Funny story, gentlemen, of the Indians totem pole pulled

It turns out that the Indians were still those scoundrels! Recently on the tour of the Underground city in Seattle tour guide told me interesting history.
In 1897, the Alaska arrived the delegation from the Chamber of Commerce with a charitable purpose for the benefit of the Indian people. But on arrival their was a surprise: Indian village was completely empty! Gentlemen of the delegation were upset that the morning a good drink of "fire water" and decided to go for a walk around the village.
In the middle of it they saw a huge totem pole and decided to take him with me. Entirely on their ship it did not fit, so it is sawed into three parts. The delegation has safely sailed back to Seattle, where on the main square and set then the totem. But in 1938, it burned down during a fire.
By the time the locals have not represented the main square of the city without this symbol. So the mayor of Seattle ordered the Indians to do exactly the same totem and deliver it. The money was taken to the Indian craftsmen, but as the months passed, and about the post, heard nothing. Then the mayor asked the chief of the tribe with the question, when will ready the order. The leader was shocked and wrote: "What is the new post? I thought that you finally decided to pay us for the totem you stole from us many years ago!". The mayor had to pay a few thousand for a new post...
via pikabu.ru/story/simvol_4057467
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