What are these red dots on the skin?
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If you suddenly discovered on their skin strange red dot, take the time to worry. The website to find out where they come from and how to prevent them spreading further.
Angioma is a small benign tumor that consists of blood vessels. There are 2 main culprit of its occurrence.
1. Age. Many people angioma appears around the age of 30 and older. As a rule, in this case it looks like a small convex nevus cherry color, is located mainly on the trunk, arms and shoulders. Angiomas are caused by simple aging of the skin and blood vessels.
2. Disturbances in the body or unhealthy lifestyle. If the angioma looks like a speck from where are the vascular branching, it may indicate problems in the liver, vascular disorders or hormonal failure.
If you suddenly noticed that the now familiar red mole suddenly changed size, shape or start to bleed, it is advisable to quickly consult a doctor. In other cases, angiomas are usually not a reason to flee to the hospital, but just in case, better to mention them at the next planned visit.
Will also be a good idea to ensure that the angioma did not arise in the future. The best way to prevent them — a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. Drink juices and lots of water, eat fresh vegetables, do not forget about healthy fats such as avocados and olive oil. This simple way you'll keep the skin clean and young and the body healthy.
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According to the materials of The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, Heathline, La Bioguía
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8 great habits for which your skin will thank you
15 mistakes that should be avoided in order to have perfect skin
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via www.adme.ru/zhizn-kuhnya/20-blyud-dlya-uzhina-kotorye-ne-nuzhno-dolgo-gotovit-1274065/
If you suddenly discovered on their skin strange red dot, take the time to worry. The website to find out where they come from and how to prevent them spreading further.
Angioma is a small benign tumor that consists of blood vessels. There are 2 main culprit of its occurrence.
1. Age. Many people angioma appears around the age of 30 and older. As a rule, in this case it looks like a small convex nevus cherry color, is located mainly on the trunk, arms and shoulders. Angiomas are caused by simple aging of the skin and blood vessels.
2. Disturbances in the body or unhealthy lifestyle. If the angioma looks like a speck from where are the vascular branching, it may indicate problems in the liver, vascular disorders or hormonal failure.
If you suddenly noticed that the now familiar red mole suddenly changed size, shape or start to bleed, it is advisable to quickly consult a doctor. In other cases, angiomas are usually not a reason to flee to the hospital, but just in case, better to mention them at the next planned visit.
Will also be a good idea to ensure that the angioma did not arise in the future. The best way to prevent them — a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. Drink juices and lots of water, eat fresh vegetables, do not forget about healthy fats such as avocados and olive oil. This simple way you'll keep the skin clean and young and the body healthy.
Photos on the preview DEPOSITPHOTOS
According to the materials of The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, Heathline, La Bioguía
See also
8 great habits for which your skin will thank you
15 mistakes that should be avoided in order to have perfect skin
20 foods for healthy eating that can be done in 20 minutes
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-kuhnya/20-blyud-dlya-uzhina-kotorye-ne-nuzhno-dolgo-gotovit-1274065/
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