18 people who no longer make online purchases
Sixty million three hundred sixty six thousand one hundred seventy nine
Today shopping in online stores — the usual case. Everyone at least once bought something online. Unfortunately, it happens that due to our carelessness or negligence of the seller in the long-awaited parcel comes to us is not what we wanted.
We are in the Website has collected pictures of people who have proven that sense of humor will turn any incident into a good joke.
The Director bought the chairs on the online auction. Here's what we saw when came to pick them up
For Halloween I decided to purchase a leotard for a costume. Nearly came
Not all XL that XL
Ordered a tshirt online, I got this. Now I'm a magnet for strange looks
Finally came a table lamp from Amazon. Now read the description carefully
For Christmas we ordered the blue ukulele 3-year-old child. Apparently, from the seller their understanding of what children need at this age
Always wanted to buy a decorative pot Chia Pet. Dreams come true
Ordered boots online. What I received is a little different from what I ordered
When I decided to save on buying the Iwatch
I bought black sweatpants, and this has come from. Not even mad
Ordered a photo magnet with her family. Got a souvenir photo Asian family and privatecommunity penguins
When bought TV from unreliable suppliers
Ordered my nephew school bag. Now it is the cat
Roommate ordered a TV stand and this is what he brought
Tip: do not order the prom dress in online store
Ordered a coat from China. Came as it should, for the winter
Just the seller forgot to specify that the carpet for doll house
Did not pay attention to the dimensions in the description
Photos on the preview matyles
According to the materials boredpanda
See also
15 parents who have everything in order with a sense of humor
Funny the reaction of people who have faced something for the first time
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/zabavnaya-reakciya-lyudej-kotorye-stolknulis-s-chem-to-vpervye-1480915/
Today shopping in online stores — the usual case. Everyone at least once bought something online. Unfortunately, it happens that due to our carelessness or negligence of the seller in the long-awaited parcel comes to us is not what we wanted.
We are in the Website has collected pictures of people who have proven that sense of humor will turn any incident into a good joke.
The Director bought the chairs on the online auction. Here's what we saw when came to pick them up

For Halloween I decided to purchase a leotard for a costume. Nearly came

Not all XL that XL

Ordered a tshirt online, I got this. Now I'm a magnet for strange looks

Finally came a table lamp from Amazon. Now read the description carefully

For Christmas we ordered the blue ukulele 3-year-old child. Apparently, from the seller their understanding of what children need at this age

Always wanted to buy a decorative pot Chia Pet. Dreams come true

Ordered boots online. What I received is a little different from what I ordered

When I decided to save on buying the Iwatch

I bought black sweatpants, and this has come from. Not even mad

Ordered a photo magnet with her family. Got a souvenir photo Asian family and privatecommunity penguins

When bought TV from unreliable suppliers

Ordered my nephew school bag. Now it is the cat

Roommate ordered a TV stand and this is what he brought

Tip: do not order the prom dress in online store

Ordered a coat from China. Came as it should, for the winter

Just the seller forgot to specify that the carpet for doll house

Did not pay attention to the dimensions in the description

Photos on the preview matyles
According to the materials boredpanda
See also
15 parents who have everything in order with a sense of humor
Funny the reaction of people who have faced something for the first time
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/zabavnaya-reakciya-lyudej-kotorye-stolknulis-s-chem-to-vpervye-1480915/
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