14 crazy dishes from the States who make the aliens brain
Eight million three hundred forty one thousand six hundred seventy four
It would seem that the US, the birthplace of fast food and the beloved Coca-Cola, hardly will surprise the tourists with its exotic dishes. And here and there. In American cuisine, of course, no fried cockroaches or soup bats, but how about pickled pigs ' feet, "Snickers" or deep-fried snake skin?
The website found 14 crazy tasty food, looking at that, you say, "How the hell is it there?" Maybe... something from the list will you prefer?
Fried rattlesnake
In the South-West of the USA a lot of rattlesnakes. As seen in the photo, the locals have found a use for them. Snake meat is fried, baked, and even add in sausage. This dish is especially popular in Texas. Some say the taste is reminiscent of chicken. Horrified recipe at the link.
Pickled pig's feet
This "delicacy" is common in the southern States of the country. Most often it is considered as a variant for a snack and not a full dish. By the way, pickled pig's feet can also be found in Chinese, and Scandinavian cuisine.
Fried Coca-Cola
A mixture of flour, eggs and glass of Cola fry until Golden brown, then pour syrup and decorate with whipped cream and a cherry. It's hard to believe, but the recipe works: the result is something very sweet and fat food with a taste of Cola and cherry on top.
A sandwich from a donut
One can hardly find another country in which instead of the usual bread for a sandwich sometimes use the donut in the glaze. It turns out that the sweet frosting and the pastry perfectly with ham and cheese? A very strange choice.
Pie chips "Frito"
This delicacy is loved by the residents of the South and Midwest. In the meal includes chili (chopped meat with hot pepper), cheese... and corn chips, usually of the brand "Frito". View the recipe here.
Sausages from alligator
In the United States sausages from alligator can make yourself or buy in the store. The dish is popular in New Orleans, where hot dogs with the meat of the alligator can be bought directly on the street.
Mashed sweet potatoes baked with marshmallows
Imagine an ordinary side dish — mashed potatoes. Presented? Now mentally paint puree in orange color, make sweet to the taste, add the cinnamon, sugar, orange juice, and generously sprinkle with marshmallows and bake in the oven. Details a classic recipe for thanksgiving read here.
The garbage plate
The garbage plate is a salad of cooked pasta with mayonnaise or beans, fries, cheeseburger or hot dog, chicken, ham and cheese. Plus mustard, bread crumbs, ketchup, onion and signature hot sauce. All this sounds as if one chef was not able to decide what kind of junk food he wants to cook. The recipe is here.
Coca-Cola with peanuts
It seems that one day, someone thought: "Soda — not an unhealthy drink, it is necessary to add the peanuts!" Similar cocktail love in the southern States. That's such an unusual idea for a light snack.
Cheese "spray"
This is such a jar in which he lives something like a thick cheese sauce. It is easy to squeeze out of the packaging. Cheese to eat with crackers, fast food and all that it can be spread. The only trouble is that this product does not contain and grams of cheese, it is completely chemical. Sold in almost every supermarket.
"Oysters Rocky Mountain"
Maybe the dish is something externally (remotely) and reminiscent of oysters, but it is made from the testicles of bulls, pigs or sheep. Meat deep fried and coated with a mixture of flour, salt and pepper. This terrible strange delicacy is served in bars as snacks, during various festivals or sports games. The recipe is not attached — afraid to Google.
Pickles soaked in brine fruit powder (Kool-Aid)
In a jar with pickled cucumbers add a special powder (in the US it's called Kool-Aid, analogue of the Russian Zuko), which is usually filled with water to get a drink. But in this dish the role of water is the brine. Because of the dyes contained in the powder, you can get cucumbers red, purple, or blue. Bonus fruity taste. Ideal for pregnant women.
Fried butter
First, the pieces of butter are dipped in mixture of sugar and cinnamon, then freeze and fry. Yes, fried butter, and then eat it. How to do this can be found here. Now, the fries and burgers will not seem quite so harmful.
And again fried. Now "Snickers"
"Snickers" strung on a stick, dipped in a special mixture, and then mercilessly fry in a skillet. Before serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar and pour caramel syrup. It's hard to imagine that after such a lot. The recipe is here.
Photos on the preview the713eats / instagram.com
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It would seem that the US, the birthplace of fast food and the beloved Coca-Cola, hardly will surprise the tourists with its exotic dishes. And here and there. In American cuisine, of course, no fried cockroaches or soup bats, but how about pickled pigs ' feet, "Snickers" or deep-fried snake skin?
The website found 14 crazy tasty food, looking at that, you say, "How the hell is it there?" Maybe... something from the list will you prefer?
Fried rattlesnake
In the South-West of the USA a lot of rattlesnakes. As seen in the photo, the locals have found a use for them. Snake meat is fried, baked, and even add in sausage. This dish is especially popular in Texas. Some say the taste is reminiscent of chicken. Horrified recipe at the link.
Pickled pig's feet
This "delicacy" is common in the southern States of the country. Most often it is considered as a variant for a snack and not a full dish. By the way, pickled pig's feet can also be found in Chinese, and Scandinavian cuisine.
Fried Coca-Cola
A mixture of flour, eggs and glass of Cola fry until Golden brown, then pour syrup and decorate with whipped cream and a cherry. It's hard to believe, but the recipe works: the result is something very sweet and fat food with a taste of Cola and cherry on top.
A sandwich from a donut
One can hardly find another country in which instead of the usual bread for a sandwich sometimes use the donut in the glaze. It turns out that the sweet frosting and the pastry perfectly with ham and cheese? A very strange choice.
Pie chips "Frito"
This delicacy is loved by the residents of the South and Midwest. In the meal includes chili (chopped meat with hot pepper), cheese... and corn chips, usually of the brand "Frito". View the recipe here.
Sausages from alligator
In the United States sausages from alligator can make yourself or buy in the store. The dish is popular in New Orleans, where hot dogs with the meat of the alligator can be bought directly on the street.
Mashed sweet potatoes baked with marshmallows
Imagine an ordinary side dish — mashed potatoes. Presented? Now mentally paint puree in orange color, make sweet to the taste, add the cinnamon, sugar, orange juice, and generously sprinkle with marshmallows and bake in the oven. Details a classic recipe for thanksgiving read here.
The garbage plate
The garbage plate is a salad of cooked pasta with mayonnaise or beans, fries, cheeseburger or hot dog, chicken, ham and cheese. Plus mustard, bread crumbs, ketchup, onion and signature hot sauce. All this sounds as if one chef was not able to decide what kind of junk food he wants to cook. The recipe is here.
Coca-Cola with peanuts
It seems that one day, someone thought: "Soda — not an unhealthy drink, it is necessary to add the peanuts!" Similar cocktail love in the southern States. That's such an unusual idea for a light snack.
Cheese "spray"
This is such a jar in which he lives something like a thick cheese sauce. It is easy to squeeze out of the packaging. Cheese to eat with crackers, fast food and all that it can be spread. The only trouble is that this product does not contain and grams of cheese, it is completely chemical. Sold in almost every supermarket.
"Oysters Rocky Mountain"
Maybe the dish is something externally (remotely) and reminiscent of oysters, but it is made from the testicles of bulls, pigs or sheep. Meat deep fried and coated with a mixture of flour, salt and pepper. This terrible strange delicacy is served in bars as snacks, during various festivals or sports games. The recipe is not attached — afraid to Google.
Pickles soaked in brine fruit powder (Kool-Aid)
In a jar with pickled cucumbers add a special powder (in the US it's called Kool-Aid, analogue of the Russian Zuko), which is usually filled with water to get a drink. But in this dish the role of water is the brine. Because of the dyes contained in the powder, you can get cucumbers red, purple, or blue. Bonus fruity taste. Ideal for pregnant women.
Fried butter
First, the pieces of butter are dipped in mixture of sugar and cinnamon, then freeze and fry. Yes, fried butter, and then eat it. How to do this can be found here. Now, the fries and burgers will not seem quite so harmful.
And again fried. Now "Snickers"
"Snickers" strung on a stick, dipped in a special mixture, and then mercilessly fry in a skillet. Before serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar and pour caramel syrup. It's hard to imagine that after such a lot. The recipe is here.
Photos on the preview the713eats / instagram.com
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