Vatican Swiss Guard (12 photos)
Their courage, endurance and fanatical devotion to his patron for five centuries admired rulers, kings, dukes and emperors of different countries and peoples. They - the smallest army in the world. They - the Swiss Guards of the Vatican.
Their main feature - the boundless devotion overlord. Often, they preferred to die rather than retreat.
Many believe that today the Swiss Guards are one of the trademarks of the Vatican constitute a guard of honor during the official receptions and thus represent the Pope and the Vatican. However, there is nothing wrong views on guard at the front door as folk unit.
Of course, none of the ceremony is complete without a guard guards. But this is only a small component of their service. The main purpose of the Guard - Guard pontiff - remains unchanged. Swiss Guard is absolutely modern military body with the relevant objectives, training and equipment.
Service organization, armament, the principles of military discipline and etiquette in the Guard are the same as in a modern army in Switzerland. Guards in the same conduct reconnaissance and implement preventive measures to protect public order and security in the Vatican. Today Guard has adopted and methods of struggle against terror.
Guards protect the four entrances to the Vatican, monitor access to the city-state, give background information to pilgrims. When the Pope's public outputs are dressed in civilian clothes, are always in close proximity to his person and provide his personal guard.
On the draft form at the time worked and one of the commandants Guard Repond Jules, who had an outstanding artistic taste. In particular, it replaced the hat berets, which indicate the rank of guards, entered the white collar, based on ancient drawings developed bib.
Festive uniform Guards distinguished by its picturesque - metal helmet with an ostrich feather, striped breeches and coats, white gloves and collars. Colors - yellow, blue and red. These are the traditional colors of the Medici family name. Over 500 years of Swiss Guard uniforms festive practically not changed.
Every year, May 6, the day when the Swiss Guard for the first time entered into a deadly battle, defending the Vatican Guard recruits solemnly swear an oath of allegiance to the Pope.

Their main feature - the boundless devotion overlord. Often, they preferred to die rather than retreat.

Many believe that today the Swiss Guards are one of the trademarks of the Vatican constitute a guard of honor during the official receptions and thus represent the Pope and the Vatican. However, there is nothing wrong views on guard at the front door as folk unit.
Of course, none of the ceremony is complete without a guard guards. But this is only a small component of their service. The main purpose of the Guard - Guard pontiff - remains unchanged. Swiss Guard is absolutely modern military body with the relevant objectives, training and equipment.

Service organization, armament, the principles of military discipline and etiquette in the Guard are the same as in a modern army in Switzerland. Guards in the same conduct reconnaissance and implement preventive measures to protect public order and security in the Vatican. Today Guard has adopted and methods of struggle against terror.
Guards protect the four entrances to the Vatican, monitor access to the city-state, give background information to pilgrims. When the Pope's public outputs are dressed in civilian clothes, are always in close proximity to his person and provide his personal guard.

On the draft form at the time worked and one of the commandants Guard Repond Jules, who had an outstanding artistic taste. In particular, it replaced the hat berets, which indicate the rank of guards, entered the white collar, based on ancient drawings developed bib.
Festive uniform Guards distinguished by its picturesque - metal helmet with an ostrich feather, striped breeches and coats, white gloves and collars. Colors - yellow, blue and red. These are the traditional colors of the Medici family name. Over 500 years of Swiss Guard uniforms festive practically not changed.

Every year, May 6, the day when the Swiss Guard for the first time entered into a deadly battle, defending the Vatican Guard recruits solemnly swear an oath of allegiance to the Pope.