"So the train — in diameter!"
Sometimes a phrase taken out of context, can bring a lot of trouble. But sometimes it can become a reason for loud laughter! The website tells the funniest story about a married couple and "peeping Tom", between whom there was a slight misunderstanding.
As with any the women's team there is a lady, which all you need to know. She loves to spend hours discussing the lives of others, complementing them with their own speculation. So at my work there is this Madame — "curious George".
My husband work for the same company, our offices are close by. And every day my husband takes a lunch for two in the liter metal thermos. It just so happened that we gave it the name "bullet".
And now the husband comes to me and says:
— Well, can I get you a shell dvuhsotmetrovy?
— Yes, carry it. I and itself think that the thermos we seem to be somewhat smaller.
At this moment my office looks our "barbarian", and I continue:
Wait, what, twenty feet? Yes, there's ten at most!
"Barbara" already holding its breath and stands perfectly still. Husband comes and takes the ruler off my Desk, saying I'll go measure and tell the exact size. Out. Our "curious barbarians" eyes burning with curiosity.
A few minutes later the husband comes back and says cheerfully:
— Measured! Ten centimeters!
"Barbara" casts a sad glance at the wife, and then compassionately looks at me and with a sad voice asks:
— Only ten?!
— So the train in diameter! — responsible husband.
What color were her eyes...
via factroom.ru

As with any the women's team there is a lady, which all you need to know. She loves to spend hours discussing the lives of others, complementing them with their own speculation. So at my work there is this Madame — "curious George".
My husband work for the same company, our offices are close by. And every day my husband takes a lunch for two in the liter metal thermos. It just so happened that we gave it the name "bullet".
And now the husband comes to me and says:
— Well, can I get you a shell dvuhsotmetrovy?
— Yes, carry it. I and itself think that the thermos we seem to be somewhat smaller.
At this moment my office looks our "barbarian", and I continue:
Wait, what, twenty feet? Yes, there's ten at most!
"Barbara" already holding its breath and stands perfectly still. Husband comes and takes the ruler off my Desk, saying I'll go measure and tell the exact size. Out. Our "curious barbarians" eyes burning with curiosity.
A few minutes later the husband comes back and says cheerfully:
— Measured! Ten centimeters!
"Barbara" casts a sad glance at the wife, and then compassionately looks at me and with a sad voice asks:
— Only ten?!
— So the train in diameter! — responsible husband.
What color were her eyes...
via factroom.ru
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