3 ways to calm down without resorting to food
Anxiety, fear, shame, irritation and anger, resentment, loneliness, and rejection – these feelings it is possible to cope with, turning for comfort to the food.
"To catch the spark before the flame will flare up", I really like it is a figurative expression in terms of emotions, which often lead to overeating. If you, like me, belong to the category of sensitive and vulnerable nature (but, as a rule, such people are also highly developed intuition, reaction speed, and rich creativity), then chances are good that in the moment of stress you're trying to relax, to fill the void in his soul, to escape from unpleasant thoughts with unnecessary eating or other bad habits.Here are three simple ways that help to overcome emotional vulnerability.
1. Gratitude relieves anxiety
"Stranger, fear not, fear not: in bad weather you are protected by the goddess of misfortune" — this quote is from a poem by the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore (in translation Anna Akhmatova) usually helps me to cope with anxiety and fear, because that immediately creates in the mind a vivid image-protection.
But there are times when to pacify the alarm is not easy. Long-term, vague anxiety apparent reason for concern, but we feel the danger and don't know how to avoid it — a very painful feeling.
It is known that worry for no apparent reason — a meaningless exercise, but to stop worrying is sometimes very difficult. Narodenia attribute this to the fact that the chances of a false alarm our brain is trying (though unsuccessfully) to activate the pleasure center.
Troubled thoughts circling in my head non-stop like snowflakes in the air — how to stop this destructive dance, robs us of energy? Try it in a moment of excitement quietly ask yourself: "what I am thankful/grateful life"?
At the level of biochemistry, a sense of gratitude leads to the strongest positive effect in the blood increases the amount of serotonin the "happy hormone".When we think about what are grateful, you focus on the bright sides of our life, the alarm goes off and improves the mood.
2. Name the emotion and it "clears"
Resentment/disappointment and anger are two negative emotions that we most strongly want to suppress, hide, "not to notice" (typical, by virtue of education, approach to women: "good girls don't get angry and do not show offense") or, conversely, to pour out in a fit of rage (this is rather inclined men, again in the power of education: "don't be a wimp, show some character").
He and the other approach is ineffective and more toxic: they have denied us forces, was not allowed to build a close relationship and with time can cause psychosomatic diseases.
A much healthier way to get rid of negative emotions is just to call them by name. Describe in a few words, what a feeling now owns you (rage? stress? sadness? resentment? loneliness?) — thus, you have significantly improve their condition. Once the emotion is recognized and called by name, she "scatters".
Don't think about who or what has caused you anger, resentment, fear, anger and so forth, forget about the man who made you so-and-so — just focus on feeling: "I hate", "I'm angry", "I'm scared" or "hurt Me".Don't be afraid to feel, to live your emotions. The secret is to feel – means to own, manage your emotional state.
3. Enable the body to live the emotion
It is important not just to name the emotion, but to live it in your body — then she leaves, and with it disappears the voltage, which does not allow us to relax.
Teacher Dima Zitser wrote an excellent text on how using simple physical exercises to cope with them and not off on a child if us I was seized with an attack of severe irritation or rage. In my opinion, the same approach works fine if the task is to keep from overeating, the breakdown in gluttony.
Here is briefly the essence of this technique. "If in those allotted to us by fate fractions of a second before doing anything... we will check ourselves...physically: as we breathe, not shrunk we have hands if we're comfortable standing, do I need to take a SIP of water 90% of the difficult situations will disappear."
It is important, explains Zitser, observe your own body and to intervene as necessary: "I Feel like something comes up to my throat and it gets hard to breathe? Arbitrarily take a couple of deep breaths. You have sweaty palms? Just wipe them. Dry throat? A drink of water. Steel legs? Sit down. And so on... next time (and it, alas, will most of us) in a situation of so-called irritation... pay attention to your own body. From top to bottom and Vice versa. Step by step to check what is happening to YOU. Change what you want to change is in your power." published
Author: Ksenia Tatarnikova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: smart-cookie.ru/weight-loss/3-sposoba-uspokoitsya-ne-pribegaya-k-ede/
"To catch the spark before the flame will flare up", I really like it is a figurative expression in terms of emotions, which often lead to overeating. If you, like me, belong to the category of sensitive and vulnerable nature (but, as a rule, such people are also highly developed intuition, reaction speed, and rich creativity), then chances are good that in the moment of stress you're trying to relax, to fill the void in his soul, to escape from unpleasant thoughts with unnecessary eating or other bad habits.Here are three simple ways that help to overcome emotional vulnerability.

1. Gratitude relieves anxiety
"Stranger, fear not, fear not: in bad weather you are protected by the goddess of misfortune" — this quote is from a poem by the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore (in translation Anna Akhmatova) usually helps me to cope with anxiety and fear, because that immediately creates in the mind a vivid image-protection.
But there are times when to pacify the alarm is not easy. Long-term, vague anxiety apparent reason for concern, but we feel the danger and don't know how to avoid it — a very painful feeling.
It is known that worry for no apparent reason — a meaningless exercise, but to stop worrying is sometimes very difficult. Narodenia attribute this to the fact that the chances of a false alarm our brain is trying (though unsuccessfully) to activate the pleasure center.
Troubled thoughts circling in my head non-stop like snowflakes in the air — how to stop this destructive dance, robs us of energy? Try it in a moment of excitement quietly ask yourself: "what I am thankful/grateful life"?
At the level of biochemistry, a sense of gratitude leads to the strongest positive effect in the blood increases the amount of serotonin the "happy hormone".When we think about what are grateful, you focus on the bright sides of our life, the alarm goes off and improves the mood.
2. Name the emotion and it "clears"
Resentment/disappointment and anger are two negative emotions that we most strongly want to suppress, hide, "not to notice" (typical, by virtue of education, approach to women: "good girls don't get angry and do not show offense") or, conversely, to pour out in a fit of rage (this is rather inclined men, again in the power of education: "don't be a wimp, show some character").
He and the other approach is ineffective and more toxic: they have denied us forces, was not allowed to build a close relationship and with time can cause psychosomatic diseases.
A much healthier way to get rid of negative emotions is just to call them by name. Describe in a few words, what a feeling now owns you (rage? stress? sadness? resentment? loneliness?) — thus, you have significantly improve their condition. Once the emotion is recognized and called by name, she "scatters".
Don't think about who or what has caused you anger, resentment, fear, anger and so forth, forget about the man who made you so-and-so — just focus on feeling: "I hate", "I'm angry", "I'm scared" or "hurt Me".Don't be afraid to feel, to live your emotions. The secret is to feel – means to own, manage your emotional state.

3. Enable the body to live the emotion
It is important not just to name the emotion, but to live it in your body — then she leaves, and with it disappears the voltage, which does not allow us to relax.
Teacher Dima Zitser wrote an excellent text on how using simple physical exercises to cope with them and not off on a child if us I was seized with an attack of severe irritation or rage. In my opinion, the same approach works fine if the task is to keep from overeating, the breakdown in gluttony.
Here is briefly the essence of this technique. "If in those allotted to us by fate fractions of a second before doing anything... we will check ourselves...physically: as we breathe, not shrunk we have hands if we're comfortable standing, do I need to take a SIP of water 90% of the difficult situations will disappear."
It is important, explains Zitser, observe your own body and to intervene as necessary: "I Feel like something comes up to my throat and it gets hard to breathe? Arbitrarily take a couple of deep breaths. You have sweaty palms? Just wipe them. Dry throat? A drink of water. Steel legs? Sit down. And so on... next time (and it, alas, will most of us) in a situation of so-called irritation... pay attention to your own body. From top to bottom and Vice versa. Step by step to check what is happening to YOU. Change what you want to change is in your power." published
Author: Ksenia Tatarnikova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: smart-cookie.ru/weight-loss/3-sposoba-uspokoitsya-ne-pribegaya-k-ede/