This application shows how girls look without makeup
There are many applications you can use to dramatically improve your appearance in pictures. But it was recently created by the opposite — bot for Telegram @true_face_bot able to show what is hidden under carefully applied makeup. It is important to note that the application works correctly when you download photo face with bright evening Macapa. In addition, the new bot can also "try on" makeup at the photo of the person who usually dispenses it.
The website sent the robot-whistleblower photos of stars and found that they are beautiful both with makeup and without it. And which version is better, you decide.
Emma Watson
Marilyn Monroe
Jennifer Lopez
Kristen Stewart
Kim Kardashian
Taylor Swift
Marilyn Manson
This bot not only removes makeup, but also trying it on those make-up usually does not use. As a joke we tested this feature.Tilda Swinton
Alicia Keys
Zac Efron
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
See also
15 most beautiful women from all over the world without makeup
10 simple rules that will help you look great without makeup
This robot identifies the racial origin of man in one photo
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/etot-robot-opredelyaet-rasovoe-proishozhdenie-cheloveka-po-odnoj-fotografii-1482315/
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