10 examples of how the brain is able to give out all your secrets
Two million eight hundred sixty two thousand five hundred thirty five
The human brain is capable of solving the most complex problems, that is why they compare it with a supercomputer. But what would happen if the computer is to share with others your personal information?
Site collected 10 examples of how the brain affects our behavior and reveals the secrets — even the ones we don't know.
Eighty four million thirty thousand one hundred fifty three
Four million sixty thousand two hundred sixty seven
Fact: books.google
Thirty million six hundred eighty two thousand eight hundred ninety nine
Eighty eight million six hundred thirty six thousand two hundred twenty eight
Fact: @ smithsonianmag
Twenty three million five hundred twenty two thousand two hundred seventy five
Six million thirty seven thousand three hundred fifty six
Fact: fictionbook
Fifty two million three hundred three thousand sixty nine
Twenty three million five hundred ninety one thousand five hundred ninety four
Fact: psych2go
Forty four million nine hundred sixty three thousand three hundred ninety nine
Seventy two million seven hundred ninety six thousand one hundred five
Fact: megaplan
Ninety five million three hundred sixty eight thousand six hundred twenty one
Thirty two million five hundred fifteen thousand two hundred three
Fact: npr
Fifty five million eight hundred thirty thousand two hundred thirteen
Thirty four million two hundred fifty four thousand nine hundred eighty nine
Fact: scientificamerican
Forty two million four hundred fifty one thousand three hundred fifty five
Seven million seven hundred eighty five thousand four hundred thirty three
Fact: scientificamerican
Forty one million three hundred nineteen thousand two hundred
Fifty million eight hundred twenty three thousand eight hundred six
Fifty million five hundred sixty two thousand one hundred fifty four
Four million two hundred thirty nine thousand six hundred thirteen
Fact: @ smithsonianmag
See also
15 sites where you can train the brain
I vs. Brain
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/10-situacij-v-kotoryh-kazhdyj-uznaet-sebya-1067260/
The human brain is capable of solving the most complex problems, that is why they compare it with a supercomputer. But what would happen if the computer is to share with others your personal information?
Site collected 10 examples of how the brain affects our behavior and reveals the secrets — even the ones we don't know.
Eighty four million thirty thousand one hundred fifty three
Four million sixty thousand two hundred sixty seven
Fact: books.google
Thirty million six hundred eighty two thousand eight hundred ninety nine
Eighty eight million six hundred thirty six thousand two hundred twenty eight
Fact: @ smithsonianmag
Twenty three million five hundred twenty two thousand two hundred seventy five
Six million thirty seven thousand three hundred fifty six
Fact: fictionbook
Fifty two million three hundred three thousand sixty nine
Twenty three million five hundred ninety one thousand five hundred ninety four
Fact: psych2go
Forty four million nine hundred sixty three thousand three hundred ninety nine
Seventy two million seven hundred ninety six thousand one hundred five
Fact: megaplan
Ninety five million three hundred sixty eight thousand six hundred twenty one
Thirty two million five hundred fifteen thousand two hundred three
Fact: npr
Fifty five million eight hundred thirty thousand two hundred thirteen
Thirty four million two hundred fifty four thousand nine hundred eighty nine
Fact: scientificamerican
Forty two million four hundred fifty one thousand three hundred fifty five
Seven million seven hundred eighty five thousand four hundred thirty three
Fact: scientificamerican
Forty one million three hundred nineteen thousand two hundred
Fifty million eight hundred twenty three thousand eight hundred six
Fifty million five hundred sixty two thousand one hundred fifty four
Four million two hundred thirty nine thousand six hundred thirteen
Fact: @ smithsonianmag
See also
15 sites where you can train the brain
I vs. Brain
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/10-situacij-v-kotoryh-kazhdyj-uznaet-sebya-1067260/