People in Europe, more than anyone else?
Reddit user under the nickname JimWillFixIt69 created and published an unusual map. It states in Europe "colored" flags of countries from which immigrants form the largest ethnic minority. < Website reminds of national minorities are treated as permanent residents and temporary residents who came to work. Be that as it may, the map contains many surprises:
- The Irish are no longer the second largest nation in the UK. Since 2011, they dropped to fourth place, behind India, Poland and Pakistan.
- Even though the Czech Republic and Slovakia were once one state - Czechoslovakia - neither Czechs nor the Slovaks were not each other the largest ethnic minorities.
- Although Kosovo and Albania inhabited by mostly ethnic Albanians, Kosovars do not costavlyaet largest national minority in Albania, as well as vice versa.
- The Poles - the second largest nation Ireland, Iceland, Norway and Lithuania.
- Immigrants from Turkey form the largest ethnic minority not only in Germany but also in the Netherlands, Denmark, Austria and Bulgaria.
- The Portuguese - the largest national minority in Luxembourg (although you can hardly distinguish it on the map), and Brazilians, respectively, are the second largest nation in Portugal.
- You can still see the ghosts of the Soviet past in Estonia, Latvia, Belarus and in Ukraine, where the largest Russian minority form. However, the second largest nation in Russia - Ukrainians.
- Similarly, four of the seven states formed after the disintegration of Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro), the largest national minority are Serbs, and in the Serbia's second largest nation - Hungary.
«In the case of Turkey, I really faced with a dilemma, since, although Kurdistan and has no status nezavisimogosudarstva Kurds (who do not consider themselves as Turks), certainly the biggest ethnic minority in Turkey, and to ignore this fact - would be to introduce readers astray ».
via insider.pro/ru/article/36458/