20 jokes from the doctors with a healthy sense of humor
Twenty one million eight hundred forty three thousand four hundred seventeen
Physicians are daily exposed to stress, so without a good sense of humor and the share of self-irony it is impossible to work.
The website admires the work of doctors and shares a fresh collection of notes and funny antics that are treated in a bad mood and return the smile.
See also
20 evidence that doctors have a brilliant sense of humour
"If in the Universe there is justice — for doctors should be a separate Paradise"
8 things that doctors advise to change more often than we used to
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/8-lichnyh-veschej-kotorye-vrachi-sovetuyut-menyat-gorazdo-chasche-chem-my-privykli-1490215/
Physicians are daily exposed to stress, so without a good sense of humor and the share of self-irony it is impossible to work.
The website admires the work of doctors and shares a fresh collection of notes and funny antics that are treated in a bad mood and return the smile.
See also
20 evidence that doctors have a brilliant sense of humour
"If in the Universe there is justice — for doctors should be a separate Paradise"
8 things that doctors advise to change more often than we used to
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/8-lichnyh-veschej-kotorye-vrachi-sovetuyut-menyat-gorazdo-chasche-chem-my-privykli-1490215/
17. who could write only dad with a unique sense of humor
I let my husband choose for me, outfits for the whole week