12 attempts of the older generation to make friends with modern technologies
Our grandparents were there for us as we learned to hold a spoon and read syllables. Now it's our turn.
When the older generation makes all these funny mistakes, Website It does not encourage you to laugh at them, but once again reminds you that it would be nice to give your family a little more attention.
My grandmother showed me some of her favorite websites today, .
My grandmother asked me to fix her phone because the outside clock always shows the wrong time
My dad wanted to send me a picture of his new stove, but he didn't know how to turn off the front-facing camera's heart-shaped function
My grandmother complained that the remote had too many buttons, so I simplified it .
My 90-year-old grandmother from Japan showed how she enlarges text on her phone
My grandmother is getting pretty progressive for our time
My mother and modern technology
A friend's grandmother just asked whose phone it was
My grandmother sent me this photo in the mail. The slowest graphic message in the world
My grandmother decided to print photos from her phone
Grandma asked to fix her computer because "everything moves backwards"
My grandmother took her first selfie today. With a front camera aimed at a mirror
Photo by ImRachaelGreep/reddit
Based on BoredPanda
See also.
21 cases when a grandmother’s gift is another reason to smile
10 Simple Rules to Talk to Older Parents
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/10-prostyh-pravil-kak-obschatsya-s-pozhilymi-roditelyami-1435015/