Ten unusual facts, the retelling of which will help you stand out in the company
Sixty four million two hundred sixty thousand six hundred forty seven
Fifty one million seven hundred thirty one thousand two hundred ninety five
If the person is ticklish bird feather, that he suffers from pteronophobia.
The largest silver coin weighing one kilo and six hundred grams and was made in 1725.
Nine million thirty one thousand three hundred ninety five
The production of certain types of glue, paint and plastic use cow's milk.
John Lennon wrote the song "I am the walrus", inspired by the sounds of a police siren on the street.
Twenty three million eight hundred seventy thousand five hundred twenty five
In fact, the anteaters did not feed on ants and termites.
Actress Sarah Bernhardt played Juliet in seventy years. Recall that the heroine of Shakespeare was only thirteen.
Seventy two million seventy seven thousand five hundred sixty six
via factroom.ru
Fifty one million seven hundred thirty one thousand two hundred ninety five
If the person is ticklish bird feather, that he suffers from pteronophobia.
The largest silver coin weighing one kilo and six hundred grams and was made in 1725.
Nine million thirty one thousand three hundred ninety five
The production of certain types of glue, paint and plastic use cow's milk.
John Lennon wrote the song "I am the walrus", inspired by the sounds of a police siren on the street.
Twenty three million eight hundred seventy thousand five hundred twenty five
In fact, the anteaters did not feed on ants and termites.
Actress Sarah Bernhardt played Juliet in seventy years. Recall that the heroine of Shakespeare was only thirteen.
Seventy two million seventy seven thousand five hundred sixty six
via factroom.ru
A careless phrase cost the businessman a billion dollars!
15 super-popular myths, it's time to say goodbye