Grandma, Gopnik and good. Incredible story!
Sixty six million six hundred forty thousand seven hundred eleven
I stand today at the bus stop, waiting for the bus, watching the passers-by. And then I see that on the opposite side of the street slips and falls grandmother. Bags, the former in her hands, flying in all directions... Wanting to help grandma, Purebeau the road and see that her side has already sent a company of such typical Gopnik. Classic guys: Mat-peremat, loud laughter, beer in hand, hats on the top, sweatpants.
Trying to quickly get to babulechki, but do not have time, Gopnik already surrounded her. And then one guy picks up the grandmother's hands, helps her up a couple of other guys shake it from all sides, and the rest collect the scattered products and packages. A bully even straightens the knot of the side of the scarf on the grandmother's head and buttoning her old coat. I already stumbled by such a spectacle! Come closer and hear what the grandmother thanks them with a smile, in General the picture is somewhat unusual, but so cute!
But suddenly you notice that one of the GOP team dramatically undermined and runs off somewhere. Well, I think, robbed the old lady, the purse probably pulled or something. Go for the guy with the intent to at least talk, but coming around the corner I see that he has already returned. And in the hands of the guy — you won't believe! — several packages through which one can see the products.
Returning to his friends and standing next to them the grandmother, the boyfriend shows her the package and says it's all for her. 'Buela already flushed from surprise! And guys, picked up her from both sides in hand, asking the pensioner, where she lives and I'm going to accompany her home, carrying a huge armload of packages.
Indeed, we should not judge people by appearance!
via factroom.ru
I stand today at the bus stop, waiting for the bus, watching the passers-by. And then I see that on the opposite side of the street slips and falls grandmother. Bags, the former in her hands, flying in all directions... Wanting to help grandma, Purebeau the road and see that her side has already sent a company of such typical Gopnik. Classic guys: Mat-peremat, loud laughter, beer in hand, hats on the top, sweatpants.
Trying to quickly get to babulechki, but do not have time, Gopnik already surrounded her. And then one guy picks up the grandmother's hands, helps her up a couple of other guys shake it from all sides, and the rest collect the scattered products and packages. A bully even straightens the knot of the side of the scarf on the grandmother's head and buttoning her old coat. I already stumbled by such a spectacle! Come closer and hear what the grandmother thanks them with a smile, in General the picture is somewhat unusual, but so cute!
But suddenly you notice that one of the GOP team dramatically undermined and runs off somewhere. Well, I think, robbed the old lady, the purse probably pulled or something. Go for the guy with the intent to at least talk, but coming around the corner I see that he has already returned. And in the hands of the guy — you won't believe! — several packages through which one can see the products.
Returning to his friends and standing next to them the grandmother, the boyfriend shows her the package and says it's all for her. 'Buela already flushed from surprise! And guys, picked up her from both sides in hand, asking the pensioner, where she lives and I'm going to accompany her home, carrying a huge armload of packages.
Indeed, we should not judge people by appearance!
via factroom.ru
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