to a PTA meeting. Was terribly embarrassed, but the words my husband gave me confidence.

Today we have a meeting scheduled with the parents. And if not Dennis, I would wear something neat dress and shoes. But my husband decided that every time I feel it is not very convenient, running around the house and picked up for me this outfit. Honestly, in this suit I usually go to the cottage or on a picnic, but now I understand that nothing is so rare as to put it on. It is really very comfortable, and combined with espadrilles and a hat it looks very stylish.

Saturday is the day our family walks. Today Dennis gave free rein to their imagination and seem to feel like a real stylist. Combined it all? No. If I'm happy in this outfit? Definitely Yes. He gave me his favorite jacket, claiming that I was in it a very cute look. Easy sundress and sneakers for comfort. I think the photo shows that the walk has been a success.

Plans on a Sunday we had. But Denis wanted to feel elegant and feminine even at home. I have a black dress which I love, but rarely find the occasion to wear it. As it turned out, and it does not need to look. Life with my husband is one big great event that is well worth dressing up every day.

I was surprised at how responsible he approached the task. He carefully chose every outfit. And I came to the conclusion that they are all perfectly suitable for everyday wear. Every morning, putting on the chosen husband clothes and looking in the mirror, I smiled happily.

I realized something important. Do not be afraid to experiment, you don't need to look for a suitable occasion to wear an evening dress or sneakers with a t-shirt. If you are in this comfortable, don't think for a second; if you feel confident, do not think a second; if your husband looks at you with eyes full of adoration, don't think for a second. Try to ask your man to choose you outfit at least one day. You will be pleasantly surprised.
Photographer: Roman Zakharchenko, photo: dilara and Denis Trotsenko specifically for the Website
See also
7 mistakes in choosing clothes that prevent us to look slimmer
10 style lessons from the best supermodels of the world
Stylists Site compare clothes from regular stores with collections of "Haute couture"
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-kultura/stilisty-admeru-sravnili-odezhdu-iz-obychnyh-magazinov-s-kollekciyami-ot-kutyur-1484265/