16 animals who know what a real mutual
Ninety seven million four hundred thirty one thousand three hundred eighty six
Not only people tend to exhibit altruism. Our smaller brethren are also ready to provide support to those who need it.
We Website found funny and touching examples of friendship and assistance among animals from around the world. We already want to go and do something good and useful. And you?
K — team
You can endlessly look at fire, water and pandas helping each other
Spaniel was replaced orphaned lambs mother, learning to feed babies milk from a bottle
The Raven and the vulture was going to hunt
The baboons chased the leopard, which attacked the antelope, and thus saved her life
Black swans in a Chinese Safari Park to feed the fish
A paw
Chicken comforting kittens during a thunderstorm
The horse pulled the blind Yorkshire Terrier out of the water when he started to sink
If other want green leaves, you're just putting back
Caring cat supported cat during childbirth. The couple had two 4 kittens
Want to teach this trick your hamster
When the mother duck left the nest with eggs, the chicken took its place. After the appearance of the 3 ducklings to the upbringing of offspring joined, and goose
The bear pulled out a crow, which fell into the water
Not to be bored and lonely, these cats from a shelter every day, support each other
Each of us needs friends like that!
Photos on the preview imgur
See also
15 evidence that dogs make our lives better
9 animals that proved that the feats can not only people
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-zhivotnye/9-zhivotnyh-kotorye-dokazali-chto-na-podvigi-sposobny-ne-tolko-lyudi-1473565/
Not only people tend to exhibit altruism. Our smaller brethren are also ready to provide support to those who need it.
We Website found funny and touching examples of friendship and assistance among animals from around the world. We already want to go and do something good and useful. And you?
K — team
You can endlessly look at fire, water and pandas helping each other
Spaniel was replaced orphaned lambs mother, learning to feed babies milk from a bottle
The Raven and the vulture was going to hunt
The baboons chased the leopard, which attacked the antelope, and thus saved her life
Black swans in a Chinese Safari Park to feed the fish
A paw
Chicken comforting kittens during a thunderstorm
The horse pulled the blind Yorkshire Terrier out of the water when he started to sink
If other want green leaves, you're just putting back
Caring cat supported cat during childbirth. The couple had two 4 kittens
Want to teach this trick your hamster
When the mother duck left the nest with eggs, the chicken took its place. After the appearance of the 3 ducklings to the upbringing of offspring joined, and goose
The bear pulled out a crow, which fell into the water
Not to be bored and lonely, these cats from a shelter every day, support each other
Each of us needs friends like that!
Photos on the preview imgur
See also
15 evidence that dogs make our lives better
9 animals that proved that the feats can not only people
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-zhivotnye/9-zhivotnyh-kotorye-dokazali-chto-na-podvigi-sposobny-ne-tolko-lyudi-1473565/
15 situations that make up the life of all parents
10 fascinating stars, whose bodies are far from ideal, but that nobody notices