14 dogs that have grown too fast
Forty seven million nine hundred fifty three thousand five hundred forty five
We in the Website have noticed that dogs life maintain a cheerful disposition and a playful mood. Only here they grow so very quickly: look how just a few months, some of them managed to transform from puppies to large and faithful friends.
A year later.
"The first 8 weeks last 8 months."
7 weeks and 7 months.
"Our Lucy and her friend, puppy Hurley. The difference in shots 10 months."
"So rose our dog just a couple of months."
"It's been 6 months".
7 months later.
4 months later.
6 months later.
"Our dog after 4 months".
"It's been 3 months."
"It's been 5 months and our dog is still trying to catch Zen in the car."
"It's been 6 months. Not changed only the feet".
"The best friend after 7 months and 30 kg."
Photos on the preview Your_Local_Casanova / reddit.com
See also
15 dogs, facial expressions which can be envy
Scientists have found that dogs see in a dream, and moved us to tears
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-zhivotnye/uchenye-vyyasnili-chto-sobaki-vidyat-vo-sne-i-rastrogali-nas-do-slez-1382815/
We in the Website have noticed that dogs life maintain a cheerful disposition and a playful mood. Only here they grow so very quickly: look how just a few months, some of them managed to transform from puppies to large and faithful friends.

A year later.

"The first 8 weeks last 8 months."

7 weeks and 7 months.

"Our Lucy and her friend, puppy Hurley. The difference in shots 10 months."

"So rose our dog just a couple of months."

"It's been 6 months".

7 months later.

4 months later.

6 months later.

"Our dog after 4 months".

"It's been 3 months."

"It's been 5 months and our dog is still trying to catch Zen in the car."

"It's been 6 months. Not changed only the feet".

"The best friend after 7 months and 30 kg."
Photos on the preview Your_Local_Casanova / reddit.com
See also
15 dogs, facial expressions which can be envy
Scientists have found that dogs see in a dream, and moved us to tears
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-zhivotnye/uchenye-vyyasnili-chto-sobaki-vidyat-vo-sne-i-rastrogali-nas-do-slez-1382815/
10 examples of how the brain is able to give out all your secrets
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