The energy of passion
— I have a burning desire, a passion for unfree man. It burns, excites, attracts, drives me. What is it? What do I do? To do it or to endure?
Who feels passion, do you think? You? Or dependency of a child? After all, this passion is similar to the "whim" of the child "take out so positive", his tantrum in the store for the next toy. You know, what such the "correct" words often have no effect. The child wants and that's it. But child, do you now? Who you are: the dependence, and hence more fear or addiction?
— What to do? I'm certainly not a child. But can't do anything with his desire.
— Give him the right to this passion, admit him, his desire and right to his satisfaction. Take off him the blame for the desire, not for you to decide what is right and wrong. And not true you dictate the rules. It is the voice of guilt, the ban on sexuality and desire. Only a reproach and a ban on "improper" feelings ignite the passion even more. To give the right means to realize it in action.
To give the right means to allow you to be sensethat it does not get stuck or manipulated you. The child inside that is "sick" passion, not familiar with the social concepts: foreign, husband, wife, lover, mistress. He wants, as he wants the breast milk, because for him the guarantee of his life. Is he to blame for his desire?
Giving him the right to feel, say: "can You really to realize your desire. But is this what you need? Not love do you need? Are you ready to accept the side effects, taking this drug passion?
Side effects in the form of suffering, tears, hatred, despair, powerlessness from the inability to change the situation. Do you have the strength to solve other people's problems and take them on yourself? It is obvious between the two there are unresolved issues which the other side wants to get to, to assert itself. If you want to arrange other people's lives or their own more expensive? If you're ready without end to be ashamed of their feelings and sexuality, because it is inevitable in such a relationship? Think about it. And if you decide to plunge into the passion, have the courage to accept the negative consequences, no one is blaming then.
And I want to tell you that the energy of passion you can invest in yourself, the realization of their desires, which will really bring your soul joy. Isn't that what you want? To do this, you have this energy. Go for it! Don't limit your life by clinging to one "toy", look around in the world is that is waiting for you without a fight.
Author: Natalia Khrabrova.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/334365
Who feels passion, do you think? You? Or dependency of a child? After all, this passion is similar to the "whim" of the child "take out so positive", his tantrum in the store for the next toy. You know, what such the "correct" words often have no effect. The child wants and that's it. But child, do you now? Who you are: the dependence, and hence more fear or addiction?

— What to do? I'm certainly not a child. But can't do anything with his desire.
— Give him the right to this passion, admit him, his desire and right to his satisfaction. Take off him the blame for the desire, not for you to decide what is right and wrong. And not true you dictate the rules. It is the voice of guilt, the ban on sexuality and desire. Only a reproach and a ban on "improper" feelings ignite the passion even more. To give the right means to realize it in action.
To give the right means to allow you to be sensethat it does not get stuck or manipulated you. The child inside that is "sick" passion, not familiar with the social concepts: foreign, husband, wife, lover, mistress. He wants, as he wants the breast milk, because for him the guarantee of his life. Is he to blame for his desire?
Giving him the right to feel, say: "can You really to realize your desire. But is this what you need? Not love do you need? Are you ready to accept the side effects, taking this drug passion?
Side effects in the form of suffering, tears, hatred, despair, powerlessness from the inability to change the situation. Do you have the strength to solve other people's problems and take them on yourself? It is obvious between the two there are unresolved issues which the other side wants to get to, to assert itself. If you want to arrange other people's lives or their own more expensive? If you're ready without end to be ashamed of their feelings and sexuality, because it is inevitable in such a relationship? Think about it. And if you decide to plunge into the passion, have the courage to accept the negative consequences, no one is blaming then.
And I want to tell you that the energy of passion you can invest in yourself, the realization of their desires, which will really bring your soul joy. Isn't that what you want? To do this, you have this energy. Go for it! Don't limit your life by clinging to one "toy", look around in the world is that is waiting for you without a fight.

Author: Natalia Khrabrova.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/334365