7 simple rules of communication with toxic people
Forty nine million five hundred eighty eight thousand one hundred forty six
Sometimes we have to deal with difficult people, that is, those who give do not really need advice, criticize and Express their opinion for no reason. Open to avoid a man — means to provoke new conflicts, so it is best when dealing with him to use some of the techniques.
The website in conjunction with Psychologies have prepared 7 tips on how to deal with "toxic" personalities. Read and avoid the traps of manipulators.
Speak clearly and confidently
Heavy people choose the style of behavior in which there is no clarity, if necessary, to find justification for his act. For example:
Feature of care from self-assertion
The people referred to in this article, I like to help in making it so Intrusive and tedious form. This creates the appearance of caring, and we begin to think that they genuinely wish us well, just don't know how to do it differently. In fact, this behavior is a way to stress the sense of self-importance. Why not give green light heavy people, and to suppress all attempts to provide you with unnecessary assistance.
Set boundaries
So how hard people try to avoid clarity in communicating with them is important to identify the scope. For example, if it's a colleague, explain that don't you move a professional relationship beyond the threshold of the office, so not worth it to call you or invite you somewhere after work. In principle, the establishment of personal boundaries is the norm for all healthy relationships, even with pleasant people.
Time stop
Sometimes in dealing with such people really want to fight back and defend their point of view or point out errors in their behavior. But in doing so, we swallow the bait, because their goal is self-affirmation through a dispute or conflict, not a search for truth. And in the art of the dispute, your opponent is likely is a few steps above you.So to protect yourself, it's important to recognize their true intentions and walk away from the conversation.
Retreat right
When the behavior of a heavy person starts to threaten your good mood, use like the truth with the excuse to leave. You urgently need to print an important document to take the child from the garden, wash the car. In fact, not very important, as you "otmazhet", as long as it sounded convincing. Therefore it is better such rescue pretexts to prepare in advance.
Don't get personal
Yes, it is sometimes difficult to hold back and suppress in time little for our emotional health dialogue. And we do not notice how the discussion of the peace question turns into a conflict. If it happened — not pushed into a discussion of personal qualities, because it is a direct manifestation of powerlessness. Speak only about facts and they also operate. Be smarter and give an example of your opponent, as corny as it may sound.
Take care love
After talking with a difficult person often remains a sense of incompleteness, because, on the one hand, you don't put a point to avoid conflict, on the other hand, he doesn't burn bridges, as it avoids any of the forms of clarity. Therefore, sometimes we do from time to time fuelled by relations with such people, despite the fact that after each meeting feel like a squeezed lemon. Better take the time that you really enjoy and brings a sense of calm. After all, our true passions make us who we are.
Illustrator Tsarkova Alena specially for the Website
According to the materials of Psychologies
See also
8 signs that you've fallen into the trap of an emotional manipulator
7 types of people you need to avoid
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/7-tipov-lyudej-kotoryh-nuzhno-izbegat-1072310/
Sometimes we have to deal with difficult people, that is, those who give do not really need advice, criticize and Express their opinion for no reason. Open to avoid a man — means to provoke new conflicts, so it is best when dealing with him to use some of the techniques.
The website in conjunction with Psychologies have prepared 7 tips on how to deal with "toxic" personalities. Read and avoid the traps of manipulators.
Speak clearly and confidently
Heavy people choose the style of behavior in which there is no clarity, if necessary, to find justification for his act. For example:
- "You're not warned that it was impossible to tell anyone";
- "I don't understand that we agreed exactly 10:00".
Feature of care from self-assertion
The people referred to in this article, I like to help in making it so Intrusive and tedious form. This creates the appearance of caring, and we begin to think that they genuinely wish us well, just don't know how to do it differently. In fact, this behavior is a way to stress the sense of self-importance. Why not give green light heavy people, and to suppress all attempts to provide you with unnecessary assistance.
Set boundaries
So how hard people try to avoid clarity in communicating with them is important to identify the scope. For example, if it's a colleague, explain that don't you move a professional relationship beyond the threshold of the office, so not worth it to call you or invite you somewhere after work. In principle, the establishment of personal boundaries is the norm for all healthy relationships, even with pleasant people.
Time stop
Sometimes in dealing with such people really want to fight back and defend their point of view or point out errors in their behavior. But in doing so, we swallow the bait, because their goal is self-affirmation through a dispute or conflict, not a search for truth. And in the art of the dispute, your opponent is likely is a few steps above you.So to protect yourself, it's important to recognize their true intentions and walk away from the conversation.
Retreat right
When the behavior of a heavy person starts to threaten your good mood, use like the truth with the excuse to leave. You urgently need to print an important document to take the child from the garden, wash the car. In fact, not very important, as you "otmazhet", as long as it sounded convincing. Therefore it is better such rescue pretexts to prepare in advance.
Don't get personal
Yes, it is sometimes difficult to hold back and suppress in time little for our emotional health dialogue. And we do not notice how the discussion of the peace question turns into a conflict. If it happened — not pushed into a discussion of personal qualities, because it is a direct manifestation of powerlessness. Speak only about facts and they also operate. Be smarter and give an example of your opponent, as corny as it may sound.
Take care love
After talking with a difficult person often remains a sense of incompleteness, because, on the one hand, you don't put a point to avoid conflict, on the other hand, he doesn't burn bridges, as it avoids any of the forms of clarity. Therefore, sometimes we do from time to time fuelled by relations with such people, despite the fact that after each meeting feel like a squeezed lemon. Better take the time that you really enjoy and brings a sense of calm. After all, our true passions make us who we are.
Illustrator Tsarkova Alena specially for the Website
According to the materials of Psychologies
See also
8 signs that you've fallen into the trap of an emotional manipulator
7 types of people you need to avoid
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/7-tipov-lyudej-kotoryh-nuzhno-izbegat-1072310/
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