Archive of the Vatican: the largest repository of mysteries in the world

Small Vatican state since its inception was shrouded in many mysteries. And the most important secret is the Vatican archives, which were opened to historians and scholars only in 1924. The website offers the readers to get acquainted with the rarest documents stored on countless shelves of the Vatican secret archive.

Photo source: Bigpicture.ru

The archive was created in 1610, when the Pope was Paul V. At present, there is 35000 ancient documents and books, is divided into 650 branches and total length of all the cabinets where documents are stored, is 85 miles!

Many believe that in the Vatican archive contains the largest collection of occult literature. This is partly true, but mostly it contains historical documents that describe as many as sixteen centuries of human existence.

Surviving page with the signature of Galileo Galilei from the Protocol of his interrogation, 1638 year

The note left by Marie Antoinette before her execution, 1793

The archive contains documents relating to the history of the various countries of Europe and Asia. No country was neglected by archivists of the Vatican.
A page from the verdict of Giordano Bruno by the Inquisition, in 1600

A letter to Pope Clement VII from the English peers, who told him about the wedding of king Henry VII and Catherine of Aragon, 1530

A scroll containing a report on the trial of the Templars, and their testimony, 1311 year. Its length is sixty feet!

In the great library of the Vatican there are ancient documents describing the processes of the inquisitorial court, stories about the Crusades and original manuscripts of great scientists.
Letter of Pope Pius XI to Hitler, sent in 1934 and contains the response to the hope of the Reich Chancellor to strengthen its ties with the Vatican

The Golden Bulla of Pope Clement VII, sent to the French king Charles V. his coronation day in 1364

Dad always kept in touch with the powers that be. In the archive are preserved even replies to letters of Indian chiefs.
The parchment with the description of the gifts of Emperor Otto I of the Church, embossed with gold, 950 year

The letter in which the Caliph of Morocco asks Pope Gregory VII to appoint a new Bishop, 1250

Access to the Vatican archives were opened only in 1924, rassekrechen the documents relating to the period until the mid-nineteenth century. Then access opened to more recent documents until 1939. Soon the head of Vatican intends to give to the study of the documents of the Second world war.
A small fragment from a letter of the Queen of France, Mary Stuart, written by Pope Sixity V, 1586

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