14 photos incredibly changed stars
Forty seven million seven hundred fifty two thousand four hundred thirty seven
To encourage a celebrity to lose weight can be anything: desire to comply with the generally accepted ideal, and the emergence of a new boyfriend or girlfriend, and a new movie role.
The website attracted 14 celebrities who managed to lose considerable amount of pounds for different reasons.
John Goodman
Decided to lose weight, as he feared to die before their time from diseases caused by excess weight.
Kim Kardashian
During the second pregnancy, the socialite didn't hide that very well. But she set a goal in the short term to achieve the "Kim the 2010 version". And it is well managed.
Chris Pratt &
Lost weight to fit the image of the leader of the team in the movie "Guardians of the Galaxy".
Christina Aguilera
Christina decided to put in order the figure as a wedding gift.
Jonah Hill
Explains his weight loss in that its weight has reached a critical point, when people stopped on the verge of life or death.
Mariah Carey
Lost weight for the wedding with an Australian billionaire, in order to correspond to the new status.
Christian Bale
Went the risk for the role in the movie "Machinist".
Seth Rogen
Lost weight for roles in the movie "the Green Hornet". And this despite the fact that workout and diet was given to him with incredible labour.
Kelly Osbourne
Kelly was forced to lose weight to completely change your lifestyle.
Zach, Galifianakis
The impetus for the weight loss gave him a marriage to his girlfriend Quinn Lundberg. Then the desire for more serious roles in movies.
Matthew McConaughey
Lost weight for the role in "Dallas buyers club". The actor even considers such an exciting weight loss challenge.
Jessica Simpson
Changes shape for the worse almost brought Jessica Simpson to a nervous breakdown. But the upcoming wedding has forced the star to pull myself together.
Janet Jackson
Just look at these seductive form! A really strong motivation to be slim has helped the singer to cope with the hated kilograms.
Oprah Winfrey
After years of desperate struggle with excess weight, Oprah found a perfect cooperation with the company, offering various products and services to facilitate weight loss. And the result is visible — at least the "face".
Materials lookdamngood.com
See also
12 inspiring stories of people who have won extra weight
13 amazing examples that prove that willpower can all
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/12-lyudej-kotorye-pokazali-nastoyaschuyu-silu-voli-973360/
To encourage a celebrity to lose weight can be anything: desire to comply with the generally accepted ideal, and the emergence of a new boyfriend or girlfriend, and a new movie role.
The website attracted 14 celebrities who managed to lose considerable amount of pounds for different reasons.
John Goodman
Decided to lose weight, as he feared to die before their time from diseases caused by excess weight.
Kim Kardashian
During the second pregnancy, the socialite didn't hide that very well. But she set a goal in the short term to achieve the "Kim the 2010 version". And it is well managed.
Chris Pratt &
Lost weight to fit the image of the leader of the team in the movie "Guardians of the Galaxy".
Christina Aguilera
Christina decided to put in order the figure as a wedding gift.
Jonah Hill
Explains his weight loss in that its weight has reached a critical point, when people stopped on the verge of life or death.
Mariah Carey
Lost weight for the wedding with an Australian billionaire, in order to correspond to the new status.
Christian Bale
Went the risk for the role in the movie "Machinist".
Seth Rogen
Lost weight for roles in the movie "the Green Hornet". And this despite the fact that workout and diet was given to him with incredible labour.
Kelly Osbourne
Kelly was forced to lose weight to completely change your lifestyle.
Zach, Galifianakis
The impetus for the weight loss gave him a marriage to his girlfriend Quinn Lundberg. Then the desire for more serious roles in movies.
Matthew McConaughey
Lost weight for the role in "Dallas buyers club". The actor even considers such an exciting weight loss challenge.
Jessica Simpson
Changes shape for the worse almost brought Jessica Simpson to a nervous breakdown. But the upcoming wedding has forced the star to pull myself together.
Janet Jackson
Just look at these seductive form! A really strong motivation to be slim has helped the singer to cope with the hated kilograms.
Oprah Winfrey
After years of desperate struggle with excess weight, Oprah found a perfect cooperation with the company, offering various products and services to facilitate weight loss. And the result is visible — at least the "face".
Materials lookdamngood.com
See also
12 inspiring stories of people who have won extra weight
13 amazing examples that prove that willpower can all
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/12-lyudej-kotorye-pokazali-nastoyaschuyu-silu-voli-973360/
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