See how one light changes the face literally unrecognizable
Ninety one million nine hundred sixty four thousand five hundred six
Every photographer knows that the main role during the shooting plays a proper coverage. With properly placed lamps and flares to hide some of the imperfections of man and to bring to the fore its advantages.
Site shows the reader a magical video showing how much change all the facial features, depending on the light source. To create such an amazing effect used powerful LEDs set near the face of the model and is constantly rotating around it.
via factroom.ru
Every photographer knows that the main role during the shooting plays a proper coverage. With properly placed lamps and flares to hide some of the imperfections of man and to bring to the fore its advantages.
Site shows the reader a magical video showing how much change all the facial features, depending on the light source. To create such an amazing effect used powerful LEDs set near the face of the model and is constantly rotating around it.
via factroom.ru