14 postcards about crazy strong and independent women
Sixty eight million five hundred fifteen thousand nine hundred eighty three
Being a woman is very difficult, and to be a strong and independent woman even harder. On the one hand, I want to climb mount Everest and conquer the planet, and on the other on the handle.
The website offers together to laugh at women's contradictory nature.
See also
20 postcards about strong women
19 cards with women's wisdom
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/18-otkrytok-o-zhenschinah-kotorye-zastavyat-ves-mir-krutitsya-vokrug-sebya-1474065/
Being a woman is very difficult, and to be a strong and independent woman even harder. On the one hand, I want to climb mount Everest and conquer the planet, and on the other on the handle.
The website offers together to laugh at women's contradictory nature.

See also
20 postcards about strong women
19 cards with women's wisdom
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/18-otkrytok-o-zhenschinah-kotorye-zastavyat-ves-mir-krutitsya-vokrug-sebya-1474065/
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