How to recognize the future in the favorite sadist
Discover the "underground" rapist can beRapists is known to be. Sometimes life circumstances just pushed him to the "career" of the abuser (mental illness, child sexual trauma, etc.), and sometimes the first experience he gets as if by accident, and then "getting a taste". However, not so random men of a certain type find themselves in the role of tyrants.
Of course, these characteristics do not make a collective portrait which in General will fit the half of the representatives of the stronger sex, but to know the main features of this "animal" still does not hurt.
Now that we understand the distinctive features of sexual the Avengers, move on to methods of dealing with them. Not forgetting that many of those who once shows his sexual aggression in everyday life behave well overall, and because we inadvertently let them get too close to him.
Methods of dealing with sexual revanchism
The method first. First and foremost, don't be sexual revanchisme. Follow along: if you have a habit to control a partner using sexual leverage, from sexual vengeance you can save only complaisance and kindness of a loved one.
Method two. Do not allow a precedent. The fact that he can appeal to both process and result.
Method third. Do not start a relationship with men from 'risk groups'. Their detailed specifications given above.
Method fourth. Remember: some things tend to awaken sexual revanchist, even in those who never thought to quitarse this way. The last straw may be a cynical betrayal of his friend, the message that the child is "not his", etc. Do not provoke the partner for such behavior, so you do not regret. And don't be naive: even the most angelic outwardly a man may be a sexual monster, if it is a serious hook.
The fifth. Try to be attentive to your partner, but do not overdo it. Elevation to the rank of divinity and indulgence in the evaluation of behavior — this is the climate in which quickly untied sexual revanchism.
The method of the sixth. Learn to resolve conflicts through talks, not fact held close. If you have a habit of transferring their family (partner) problematic issues in the bedroom, you may not be surprised that to prove your point your favorite will be mainly using his "phallic" argument. Mind — will use force.
Method seventh. Don't act like a victim. Sexual revenge-seekers usually "pulled away" on such a notorious and defenseless women.
The method of the eighth. If, nevertheless, stumbled upon sexual avenger, pretend you are not afraid of him. The more horror in your eyes, the more confidence penis revanchist that he is on the right track. And as soon as possible — "happy feet".
The method of the ninth. If you feel that your partner has reached the boiling point and is about to begin "the procedure" revenge sex, indulge in your best skills. If you know how to speak beautifully — palaver down the aggression words. If you have the ability to keep cool and menacing to watch, try this method. If finished self-defense courses, beat in the place, which you are threatened.
The method of the tenth. About his decision to break off relations never share partner immediately before, during or after intimacy. At this moment the desire of men to get back at you for what you are abandoning him, but he is not you, will be too large. And will use it for this habit is the most affordable male — no doubt.
If all of the above made you think, and not "underground" if the rapist your lover, then have to test it. Remember all the good that happened, and with brutal honesty, answer the questions! Impartial test will show whether he inclined to violence your cute:
1. Favorite persuades you to show him the home strip, and you don't want. He:
a) resentfully silent;
b) requires the desired;
C) he demonstrates the art of undressing.
2. After a quarrel with your beloved is trying to make amends with you by:
a) no gifts, flowers and tender words;
b) cool the sex;
C) threats like, "If this continues, I will leave."
3. Insist your partner on a very bold sexual experiments?
a) Yes, and until then, until he gets his;
b) no;
C) when it proposes something new, does it gently and tactfully.
4. How does your favorite denial from the intimate classes?
a) questions "why?";
b) irritation and slamming doors;
C) objection not accepted.
5. Are there for your friend any restrictions in sex?
a) no — does what he wants;
b) weight, and most different — he was very notorious;
V) some available, but the most natural (for example regarding health).
6. Does your friend watch cool porn where the plot involved violence?
a) probably not;
b) definitely no;
in) is ready to watch for hours.
7. What happens if you complain to your beloved on the lack of orgasms?
a) he will get angry and will wear you out sex;
b) say something like: "It's your problem";
in) in the future will be more attentive to you and will do everything so that you have satisfaction.
8. Can you blame your intimate partner in something that relates to sex?
a) Yes, although he may be offended;
b) of course, it reinforces his activity, he begins to try harder;
a) no, he will be pissed.
9. Do your favorite failures in sexual terms?
a) permanently;
b) very rarely;
C) never.
10. As your friend responds to failures in life?
a) upset and let it go;
b) is experiencing, but does not leave attempts to improve the situation;
C) ranting and raving — gets all.
Consider the points
17 points or less. Maybe your partner is not an angel, but certainly not a villain. And dastardly attack from behind a corner you definitely should not wait. By the way, if such personal qualities as his, there is no evidence to suggest that he can do stuff with another woman, even if he treats her with much less warmth and love than you. In short, "at risk", he categorically not the case.
18-25 points. Clear signs, based on which it would be possible to record your cute in the category of rapists, no, but to exclude it on one hundred percent of this category is impossible. Still, he's a dark horse. So be to him and his behavior more closely in order not to miss symptoms of anxiety.
26 points or more. You got a feisty, demanding, a kind of active extreme. Still, if you are looking for adventure on his head, so better not to mess with initially. And if contacted, be wary. Someday he will manifest himself to the sexual extremist, at least to some extent. And that is how you will react to it depends the future of your and sexual and human relationships.published
Author: Natalia Shishkova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //www.vitaura.com/test_kak_raspoznat_v_ljubimom_budushego_sadista.shtml
Of course, these characteristics do not make a collective portrait which in General will fit the half of the representatives of the stronger sex, but to know the main features of this "animal" still does not hurt.

- His self-esteem is sorely undervalued or overvalued. He was terribly pretentious, conceited and "full" ambitions.
- It is generally vengeful and jealous. In essence all jealous prone to a particular embodiment of vengeance, sexual way — including.
- Sex, alas, he is not Casanova, but really wants to leave a memory in the sphere of intimate relations. So you should only seriously to catch him with something, and he will avenge the offender rough sex.
- He and the small conflicts prefers to sort things out in bed. It's his style, and at the showdown, anything can happen...
- It is touchy to pettiness, sexual refusal of the wife (for example) perceives as a personal insult.
- He is a tyrant, power-hungry, who had positive experiences from using physical or sexual force. Once you give in to his sexual pressure, and from that moment he is every time he wants to achieve anything, to resort to analogous forms of pressure. And the resistance will retaliate the same way.
- He consciously relies on psychologically and financially dependent women to have an unhindered opportunity to influence them by any means. The most harmless of them — forced sex. The most brutal form of sexual revenge.
- He has a habit of tearing their evil upon others, because it is the easiest. Naturally, this can be expressed in the sexual variant.
- He's a loser, professionally and financially not the person to implement. He blames everyone and everything and consciously or subconsciously wants to get even for their social and creative inconsistency.
- He is inclined to sadism. Here it is from him, nothing good should not wait. In addition, sexual sadism brings satisfaction to the soul not only of the sadist but also his body.
- He himself was a victim of sexual aggression and psychologically configured to search for a weak victim who will avenge its humiliation in the same way.
- He is HIV positive. Once he gave the woman love, and she "repaid" him for this deadly disease. Now he's just obsessed with revenge as many women in the same way.
Now that we understand the distinctive features of sexual the Avengers, move on to methods of dealing with them. Not forgetting that many of those who once shows his sexual aggression in everyday life behave well overall, and because we inadvertently let them get too close to him.
Methods of dealing with sexual revanchism
The method first. First and foremost, don't be sexual revanchisme. Follow along: if you have a habit to control a partner using sexual leverage, from sexual vengeance you can save only complaisance and kindness of a loved one.
Method two. Do not allow a precedent. The fact that he can appeal to both process and result.
Method third. Do not start a relationship with men from 'risk groups'. Their detailed specifications given above.
Method fourth. Remember: some things tend to awaken sexual revanchist, even in those who never thought to quitarse this way. The last straw may be a cynical betrayal of his friend, the message that the child is "not his", etc. Do not provoke the partner for such behavior, so you do not regret. And don't be naive: even the most angelic outwardly a man may be a sexual monster, if it is a serious hook.
The fifth. Try to be attentive to your partner, but do not overdo it. Elevation to the rank of divinity and indulgence in the evaluation of behavior — this is the climate in which quickly untied sexual revanchism.
The method of the sixth. Learn to resolve conflicts through talks, not fact held close. If you have a habit of transferring their family (partner) problematic issues in the bedroom, you may not be surprised that to prove your point your favorite will be mainly using his "phallic" argument. Mind — will use force.
Method seventh. Don't act like a victim. Sexual revenge-seekers usually "pulled away" on such a notorious and defenseless women.
The method of the eighth. If, nevertheless, stumbled upon sexual avenger, pretend you are not afraid of him. The more horror in your eyes, the more confidence penis revanchist that he is on the right track. And as soon as possible — "happy feet".
The method of the ninth. If you feel that your partner has reached the boiling point and is about to begin "the procedure" revenge sex, indulge in your best skills. If you know how to speak beautifully — palaver down the aggression words. If you have the ability to keep cool and menacing to watch, try this method. If finished self-defense courses, beat in the place, which you are threatened.
The method of the tenth. About his decision to break off relations never share partner immediately before, during or after intimacy. At this moment the desire of men to get back at you for what you are abandoning him, but he is not you, will be too large. And will use it for this habit is the most affordable male — no doubt.

If all of the above made you think, and not "underground" if the rapist your lover, then have to test it. Remember all the good that happened, and with brutal honesty, answer the questions! Impartial test will show whether he inclined to violence your cute:
1. Favorite persuades you to show him the home strip, and you don't want. He:
a) resentfully silent;
b) requires the desired;
C) he demonstrates the art of undressing.
2. After a quarrel with your beloved is trying to make amends with you by:
a) no gifts, flowers and tender words;
b) cool the sex;
C) threats like, "If this continues, I will leave."
3. Insist your partner on a very bold sexual experiments?
a) Yes, and until then, until he gets his;
b) no;
C) when it proposes something new, does it gently and tactfully.
4. How does your favorite denial from the intimate classes?
a) questions "why?";
b) irritation and slamming doors;
C) objection not accepted.
5. Are there for your friend any restrictions in sex?
a) no — does what he wants;
b) weight, and most different — he was very notorious;
V) some available, but the most natural (for example regarding health).
6. Does your friend watch cool porn where the plot involved violence?
a) probably not;
b) definitely no;
in) is ready to watch for hours.
7. What happens if you complain to your beloved on the lack of orgasms?
a) he will get angry and will wear you out sex;
b) say something like: "It's your problem";
in) in the future will be more attentive to you and will do everything so that you have satisfaction.
8. Can you blame your intimate partner in something that relates to sex?
a) Yes, although he may be offended;
b) of course, it reinforces his activity, he begins to try harder;
a) no, he will be pissed.
9. Do your favorite failures in sexual terms?
a) permanently;
b) very rarely;
C) never.
10. As your friend responds to failures in life?
a) upset and let it go;
b) is experiencing, but does not leave attempts to improve the situation;
C) ranting and raving — gets all.
Consider the points
17 points or less. Maybe your partner is not an angel, but certainly not a villain. And dastardly attack from behind a corner you definitely should not wait. By the way, if such personal qualities as his, there is no evidence to suggest that he can do stuff with another woman, even if he treats her with much less warmth and love than you. In short, "at risk", he categorically not the case.
18-25 points. Clear signs, based on which it would be possible to record your cute in the category of rapists, no, but to exclude it on one hundred percent of this category is impossible. Still, he's a dark horse. So be to him and his behavior more closely in order not to miss symptoms of anxiety.
26 points or more. You got a feisty, demanding, a kind of active extreme. Still, if you are looking for adventure on his head, so better not to mess with initially. And if contacted, be wary. Someday he will manifest himself to the sexual extremist, at least to some extent. And that is how you will react to it depends the future of your and sexual and human relationships.published
Author: Natalia Shishkova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //www.vitaura.com/test_kak_raspoznat_v_ljubimom_budushego_sadista.shtml
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