A boxer and a biologist face the same problem, and this is how they solve it.

Two friends of mine stayed in an Egyptian hotel: Sasha, who worked as a biologist, and Andrei, who is fond of boxing. And one night they were attacked by ants, and each decided to fight them with their own methods.
Late in the evening, Andrei saw a huge ant crawling on the floor of the room. After a while, there were more ants in the room. Andrei noticed that they were crawling from under the balcony door, and sat down next to her with a slipper in his hand. When the insect appeared, the boxer sent him to the knockout with a honed blow. But the ants were strong and did not want to die, after the blow they straightened their legs and hobbled further. Then Andrew called for the help of his son with a second slipper, drove all night, somehow killed several ants, and in the morning went to the administrator. When Andrew went to the room with him, there were no insects on the floor. Probably, they turned into zombies after death and crawled somewhere. In general, the administrator did not help them, and the next night the inhabitants of the room again had to fight off the invasion of ants with slippers in their hands. On the third night it so annoyed Andrew that he right in the midst of the “death battle” dragged the administrator and poked his nose at the insects. To the boxer and his family apologized and immediately sent to a new room, and in the old was carried out disinsection.
Biologist Sasha also had to suffer from the invasion of ants. Only he, noticing that insects climb from under the balcony doors, moistened with his cologne a piece of cotton and wiped them the place where the ants appeared. Their offensive stopped immediately. As Sasha later explained to me, ants in unfamiliar territory are guided by the pheromone trail left by the first person to pass along the route. And if this trail is erased with a strongly smelling liquid, then the insects will be disoriented and will no longer climb. Well, at least someone in life useful knowledge gained at the University!
via factroom.ru
Rich guy decided to test the feelings of his girlfriend...
As my friend the American "crook divorced"